In a place far away from land, where flowers bloomed beautifully someone
once said " when they die,it's time for the darkness to rise"
Is this what they could possibly mean?
When Everything is not as planned,
not as wanted Or dreamed but the
opposite of it all, what shall we call it?
the place was on full heat of fire as everything was soon fading away faster then wanted, swords swinging around the air by force ripping apart bodies like they were some kind of dolls two kids fight over while holding into, blood flowed through one to another dead body as some kind of connection between the dead crazy how every mind at the place was too busy to be notice but is always too gone to be seen?
The mother and the baby holding her hand in fear asking what was going on all innocent unaware of what's going on except the loud glowings and pieces of bodies flashing from one side to another, the mothers stands in front of the little girl hiding the horrible scene behind her body covering softly the girl's ear
"Mom where is daddy?"the little girl asked her mother looking at her in the eyes. "Your father is still at the house sweetie B-But do you wanna go to the playground and play with me for awhile?" the mother asked her princess trembling voice as her body was shaking in fear but it all went unnoticed by the little girl "off course mom I'll go with you, dad will come right?" the little girl said in excitement and the mom stayed in silence for a minute as tears were scrolling down to her cheeks. The little girl noticed her moms tears and moved her hands to wipe them away from her shortly afterwards wiping them away hugged her mom closely, even the little girl could feel the warm and the love her mom had for her in her embrace with no word being spoken.
"Why is my beautiful mom cwiying, mommy don't cry pwease" the girl said trying not to break down by the unknown reason why her mommy is crying for "I'm not crying honey the air is moving to fast and my eyes are sensitive you know it's just the wind your mom won't cry she will stay strong for you my baby princess" the mom said hugging her child tightly again Oh How how much she wishes she could go back in time even for a day at this point.
"I'm happy my baby girl is
gonna be save and happy" the mom thought to herself as single tear run down her cheek following the fallen ones.
"I knew it, i knew my mom was strong, I even know she can fight bad monsters like superheroes do " the girl said giggling cute smiling big afterwards, showing her mom the beautiful smile she will miss.
"Stop why does she have to go, why is everything going the wrong way but not the right way, I won't be able to live without her , she is my princess, my light, my Kayla, our happiness, how will be able to spend years without her? That's will be Impossible but I'm happy That she's finally leaving this horrible place cause as long as you're is here it's impossible for her to have happiness you really deserve as long as they know where she is it's impossible the human being world with cover her up, she will will be happy I know she will" her mom thought to herself mentally crying over the thoughts of needing to put her own daughter out of her own kind to her but as a mom she knew she wanted nothing more than her child to be save.
"Mommy why are you still crying?" Kayla asked her mom Whose tears were unstoppable "I'm crying because you are crying and you are crying because I'm crying why don't we stop crying for awhile and go play" the older said lying as she couldn't say the real reason why she is crying to a 6 year old girl who would probably believe that everything is a fantasy "Oki" Kayla said holding her moms hand tightly, as her mom started walking. But not without her looking behind and both sides of her. She had her invisible Sword on her open hand just in case she had to chop..chop someone.
"We are coming are
you there?"
"Yes me and Tessa
already arrived"
"Okey we're there
in few more minutes"
"Honey do you want to hurry up a little or maybe race with me let's find out who can run the fastest me or you" the mom challenged her baby girl and Kayla looked so excited over the little race her mom mentioned and giggles
proudly to her cute
thoughts of winning.
"MEE!" Kayla screamed as she started running away from her mom. Who kept it down to see what her girl will do when she realizes that her mom is not keeping up with her.
"Mom-" Kayla began ready to tease her mom for losing but then saw her mom a bit away from her and she Started running back to her and.. "mommy I'm sorry I ran away from you come let go" Kayla begged for forgiveness to her mother then grabbing her hand deciding to walk hand in hand with her now.
No more games "Ow my baby is so caring and I love that , don't worry honey I'm okey because I have you and I want you to know that I love you no matter what, I will always love you with all my heart and mind you dad loves you tooo always remember that" her mom said trying not to cry again and Kayla looked at her confused not understanding what she meant by 'always remember us' but offered her mom a hug as she realized she was close to cry, Kayla broke the hugs after she heard few footsteps behind and he eyes light up immediately after she saw who the footsteps belongs to.
"Mommy look it's Tessa and aunt Nancy" Kayla said starting to jump around because she is meeting her aunt and her best friend after not so long ago but still... She run up to them and started by giving her best friend a big warm hug and the other girl hugged her back the a few more seconds they broke the hug and looked at each saying "hi" giving each other a big cute smile. "Hi aunt Nancy" Kayla said bowing a little to Nancy then Tessa started doing the exact same thing Kayla just did "HI aunt Elizabeth" she said bowing and the elders smiles at their cuteness.
"Hi" the older women said at the same time and then told the girls to play because they were going to speak with each other and the girls did as told and they run away with each other hand in hand and started playing with each.
"So what do you want me to do for
you my dear sister?" Nancy says softly as
she smiled at the other women with her.
"I want you to do a favor for me can you please do that?" Elizabeth asks looking down in sadness before she really doesn't want to wish for this favor but she knew this was for the best.
