"Sir, we already captured the culprit. He's at the basement. " I gritted my teeth, sign of my annoyance.

"Good I want him to be punished. No one messes with me and gets away with it, especially inside my home. I want him to suffer and die. Wait for me there!" I authoratively command, he nodded and left my office.

It was supposed to be a serene evening when suddenly the alarm ruined my place peacefulness. Someone entered my turf, without my consent and who the hell is he to have a confidence to disturb and meddle my premises?

I shallowed my shiraz cabernet at the same time I grab my pistol. I will surely kill this mtherfcker!

I headed my way at the basement, the place where I put all the shit-headed criminals, traitor and the people who pissed me off.

This is my playground, my personal playground.

Its where I tortured my playmates, bad playmates who doesn't know how to play fair, cheaters and pebble- headed bastards. Surely, hearing their pleas and watching them screams are so damn satisfying to see and hear, witnessing how their life was slowly taken away from their body was a hardcore.

So damn satisfying seeing their soul burned in hell, slowy and in painful way. It was a lit, turtorous.

That's how cruel I am.

In the first place, I don't have soul to redeem because it was already chained and pawned to satan, long, long time ago.

After all these years, killing was just a hobby I might say I enjoyed too much, I love it infact.

Killing criminals, corrupt officials, traitors and terrorists with my bare hands. I'ts all under the table, confedential, it can't be solve legally so I dealt with their kinds.

I work as a phantom, no one knew my existence, my identity, the life I'm living, the classic example of a fearless assassin.

I'm an Assassin, professional killer.

My men open the door and I entered, I can see the man at the center. Tied and unmoving. I walked slowly, trying to analyze who sent this motherfucker. Eyeing him with so much disgust and rage.

They might not know my real identity as an assassin but I'm quite also known being one of the biggest name in the business industry. They fear me for being ruthless and monster.

A walking disaster.

I can make you rise like a skyscraper but I can be your worst nightmare, your hardest downfall.

I gave my signal I will just stand here, watching, Im not in the mood. My men knows what I want. I will ensure that this motherfucker will forever learned his lesson.

I studied the culprits' figure, Plain black tight over-all and a mask, maybe to blend with darkness, it looks like this one is leaner and stupid.

He was also alone.

I signaled again I watched how my men started throwing punches and kicks to him, uncountable, strong and deadly, I can hear his faint grunts and pleas but I don't care.

He needs to die, suffer and hell will surely welcome him after.

After a minute or so, I stopped them. I walked near him, calming my dangerous aura, I want to know something, might as well ask him myself .

"Who the fuck sent you?" I hissed.

While trying to catch a heavy painful breath. "H-hah! N-no one." I heard him say.

Hmmn okay, his trying to test my patience eh?

Well, I don't have one that's why I slapped him hard that made him fell on the ground. I took a deep sigh, gripping and choking his throath.

"Again, who sent you?" I shouted angrily.

Trying to free from my grip, barely breathing. "N-no o-one." Another lie.

I glared at him, delaying your death tactics, I see.

"Dont dare me, kid. I can pull this trigger and make your brain explode so answer me now or-"

He cutted me off. "O-or what? I-I will be d-dead soon s-so why w-would I?"

I can hear the fear in his voice, feighing a brave facade. I chuckled sarcastically. I freed his throat. Slam him back to ground. Hearing him grunt in pain.

I smirked. "Smartass, you figured it out. Yeah right. I want you dead, breathless, and unmoving shit but maybe, if you tell me who the fuck sent you, bargaining kid, I will spare your life, want that?" I bluff, why would I spare his life?

I pointed my pistol on his temple. "Now, tell me. Who the hell sent you, kid?" I dangerously asked 'cause im pissed.

Wrong answer and surely, your brain splattered. I swear. I've seen how he struggle for freedom.

"F-fuck! I don't k-know. I w-was only given o-orders." He added.

That stop me from punching him. Really, orders? Oh part of new weakling agents?

I see, I knew the rules, been there, done that. The higher officials will give you orders, no questions asked: you will kill or get killed, that's the cycle as simple as that.

I smirked. "Really? Then I pity you, you don't know my kind and what I am capable of. Tsk tsk, I will send you to hell, kid. No one messes with me and get fuckin' out away with it."

