Chapter 5

"Now, push," Nathaniel said as he squeezed her hand.

Dominique bore down as a contraction hit. The doctor was urging her to push again but she felt like something ripped inside as she started to push.

"Stop pushing, Luna. You are bleeding really bad. I have to get the baby out and make sure he's okay before I can help you."

Dominique slumped back in the seat as she felt Nathaniel leave her mind. She was hurting. She felt the doctor trying to rotate the baby enough to get his shoulders out. She felt Nathaniel whispering in her mind to hold on. He was coming. The next thing she knew, he was bursting through the door. Dominique wasn't sure what was happening. She heard the doctor say she was bleeding out. Why? What had happened while she was pushing? 

"What's wrong, doctor? Why is she bleeding so much?"