"I'm up to whatever you say" Nancy says nods smiling at her as she waited for her to continue her words
"Can you please keep our little princess save and give her happiness she deserves. She does not know about our secret .she never saw any of us in our way nor what we really are, so keep her in the real world and give her what she actually thinks she is
Make her walk and talk like real human do on your side of the world. Keep her away from this forest and never tell her it exist because ones I'm done talking to you and say my goodbye to her I'm gonna close this forest as if it never existed , but it's still there it's just that it's invisible to see for you human to se. people from our side will walk on the human side but humans can't se us either can we it's like we don't know that the human side exist and you don't know that our side exit" Elizabeth explains about how it will all work out for the forest in just few minutes as she soon starts crying once again of the time she never wished to come, came. And it is breaking her in pieces and pain was all she could feel in her body right.
"It that all you want me to do? that's little to ask for lil sis what you did for me is enough for me to give you the whole wold. I will take Kayla and love her with the love she deserves and give her happiness which she also deserves. I will do anything I can and more, I will try to keep her save like you asked me But when do you want me to take her?" Nancy asked looking at Elizabeth wiping her tears away bringing her into warm embrace. "Shhhh don't cry please it makes me feel sad, please stop crying Elizabeth" Nancy begged as seeing her sister crying was really tearing her apart to the deepest. "It's happy tears Nan I'm happy that my princess is gonna get what she deserves" Elizabeth says smiling weakly.
"Gosh if I could say never I would but I know that isn' the smartest move so I want you to take her right after this please" Elizabeth says chuckling away few tears.
"Okey the I'll take her right
away I'm sure the girls would be happy if they heard that they are going to stay with each other" says Nancy not really wanting to tell her lil sis to stop crying cause she knew the pain and the impossibilities clearly.
"Yeah me too" is all Elisabeth says as she nods her head in agreement.
"Girls come here we need to go home" Nancy called for the two girls and they come right away running and laughing and her mom was just staring at her taking pictures smile for one last time in her mind.
"Girls you're coming home together with me because Kayla is going to stay with us "nancy said informing the girls about the news and both the women smiled as they didn't miss to notice how the girls eyes suddenly shined brighter.
"WHATT?!"the girls said at the same time as everyone could clearly see how happy they both are about the news, who wouldn't be happy knowing they are going to sleep over at their best friends house huh?
"Really Mom? I can? I don't believe this what's going on?" Kayla asks making sure this isn't one of her moms little pranks she always pulls up. "Nothing honey you're just staying with aunt Nancy and Tessa for awhile, I promise to see you again" "is that okey with you?" her mom asked her even tho she would probably force Kayla out of here if she had to she couldn't stay here anymore not when she is
the target for everyday.
" Oh yes mom I'm okey with that I'm happy mommy but I'm going miss you, when are you come back to me?" They girl says jumping in excited as she waited her mom to answer her question which never came before a really good moment.
"When the time comes Kayla, but I will make sure to look after you, I'm sure you aunt and best friend will love u as a new family member" Kayla's mom said smiling at her.
'Darling where is my baby girl is she save? are you save?' Suddenly a voice broke into Elisabeth's head as she jumped a little but stayed quiet after she recognized the voice.
'We are both save honey, I'm closing the forest in a minute, how are you? are you save? did you get hurt?Where are you?' She asked back worriedly though the mind link fighting the urge to cry once again.
' I'm doing fine love please be save if you're save I'm save okey, I love you both so much, please tell my princess I love her from me' the voice inside her head said and she nodded even though she knew her husband couldn't se her now.
'I will honey just promise me stay save and don't get hurt. I will join you soon'
' I love you'
'I love you ' with that the link between the two lovers was sadly broken.
"Kayla your father wants you to know that he loves you so much and I love you too I'm gonna miss u to promise me to not do anything dumb or bad ok please be save" Elizabeth says as a warning to the little.
"Okey mom I won't do anything stupid to upset you or aunty" Kayla said
pouting a bit making her
mom look at her in aw.
"Come on girls, Elizabeth have to go now let's go home hm" Nancy says to the younger ones. "Oki" they both said and started holding each of Nancy's hands. "Mommy you need to know that I love you so much more then anything and I will always love dad and you I will miss you so much please come back to me ok" Kayla said to her mom and she run to her giving her one last hug for today "I will also miss you so much my little princess I love you to more then anything you need to know and remember that too" the mom says as she broke down silently inside of herself but her tears was visible enough to break a soul.
"I know mom that you love me more then anything dad too" Kayla said with a smile that could light up few days of her moms days but nothing more.
"You should always remember that, now go with aunt Nancy and Tessa they must be tired of waiting!" the mom said in pushy voice acting like this wouldn't a good time that will last for years, Kayla nodded walking back to her aunt grabbing her hand ones again she said one last "bye mom" she looking back just once then walked out of the forest with her best friend and Aunt.
The mom fall on the ground as the three walked out of the forest and started crying a mess after few more minutes of crying she stands up taking out her wand and started do what she had to do,
close the forest.
After she was done with her work
she started transforming and ran
further into the forest in heartbeat.
So there goes nothing but the first
chapter,can I ask what you thought
of it? Please comment and vote!💜💖