I stood straightly, put my gun down, I'm done with this shit. I hope his soul peacefully rot in hell.

"Diego, kill him!" I ordered brutally. Deaf of hearing how he begs me to spare his life.

Just die, kid. I don't have ample of time dealing with shithead, he follows order but I know how to deal with it. His death will be his best escape plan, Im doing him a favor.

"P-please s-spare me! S-spare my life whoever you are, motherfucker! Just fuck yourself and let me go!" Shouting.

I was rooted and dumbfounded after hearing those words or maybe his deathwish, cause after hearing him said that, all I ever wanted was to shoot him dead.

Who the hell is he to curse me?

Now, Im really furious, motherfucker eh? I step back, walk straightly to him and punched his idiotic face, twice and hard that sent him into unconciousness.

Well, I can't see his face so maybe its time to unmask his identity.

I drastically grab his mask and pull it off. Only to unravel the biggest shock in my life. I took two step backwards, confused. "What the fu'k?" I shouted in anger.

I was taken aback when I saw him errr.

"A girl? Fuck! Who the hell on earth brought this woman on my turf?" I shouted 'cause im so damned fuck up!

I glared at my men, pointing them my murderous glare. What the hell! He's a she. Fuck!

I can clearly see her bruised face and chopped lips and bloody face. Looking down at her body lying flatly on the floor, hair being scattered and eyes closed, bruised and bloody.

"I was the one who saw her, Sir." Riegov answered in a low voice.

I shot him my deadliest glare. Grab his throath, banged him against the hard wall near us, unmoving.

"Then why the hell you didn't fuckin' inform me that she's a girl, Idiota?" A pebble headed creature for making a big mistake.

He bows his head, clearly avoiding my eyes. "I also don't know she's a girl Sir. Her voice sounds like a man thats why I didn't bother knowing. Im sorry, Sir. Im at fault, I shall recieve your punishment." He nervously said.

I pointed my gun and shot him on his knee. I can hear him grunt in pain. He should be thankful because I didn't shoot him dead. I'm not the kind of person who always give second chances but I will spare him.

Closing my eyes, trying to calm my shivering nerves out of anger. Massaging the bridge of my nose.

I deeply sighed. "Diego, take her to the lab. Tell Audylian to clean and disinfect her wounds. I want her alive and the two of you, Saimmon and Sammuel, I want you to guard her until she wakes up. Secure her, I dont want her to escape and that's an order."

I commanded my security chief as I left the basement pissed of thier reckless move.

Fuck! I maybe bad but Im not fund of hurting a woman even if I they're threat. Devil knows why and I just can't.

My men knew my rules and they know that I turn into a monster when Im seeing a girl gets hurt, emotionally and especially physically, they don't deserve those harsh treatment.

I grab a bottle of whiskey in bar counter, swallow it straightly not minding that Im not using a glass. I want to drink to calm my fuckin' raging nerves.

Bullshit! I've hurted a woman. I didn't know but that's not an excuse. I still hurt her, punched her, for pete sake!

I know my grandma will surely curse my penis after knowing Im hurting a girl. She taught me how to respect girls and their kinds even how fucked up they are.

My phone rangs, its from Audylian. I sighed heavily.

"Yes? Any problem? Good. She's still unconcious? I see. Yeah. I want her safe." I turned off my phone after hearing Audylian, she already tend her bruise and cuts and she's okay.

Still breathing but unconcious.

That's a relief, it's good to know because If my grandma knew I killed a girl. I swear, she will surely castrate me and bury me alive.



It's been week after that accident.

I know she's healing because everyday Audylian will call and informs me her health status. I really hope for her fast recovery, I want to talk to her and apologize for what I did even if she's at fault beacuse she trespass my property but I'm doing it for my grandma. I don't want her to be upset.

Thinking that she didn't raise me well, her beloved grandson.

Sighing deeply having a headache 'cause Im so stress for all these shits Im dealing with, the bugs who wants to see the downfall of my company, but nah they should strive harder.

Im not Arquille Kielvan McL'euvre for nothing. I know how to play their game, they should too because I will reciprocate the situation, I hope they will enjoy, dance and savor this moment.

