Chapter 28

"I can not believe this. I'm going to be watching you. I'll be damned if I let that son of a bitch break you again."

"Melissa, I love you. You are my best friend, but I am a grown woman. I can handle myself. I'm not going to let him get close to me. I already told him earlier he is here to work and that's it."

"Yeah, yeah. He knows how to get to you. He did it once. And that body of his seems to have only gotten better. But you have Nathaniel now. I'm sure he can keep Tim away."

"I don't "have" Nathaniel," Dominique said making quotation marks in the air. "He doesn't belong to me. We are just friends."

"Sure. That man wants to be more than just your friend and you know it. I don't understand why you haven't just gone for it already."