

Chapter 3

Family day


2 weeks later

Two freaking weeks and all I have done is sit in this god-awful white room or go for a walk near the lake. Marcus has checked in with me every day, but I have yet to tell him that we are now adopted. Oh, and that we are now living in a lake house on the outskirts of Bend, Or. I'm unsure of how he will take the news, I know he will still come back to me, of that I have no doubt, but it is what kind of state he will be in; that is worrying me. He has been sounding a little distant in his messages. I wonder if things are okay out at the camp. I wish I had a car, then I could at least go check on him on family day. Maybe I can get Morgan to borrow her moms' car. We could go to visit him today! Taking my phone from next to my pillow, I roll over and start a new text to her.

Me: Hey, wyd?

Morgan: Nothing bored out of mind.

Me: Really? Does that mean we can go do something?

Morgan: Sure, like what?

Me: Like going to meet Marcus at camp, I'm worried about him.

Morgan: Okay, but only this once. I'll pick u up in an hour.

YES! Now all I gotta do is get ready, and I'll finally see if he is okay! Just as I am about to get up to get ready for the day. There is a slight knock at the door, followed by Ana entering.

"Oh well, you're awake! I went to the store last night before coming home and bought the paint you wanted for your room! Now we can get started." Sitting up, I face the lady who is supposedly my new mom, the woman who hasn't even been here over the last two weeks.

She pretty much dropped me off and only came home every other day and showers right away. Nah, she doesn't get to just show up and expect me to jump for her. I sit up and shake my head, looking directly at her and say, "Nope." popping the P at the end. I get up, walk past Ana, and head for my closet. I pull out one of my new black tank tops and a pair of booty shorts; being on the thicker side never has stopped me from wearing these bad boys.

"What do you mean, nope? I thought you wanted to change the color of your walls?" walking past her again I place my clothes on my bed and strip off my shirt as I do I hear a quick intake of breath, I smirk. "I did, Ana, two weeks ago. You know when you said you would buy the stuff." I turn around, and Ana's eyes go wide as she takes me in, I glance down at myself and look at the same light brown skin and triple D chest as usual. I look back at her "Do you have a problem?" She shakes her head and says, "No, I just didn't expect you to strip in front of me! Please cover yourself." I laugh and turn to grab the shirt, slipping the thing on, I say, "If you don't want to see my ass too, I would turn around if I was you." Ana turns around and says, "Again, I ask, why don't you want to do it anymore?" I finished getting dressed. "You can turn around now, and I said no, I have plans." picking my phone off the bed and walking out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom, ���I'll do it later" I yell.

Thirty minutes later, I leave the bathroom and go to grab some breakfast. Per the usual, it's dead quiet, it has been taking me some time getting used to the silence. Growing up in the city of Portland, it was never quiet. I had never truly experienced silence until coming here. I still haven't decided whether I like it or not. I am usually leaning towards not. I shrug to myself.

Once I reach the kitchen, I see a note left from Ana on the counter. I snag it on the way to the fridge.


I'm sorry, but I was called into work. I will be home tonight, however, and I want to have dinner together. I know you said you had plans, but please be available for dinner at 6 p.m. I will call you later.


Crumpling up the note, I toss it into the trash at the entrance of the kitchen. Turning I open the refrigerator and grab out the milk placing it on the counter next to the fridge. Shutting the door and reaching above the fridge, I grab the honey nut cheerios. Walking to the dishwasher, I grab out a spoon and bowl and get busy making my breakfast.

As I finish my food up, I hear the crunch of tires on the gravel outside, I hurry to put the dirty dishes in the sink. Coming out of the kitchen, I hear a loud knock, shaking my head for someone so tiny she really packs a punch. Reaching for the door, I open it to see my little best friend dressed brightly as usual. "Hey, bitch, ready to go check out all those hotties?" she says loudly. Shaking my head, yet again, I tell her, "The only person I wanna check out is Marcus and not in the way you want. More like a worried sister." She laughs, "Well, you do that, I will be checking out the hotties, alone then." She says that as she heads for the small 2011 silver Toyota Camry.


Two weeks ago we met the Dark brothers, I really wasn't sure what to expect at first. I thought it could be a bad thing, they could easily try to take the captain's spot from me. There are two of them, after all, but instead of challenging me, we got along. They easily fell into the background of the team, making me wonder what the point of them being a part of the team was.

We have the same urges I found out the first weekend here. A few guys from el pine high school caught their eye apparently and Axel, the oldest, had tied the guys upside down from a tree, and he let Jason use them as punching bags. I think it was about something important, I still haven't figured out the language they were speaking. But the way they were talking, it sounded that way.

I'm on my way now to meet up with them now. Jason has been on my case about fucking up the guys from blue ridge prep for their bullshit on and off the court. So now we are going to pay them a visit tonight. Heading to the south side courts, where Blue prep is staying, we decide to play some ball there while figuring out the plan. It's family day, so they're all gone right now. Axel passes me a ball from the rack and runs up the court to the hoop playing guard.

Just as we are about to start, I hear a female screaming my name followed by a high-pitched voice screaming my name as well. I put my head down, hiding my smile. I shake my head and look back at the guys and say "Hey guys I'll see you later, let me know" I don't get to finish my sentence, because of the 180-pound female who just tackled my ass to the concrete. We land hard on the ground with a resounding thud and knocking the air completely out of me. Fuck, that hurt! Even with the newfound strength that hurt, bitch needs to lay off the Oreo's. Gathering some oxygen, I say, "Get the fuck off me bitch before I hurt your ass" I hear some small grunts and a little heavy breathing, then the weight disappears.

I sit up, and there is a light-colored hand in my face; I follow it up to see a smiling Morgan waiting for me to take it. Grabbing her hand, I say, "Thanks." Looking over at Zora fixing her shirt, I tell her, "Put your tit's away" I get a middle finger for a response, it makes me laugh. Damn, I missed her. Once she finally has the girls away, Zora walks up, hitting me and then pulling me into a hug. I squeeze her, and she grunts and acts like she can't breathe.

"Ok drama queen, what are you doing here?" she pushes back out of my arms and says, "I've been worried about you." That's the moment Axel decides to walk up "Who are they?" he asks. I look to him on the right side of Morgan, who seems a little scared, weird. "This is my little sister Zora and her friend Morgan." I look at the girls and say, "Girls, this is Axel, and that is Jason over there playing. Guys these are my girls, stay the fuck away!" Axel stars me down, waiting for me to break, and I do, he and Jason are the only ones I cannot bear the stare-down with aside from Zora that is. Axel looks at Zora and smiles and says, "It's nice to meet you," extending his hand to shake hers as if she'll fall for his charms, but to my utter surprise, She actually takes his hand and smiles too. I see she look as if she's hypnotized by this dude.what the fuck is I seeing right the fuck now?! "Are you fucking for real Zora? You're smiling and giving him your hand! What the fuck is wrong with you?" My yelling has startled her, and she removes her hand from Axel's and steps away from him, shaking her head. She looks over at me with a confused look on her face. Then she's heading for the ground; as she falls, she says "Axel" right before her head meets the concrete; however, it never reaches as I'm there saving it.