Gusto ko nang itapon tong remote nato sa napakalaking flatscreen sa harapan ko kasi wala na akong makitang palabas na makakapagtangal ng boredness ko. Even the k-drama can't pacify my pissed and boredom.

Putangina ng times two!

Ano naman ang pwede kong pag kaabalahan sa loob ng mansiyon nato? Na sa sobrang laki at ako lang mag-isa, aakalain mong nasa isa kang haunted house, daig pa ang library sa sobrang tahimik, payapa at walang katao-tao, kulang nalang may lumabas ditong mga white lady pag hating-gabi. Mababaliw na akong magisa sa loob ng hawlang to. 

Naka-lock lahat ng doors even the windows. Ayaw ko namang manira ng gamit dito at baka matuluyan na akong mamamahinga ng pang matagalan. It looks like I'm imprisoned here.

Tangina kasing Arquille yon eh! Isa siyang malaking GAGO! Fuck Run, pagkatapon ng fun bigla nalang nag alsa balutan. Di na nagparamdam, wala man lang paalam, pagkagising ko non wala na. Wala na akong Arquille na nasilayan. Halos mag iisang lingo na siyang wala.

Ni-anino niya di ko man lang napansin, okay lang naman sanang mag-inarte siya, dalawa, tatlong araw okay nayon pero halos isang lingo na siyang hindi bumalik! Parang siya tong nadevirginize na kong maginarte akala mo inubos ko yung puri niya. Hiyang- hiya tong pekp'k ko ha?

Isa siyang FUCK GO! Pagkatapos maka-homebase, tumakbo na. Akala mo naman hindi siya umungol nong ginawa namin yon. Kapal! Siya pa tong may ganang mangiwan ha? Eh kung ituluyan ko na kaya siya?

I can kill him in an instant but I just don't want to. I don't know, I'm not really here to kill him. They order me to infiltrate but that's it. No stealings. No killings.

I have no choice but to accept this arrangement, my life is at stake, I don't know who they are, why they know my existence but one thing for sure, they want me want me near to Arquille. Maybe someone needs something to him and I still don't know it yet. That boggles me. I'm here, alone in an enemy's turf but still they didn't give me another order.

Or they already think I'm dead? I didn't give them my signals that I already infiltrate his home and still alive. They've destroyed all the devices I used when I sneaked in. I'm sure of that. Or they're hacked it to get information but I don't care as long as I'm breathing and still safe here.

Talagang hindi ko kilala kung sino ang may utos sakin nito, all that I know was I recieved an envelop one morning, containing all the details of Arquille and a threath. Giving me chill beacause after that day my life wasn't normal anymore, I know someone was following me.

Until one day, I was walking my way to my apartment when I was suddenly grab and sedated. When I woke up I was in a very dark room. Hearing the voice of a woman, giving commands and directions, I felt her walks around, I can sense that she's near, smelling her perfume.

"Infiltrate Arquille's home young lady, stay there, be with him. My men will accompany you and take you there. Follow me and were all good. You don't want your family cold and unbreathing right? Do what I say but remember honey, don't you kill him. Be safe." That's it she left then.

Then I was taken to a helicopter, I don't know I was blind folded. All I could hear is the loud noise and I felt like were flying, then after a while they removed my blindfold.

They are all wearing mask. They explained to me how to use the devices and give me a gun after. Saying also Im being followed. When we reach the airport, we were fetch by a limo, send me to hotel to change and assemble my things. Im good to go. Infiltrate then!

That's why I'm stock in Arquille's place.

Naiinis lang ako sa kanya kaya ko sinabing nandito ako para patayin siya, I can still feel his tight and strong grip when he was interrogating me, the bruise when he slap my face. That's why I nearly kill him. Naiinis ako kasi nahuli nila ako agad wala man lang thrill.

'Bogoshipda, Saranghaeyo, oppa' mabuti pa tong si ate girl nakita niya na yung oppa niya. Nakakainis kasi eh!