'Cause right now, it so funny seeing their own downfall. I have all the connections and money I needed for them to crash and dance in the fire they started. I was watching here in my personal laptop how the fire continuesly burns the company of Mr. Smythe, my playmate.

Burning his life, people and leaving him nothing.

See for yourself how your hardwork will literally turn into ashes. I smirked evily, I might say your smart but Im genius. He thinks that I will never knew that he steals money and sell shares behind my back? Tsk tsk, dream on motherfucker.

Im much more clever than you are.

I drink my favorite wine. Savoring the bitterness at the same time enjoying the view infront. It so satisfying to see how you defeat your opponent and begs for help.

Its so pathetic and disgusting.

I was in verge of sleeping when suddenly I felt rather than see that someone was behind this couch, hugging and pointing a knife on my neck.

My intruder chuckles sarcastically, she's so close enough to say these lovely words. "Hello sleepyhead. Having a nightmare? Hmmn?"

She whispered at the back of my ear as she held her knife deeply on my neck. I smirked. Sweet.

I'm trying to see her face but I couldn't. She tighly put me in place. Caging me on her arms, securing the knife on my neck.

Merely amused I answered. "Naah. Im enjoying my sweet dream until you came, baby girl."

It so disturbing to smell her scent at the same time I can feel the movement of her breast as I struggle inside her arm. It so soft, fluffy and warm.

Surely, Im having a dirty thoughts towards this girl. Fuck! How the hell did this woman escaped Sammuel and Saimmon eyes and knows where exactly I am?

She chuckles, sending shiver on my ear as I can fell the vibration coming from her throat. Fuck! I could feel her lips in my ear, nearly touching whispering.

"Oh, sorry not sorry Mr. Arquille, Im just here to do my unfinished job."

But before she could put a slit on my throat I did my basic self defense skills in times like this. I was freed on her grip, standing infront of her smiling smugly but I regretted it as soon as I can't feel her boobs on my neck. Fuck me!

Seeing how her face contorted with anger was so satisfying. I chuckled and taunted her more.

"Well baby, try much harder." I gave her my lopsided grin.

By that she seems so pissed. Cute baby. She started running straightly near me again with her knife and scrutinizing glare darted on me.

I might say, she knows how to fight, attacking yet still on a defense mode, then when she saw a chance she'll counterattack.

Nice, baby nice. Maybe I will give her a nice battle. I can't wipe off the smirked on my lips.

Kicks after kicks, uncountable punches here and there as we fought in my wide living room. I already secure the knife away from her, grabbing and placing it on the safe palce, that made her more upset though, punching my face hard but I step back, dodging and escaping from her assaults.

I grinned, I find her amusing for having the guts to fight me. Sometimes I allow her to hit my face, body and dude, she knows how to throw punches, kicks and combos. She's deadly: literally and figuratively.

After a while of sparring with her, I took a deep breath.

Times up, I saw a chance, I effortlessly grab her right arm, to her horror, twist it on her neck, avoided her resistance and forcely pinned her on a wall and press some points on her nape and bam. She's asleep. I held her in my arms tightly.

"Sweet dreams, babe." sniffing her scent and watching her in her deep sleep.

As I carried her inside my room and tied her up in my bed. Securing that she won't escape this time. Hmmm.

But it's quite fine sight seeing her in my bed tied and naked at the same time.

What wrong with me? What Am I thinking? Am I lusting over this girl?

Shit, I barely took a deep breath. She's awakening the sleeping beast inside my pants, Fuck!

That moment I recieved a call from Diego, reporting. "Yes? So she escaped? Really?" I bet she is.

I look at the woman who's lying on my bed. I want to shout at him but Im trying to calm my fuckin self.

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes. "Don't fuss about it. She's here. Yes. I know. Tell them to stop looking for her. Diego, How the fuck did she escaped from the twins? Oh yeah? They were tied and sedated? The fuck!" I'm Clcompletely awed by that info.

I stared at her, she looks so angelic while she's asleep but she rendered the twins effortlessly. I know how good the twins are but right now I'm having doubts.

This girl is really cunning and deadly.

I walk and sat beside her, I gently caress her face, tracing her lips and ask the question that's been bothering me for days.

