
I was even more in a dilemma because he kept confusing me.

If I interpret each action, guess all of various possibilities, there is only an answer; Ryan also loves me.

Then, I became doubtful for some reasons. Sometimes, it's difficult to distinguish between love and affection because we're often being biased; at some points, we'll be unsure that's the right clues or our own hopes.

Even see clearer, sometimes we're as blind as a bat.

Furthermore, excessive self-confidence can be deceiving and destructing yourself. Therefore, I can't permit my life continuously to be in a chaos.

I tightly closed my eyes and turned away in to another direction. Then, continued by praying before falling slept off.

Before experiencing a contemporary death for a few hours, a wish crept into my heart, I wish I can find myself again. Hopefully, the night which put over me will fade the love and long for someone who have been smashed my daily unemotional life, my daily peaceful life.
