The Lessons of Heartbreak

Half an hour before sunset, we arrived at home. Before getting out of the car, Ryan put a rose gold bracelet with a diamond, a chain which was barely visible on my wrist.

"A little gift", he said.

"I found this bracelet unexpectedly when I visited Seoul last autumn and decided to buy it as I was thinking about you at that time", he continued before leaving.

What a bad boy. It would be too much if he still placed me as a younger sister in his heart. His selfishness and biggest mistakes were being too caring and kind.

How can I handle everything after this. Without all of that, I still find it hard to forget him even though much time passes. If he continues to be kind and gives me hope, maybe I will be tangled up forever.

One of the best lessons after interpreting his presence as love is that I'm used to heartbreak. When my feeling was too painful and when it was really hard to keep going on, I immediately returned to my Rabbi.

Over and over again, I realized that humans would never be eternal back for relying on, even some angels on earth that called "parents" or "family", they can't guarantee for staying by your side forever. Those comfortable backrest can disappear at any time when their time is up and have to leave wandering world, earth.

Instantly, there was a sense of emotion as well as sadness slipped into my heart. I just have to learn to let it go, let it go, and leave everything on Allah's decree.

Meetings and farewells won't always last forever, I understand.