'Who the hell are you woman? Who sent you?' I can't help but be bothered by her presence in my room.



I lazily open my eyes when I knew I got the exact sleep I needed.

By now, I can tell already that Im not in the same room I've been for the past days. The room exudes, manliness and elegance. From the curtains, furnitures, bed even the quilt that wrap around my body, all shades of silver or gray.

Oh the scent too. I like it. Musky yet mild fragrance.

As I analyze what had happened today and why the hell I am here right now, lying on this bed owned by someone I don't know, feeling how painful my neck was all shit.

Really shit, Argh!

Wanting to get up hastily and escape this room, I force myself to sat up but then I scream in pain when something cut my wrist.

What the? Why Am I being tied-up? The hell! I just now realized that both of my hands are being tied at the bed posts.

Curse that motherfucker!

Am I criminal? Well, whatever but really handcuffs? I could feel my skin getting a small cuts while Im struggling to free myself from it. Damn, It stings!

But well, I've been trained for this.

Just focus your mind and concentrate. I try hard to sit even though it's painful. Grrrrr. Ouch! Ouch! But after a while, I smiled triumphantly when finally I freed my right hand and the left side would be a piece of cake.

Yes, Finally! I smirked in glee.

I stood up and roam around, I still have my same shirt, I check myself, no bruises.

I organize the bed first, fold the quilt and arrange the pillows. I'm scanning this spacious room I'm in, trying to sense if someone was in here. It looks like this is the master's bedroom, grandoise, complete amenities, appliances and big abstract paintings that hang on the wall.

Very rich, I might say but no one's in here.

Where is he? The man who fought me a while ago. He's skilled enough to rendered her unmoving and defeated. That scam! I hated seing his idiotic face.

Carefully walking, searching for that man, I know he's in the corner. I need him, I need to accomplish my mission and that includes him in the process. Someones wants something from him. Only him. Wala akong ibang binabalak kundi ang makita siya.

I'm loosing my patience but not until I hear the cascading water from that door. I smile wickedly.

Gotcha! I walk discreetly as I can, avoiding to make any sound that would rattle him. I slowy open the door and there he is.

Standing gloriously on his birthsuit,jacking off looking so damn hot and so wet in my eyes.

Oh what a sight to behold! He has this sexy butt, muscled arms and legs. Yummy! Smirking away my carnal thoughts.

I knock two times, he then stares back at me, looks at my side and saw how his calm face turns into shocked by my sudden appearance.

Shock was understatement for his reaction, he has his mouth wide open and eyes been glaring at me. Hindi makapaniwalang naninilip ako sa kanya. Nambubuso pala. Napatingin ulit sa basa niyang katawan. I bit my lips seductively earning a small grunt from him.

I laugh, give him my flirties smile.

"Hi baby, need a extra hand?" I seductively asked pertaining to his gifted member.

I walk straight to him and share the cold water while I took off all my clothes. Wala akong itinira, my body was soaking wet and the water feels so good in my body. I let my eyes closed

"Ah this is so refreshing! So good!" I muttered in glee.

I can say that his been rooted and stoned in my back. Unable to move a muscle and he's just staring at me with that 'what the fuck is going on' look but I don't care. Wala akong paki kung naguguluhan siya.

I badly needed to get bathe. I stinks so bad and it's so sticky. Ilang araw akong nakakulong doon sa clinic no?.

I looked for his soap, and shampoo. Using it all in my hair and in my body, sinasabon lahat g kasuluksulukang bahagi ng katawan ko, gusto ko sana siya yung hihilod sakin pero wag nalang. Hindi pa kasi siya naka get over na magkasama kami ngayon.

Hmmmn. Bango. Amoy lalaki na ako.

Mabangong papa. Dagdag ng malandi kung utak.

Feeling his warm heat and body against my back. With a heavy sighed he suddenly stopped the shower and made me face him. Cupping my face tightly making me face him. Eye to eye. Nagiigtingan ang panga niya habang nakatitig sa akin.

His eyes that burns my soul as they are set in a dangerous fire. Tinutupok niya ang katawang lupa ko.

"What the fuck is actually going on now lady?" He said with his murderous voice.

