Chapter 1

Everything is perfect. I have an amazing boyfriend (Mason) and two loving parents who try to be home with me. My mom (Cynthia) is a fashion designer and my dad (Ryan) is a Lawyer and he has never lost a case even though he has had that job for 19 years.

I'm walking back to my house. Currently, I am visiting Hawaii with my mom and dad for the summer.

I start to hear laughing and muffled voices coming from the beach so I decide to go toward it to see what is going on.

"When are you leaving " A girl who a bleached blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a dress so short and tight, that she looks like a stripper.

"Next week," a more masculine and familiar voice says"

I go close to work out who they are. As soon as I am close enough.

I gasp.

"Mason," I say quietly so they don't hear me.

I duck down and hid between a Bush so I can keep listening to what they're saying without getting caught.

The fake barbie crashes her lips into Masons.

A brush of hurt hits me. Mason pulls away

"Brittany," he said trying to push her away but fails miserably

she then starts to kiss him again and they both fo towards where he is staying. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they are about to do. Tears start escaping my eyes as I run

I run to where I'm staying, which is, unfortunately, eight next to Mason, and barge into my parent room

"Honey what's wrong" my mum cries

"I need to home, ca-ca-can I please go-go home" I start to stutter.

"Ummm sure I will just change the ticket so you can leave tomorrow morning," said my mum

"Thanks," I said.

"Don't you want to say goodbye to Mason?" my mum says.

The sound of his name pains me. I just can't believe he would do that to me. What's even worse is that mine and Mason's parents have recently become friends.

"Actually I would prefer not to, he's probably asleep and I don't want to disturb him" I lie.

"Bu-"my mum starts

"-I should start packing," I say cutting my mum off.

With that, I turn and head of to my room and start shoving all of my belongings into the suitcases, I'm not even bothered about keeping it organized I just can't wait to get out of here.

Next morning

It is 5 in the morning, my flight leaves at 8. I get up, brush my teeth, shower and get dressed. I decided to leave Mason a note saying " I saw you, WE ARE OVER!"

My mum and dad dropped me off and I am now boarding the plane the flight to Los Angeles is Just over 5 hours. But to be honest I do not even care I'm just so glad to get out of here.

Read on to find out what happens next



Other instead: prxncess_naenae

Thx for reading
