Chapter 10

I am sitting in class. I look up and mason walks in. Shit, I forgot I had this lesson with him, great and he just comes and sits next to me. Why is this happening to me

"Hey," he says to me

I just ignored him and carried on waiting for the teacher to arrive. But him not knowing when to a shut up carries in talking

"I just wanted to let you know that Jason and Grayson know about you know what," he says

"WHAT?" I say a little louder than I wanted and now everyone is looking at me. So I start to whisper "how do they know"

"I accidentally called Jason phone and they both heard"

"So they heard us while we were having-"

"Yup" he answered before I got to finish my sentence

I just put my head on the table and sigh

"Also" he carries on

"Also? What else did you tell them" what is wrong with him

"I told them about how we went out but I didn't go into any detail I just said we went out 2 years ago but I didn't tell them why we broke up," he says

"Would you like to invite us to join your discussion, Olivia and mason?" our teacher asks us

We were talking for so long I didn't even realise our teacher has come in and started the lesson. Now everyone was looking at us again

"No thanks" mason says

"Well I would like to finish my lesson but don't worry you can finish your discussion after school today," she says with a smile

"Ok cool" I say to her

And then her smile drops as she says "in detention"

And I just put my head on the table as I sigh again.

After lesson

When the lesson ends, I rush out of the class to go to my locker

Amber and Bianca walk towards me as I put my books in my locker when they reach me, they greet me with a smile and say hi

"Hey do you wanna go to the mall today after school to get ice cream" amber asks

"I would love to but I've got detention today"

"Why do u have detention"

"Because I was speaking in class. My teacher was not having it. she gave it to the both of us"

"Who's both of us?" Bianca asks

"Huh?" I say while closing my locker and we start walking towards our next lesson I've got American literature. Great another lesson with 'the sons'

"You said she gave it to the both of you"

"No I didn't" I lie but they obviously didn't believe me

"Yh you did" they say smiling

"Who were you talking to" amber asks and seconds later realisation hits her face. "You had that lesson with Mason. Oh my God, you got detention with mason didn't you?" She finishes her question

I stay quiet while we're still walking

"You have to tell us what happened," Bianca says

"It's not even that important he just told me that he accidentally called Jason while we were having sex and him and Grayson no that we went out" I cover my mouth as soon as I realise what I just told them

"WHAT" they both scream at the top of their lungs. Now everyone is looking at us

"What are you looking at?" I say to everyone then they turn away.

Then Bianca starts to whisper "you had sex with Mason?" and I nod "When?" She carries on

"Last night," I say

"Last night? Why didn't you tell us and was it good?" Amber says while working her eyebrows

"I didn't tell you two because I'm embarrassed and I didn't even know it was him I was having sex with until I woke up next to him in the hotel room because I was drunk" I rush out of my mouth all at once "and yes it was good"

Then they both just start giggling

"Trust me when I say there is nothing embarrassing about sleeping with Mason. He's smiling hot and do you know how many people want to hook up with him for the second time?" amber says

"I guess. Wait what do you mean hook up with him for the second time? How many people has he hooked up with?" I ask them

"He's been with most of the girls in this school and also girls from other schools," Bianca says

"Great so he a fuck boy I should have known," I say

"Yep sorry to break it to you but Mason is not the same as he was 2 years ago. He's wilder and doesn't give a shit about anyone except his friends and maybe family" Bianca says

"You know how you said he's slept with most of the girls from this school"? I ask hoping one of them will answer

"yes," they both say

"Was he ever with Madison"

"Yeah he has but only because she's easy. But he definitely doesn't like her he only fucks her when he's in the mood and since she always hanging around him like a bad smell they do it.

Why do you ask?" Amber says

"no reason," I say with a nervous laugh

"You're not jealous are you?" Bianca asks

"What? Me? Jealous of her. Never in a million years, it's like you said she's easy" I say but I don't think they believed that either

"Okay if you say so," she says

"What about you guys," I say

"What about us?" Amber says

"Have you slept with him" I say. Then try both just start laughing crazy.

"You're very funny you know." But I'm not laughing with them so they stop

"oh your serious?" And I just nod to the question

"Don't worry we have never and will never sleep with Mason"

"But have you thought about it?"

"Of course we haven't. We find it a turnoff when guys have slept with so many girls" amber says

"Yeah like it just seems so gross," Bianca says afterwards

I then look at my phone to check the time and realise class is almost starting

"Look guys I gotta go before I'm late ill see you after," I say to the both of them

"What your next lesson?" Bianca ask me

"American literature"

"Wait don't you have that lesson with Mason, Jason and Grayson"

So is not have to answer the question I just start speed walking to class but I can still hear them giggling

Then Amber shout out to me "don't do anything I wouldn't do" and I just hold up my middle finger to them

I really hope this won't be such a bad lesson. Who am I kidding if Mason is there it will for sure be a disaster?

Wish me luck!

Read on to find out what happens next

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