Tinapik ko ang kamay niyang kinukulong ang panga ko. After I freed my face from him, I put my arms on his nape pulling his naked body closer to mine, mas lalo siyang nanigas sa haplos ko.

"Just Chill, baby!" I whispered softly on his ear.

I give him peck on his wet lips and smiled sweetly but he just glared at me.

Supladito! I rolled my eyes skyward. Nuzzling his ear, kissing his sensitive spot, whispering.

Ang laking lalaki naman tong si Sir Arq, halos sakop niya na ang buong katawan ko. I felt his breathing became ragged and edgy. Napakapit ako sa malapad niyang balikat.

I chuckled hard. "Nothing. I want to take a bath. It happened that you're here so I joined you. C'mon baby, let's conserve water. I'll behave, promise!" I give him a winked after.

Masakit na kasi yong mata ko sa natitirang bula, mahapdi. "C'mon Arq, maliligo lang ako. Huwag kasing judgemental."

Giving me this suspicious stare, still unsure if he'll let me beside him or just wring my neck for being hard-headed to be with him. Wala matigas talaga ulo ko, kasing tigas ng bagay na nararamdaman ko sa may tiyan ko.

Defeated and with troubled mind he said. "One false move and your dead, remember that kid!" He warned me.

Then he let the water runs down both in our naked body again, sharing water and letting me stay beside him. Ahh! Success! Tumalikod naman ako sa kanya at tinutok na ang sarili ko sa malamig na tubig.

Smirking my lips. "Aye aye, captain!"

I gladly said as I soaked myself in cold water, unminding the glares that burn my skin on my back, sending heat down my spine.



What the fuck is actually goin on here, really!

It seems like she's a new persona, gone with that brawny side and turns into wilder mood. I think she's a shifter. I don't know what running on her mind. A while ago we were both fighting against each other, trying to get me killed but now?

Here we are both sharing the same water, all naked and oh boy, Im aroused! Im having a fuckin boner!


I watch how the water drips from her hair cascading to her soft and smooth skin, down to her bare breast, rounded ass and to her perfectly shape legs that seems like waters been running forever.

How can her moan sent me chills when I accidentally touch her skin. How I follow her eyes closed and savor the soothing water.

This is pure hell!

It's really pure torture watching her and feeling her warm skin against mine. My libido was rising. I'm fu kin' horny, can't deny that fact.

She's dangerous, bringing such chaos on my body and wrap me around her fingers in a snap, I even remember a song: She looks like a flower but sting like a bee, like every girl in history, she bangs!

And I want to bang her hard facing on walls. Im fucked-up! Really fucked up!

Uncountable time I hissed, I saw how she carefully caress her delicate skin, making me crave to touch it myself, kiss every part of her body.

Hearing her murmured something that made me gulped a lot of times. Holding my hand tight, wanting me near her body. Para akong tuod na napasunod sa kanya.

"Please touch me, Arquille. Im now yours, baby." She begs as she guided my hand into her bared chest.

I gulped hard.

I could hear how softly she moans as I felt her in my hand, still warm with dripping water. I slowly knead and pinch my finger in her peaks, palming over her breasts, sending us both into burning passion.

Feeling her against my chest and nuzzling her neck. Hearing her faint moans. I knew that she felt this good, so soft yet warm.

I'm massaging her breast hard as I pulled her much closer to my body. Pleasuring her with my hand, exploring, kneading and kissing her neck at same time that gains a soft moan from her, a sign that she likes what I'm doing.

I'm drowning myself, desired filled my mind.

Her eyes were tightly closed from the sensation. Putting her arms on my neck, caressing. Surrendering her body to my likings.

Moaning her pleasure aloud. "Hmmm. Ah. Lower, lower please. Touch me there Arquille, I want to feel you." She pleaded for more.

To more dangerous path, I could hear her heavy breaths and burning hot skin, drown into this wild sensation.

I nibbled her neck, panting and aching-hard. Groaning like a wounded animal when she started exploring my body.

Trying to resist this walking temptation, that's giving me signals to do her.

'You need to stop your cock Arq, or you will regret it after.' I could hear the warning bells on my head.

I grab her hips and grip it so tightly and letting her feel my hard-on in her bared back. Sending signals that I really want her too but I don't want to force myself to her, I want her to beg, know what she really wants and if she can really handle me.

As I trace her two nipples and pinched it together, it earns a lustful moan from her.

"You really want this baby, you want me touching you? Owning your body and claimed you as mine?" I'm partly hissing.

Im trying to make her came into her senses. Scaring her infact. Trying to wake her from her delicious sensation. "Baby, you can't handle me. I like it rough. I might bruise your perfect smooth skin."

She didn't answer, maybe she's having doubts. Good to know.

I smirked at her speechless state. "Now speak to me baby, Feel that babe? I'm having a fuckin' hard-on and Im aching to touch and do you, fuck you, just you sensessly and you know the cycle right? Im giving you time to decide. Tell me to stop and I will or we will both enjoy this moment and quench this itch before you regret. Answer me. Hmmm?"

I dry-hump her wanting her to realized how she provoked me to my limit. Lapping her sensetive spot, whispering to her ear.

"Trivia babe, I fuck hard. Really hard." I added and chuckled a little and started kissing her shoulder blade.

I felt her nodded, moaning. Parang nawala na yong pag aalinlangan niya. She became more persuasive in wanting me. She breathlessly answered.

"Ah. Yeah I know Arquille but please touch me more, baby. I can't control my hunger anymore, Im so wet down there, I need you. Touch me I'm letting you." She moaned.

Without having a second thought, she started guiding my hand on her wet p'ssy, feeling and rubbing her sensetive core.

We both moan from the assault, me for hunger and her for satisfaction.

That's it I've lost my fuckin' self control! I want her now. She decided already, no backing up.

I'm gonna fuck her hard. So hard that I want to start it now. I made her face me and kissed her lips, wild and with so much need. Im now savoring the taste of her sweet lips, feeling her shiver with my touch, my hand is the still there, busy touching and making her moan loudly in pleasure.

She's so damn wet and ready, I put my finger inside her, in and out, fast and hard.

I've witness how her mouth forms in O then close her eyes while moaning arching her back for the sudden intrusion.

That right baby, moan for more.

I thrust my fingers even faster, gaining more lustful words and moans from her. Seeing her close her eyes and rolles it heavenward, biting his lips as I hit her sensetive spot.

I know shes near, she's already digging her nails on my skin, arms are tightly wrap around my neck and how she desperately moves her hip along with my fingers, palming her and tasting her nipples on my mouth, suckling like a child.

I let her legs wrap around my hips, much wider and for better access. She's moaning, touching my chest, exploring my body and screaming hard.

"Ah oh Im near, faster, faster, deeper babe. Yeah there ah, fuck! Baby, Im cumming Arquille. Im near. Ah" she bit my neck as she begs for her release.

I held her close as I continue moving my digits inside her so wet and warm pussy. Wanting to finger-fuck her hard.

I can feel her walls clenching desperately, I couldn't help but also hear my moan along with her. She's almost there. Enjoying the fact that shes now cumming, smirking and kissing her lips hard. Humping my fingers more deeper, feeling how her toes curls as she bit my neck.

"Fuck! Then cum hard for me, babe." I whispered as I let her reach her orgasm.

She groans and felt her shiver as she came in my hand. She sexily moans after she reach heaven. Tired and sated.

"Ah fuck, Arquille! It so damn good! Ang sarap." She rested her face on my neck, catching her breath, relaxing her trembling body.

I chuckled upon hearing that came from her sinful mouth, kissing her hair. Smirking my thoughts to take her again in my bed.

"I know babe, I know. You still want for more? In my bed? I want to eat you." I seductively asked and winked at her when she looks at my face.

She looks so fuckin' delectable.

When she nodded in response, I hurriedly carried her and lay her on my bed without breaking our fiery hungry kisses. Touching each others' sensitive spot and making us both moan for more. Hearing her wild moans and pleas, risen my horniness towards her. Wanting to pound hard inside of her.

"Ah, ah Arquille. Faster." As she arched her back and giving me a nice view of her wet p*ssy.

'Yes baby, moan my name, moan for more.'


A/N: Buong chapter 2 na po I hope you enjoyed reading and hit the vote. Follow me po for more story to read.