Nagugutom na naman ako. Puro kasi tinapay at delata yung nasa cabinet niya. Hindi pa naman ako marunong magluto. Alangan namang puro alak yung laklakin ko? Magkaka-UTI na nga ako sa araw araw pancit canton, saka cornbeef. No choice naman ako kaysa mamatay ako sa gutom dito. Wala talagang puso yung hampas lupang yon malaki lang ang tit' pero wala siyang awa!

Punyeta niya!

Gigil kong nilagyan ng mainit na tubig yung instant ramen ko. After ilang minutes, luto na. Saktong pabalik na akong sala nong marinig kong bumukas ang pinto at pumasok ang walanghiyang lalaking gago, I just walk passed by him and ignored his presence.

Magdusa kang punyeta ka



When I open the door and entered, I saw her walking at my direction but she just rolled her eyes skyward when she noticed that I'm here. I was rooted in place after that. I'm just observing how she ate her noodles, I don't know what to say or how will I greet her. She seems so pissed, maybe because of me.

Oh that's for sure. Fuck!

I was so busy this past few days , I need to finished all the papers and transactions in Manhattan before I could leave but it took us a hell week. After we all finalized and approved the launching I hurriedly call Diego to ready the plane, fly and travel home.

I kinda miss this little lady in here. She was the reason why I can't keep my focus and my mind prior to business. She filled my thoughts with her face and addictive smell.

How I miss having her in my arms.

I stride near her but her attention was still hooked in watching tv, abandoning my presence as I sat beside her. Staring at her beauty, I sighed heavily. Unable to resist myself, I Gathered her in my arms, softly caging her in my embrace, giving her a peck kisses on her lovely face. Trying to console her anger toward me.

"I miss you, baby" I murmured

As I felt how comfortable I am beside her, how her warmth skin soothes my tiredness away. I buried my face in the hollow of her neck, nuzzling and sniffing her fragrance.

"Hmm, I miss you so much!" I confess as I pulled her closer and make her sit on my lap.

Facing each other, feeling her body against mine, guiding her arms around my neck. She still has this long face and bitch face, avoiding my gaze.

I caressed her angelic face, memorizing each curve and shape, tracing her delectable lips, guiding her nape closer to my lips I want to kiss her so bad and I did but she resisted, trying to escape my lips.

I stopped and sighed. "Hey, baby let me please. I miss your lips against mine." I pleaded to her as I watch her rolled her eyes.

I cup her face, and guide her again in my lips. She let me this time.

It felt so heavenly as our lips collided, warm and soft. I gave her a soft-chasing kiss, gentle at first but later on when she responded, I gave in, I kissed her back with longing, deep and tongue delving way.

Satisfying our hunger and feeling each other's warmth.

Breaking our kissed, as we are both panting and catching our own breaths after that earth-shattering moment, I kissed her temple and hug her tighly in my arms, buried her face on my neck as I touch her back, feeling her smooth skin in my hand, gaining a moan from her.

I just want her near me. I really miss her.

This is the first time I felt this kind of longing for someone and having her inside my arms pacify me. Softly kissing her hair, feeling her heartbeats against mine was so calming.

I'm so damn tired and all I wanted was to be near my baby. I wanted to rest but I don't wanna go to my bed or anywhere, I just want her against me.

Caressing her silky long hair against my palm. "Baby, I'm really sorry if you think I'm neglecting you this past days but I have important matter to attend and I need to be there. I need to leave you here." I don't know why I'm explaining my side but my mouth keeps talking.

She just rolled her eyes again skyward not saying anyting so I continue. "I'm really am sorry, baby. After I've finished my business there, I hastily called Diego to ready my plane and fly me back home and here I am. I terribly miss you. I want to see and hold you in my arms, just like this. Don't be mad at me please." I even embrace her tightly and kissed the side of her neck.

She just give me a soft moan. I missed that too.

I can feel my eyes will drop close and my body was comfortable settled in her arms. I'm tired and sleepy.

So I whispered. "Baby, I want to talk more to you but my damn body won't cooperate with my fuckin head. I'm so tired and really sleepy right now. Let me rest for a while, please." I barely said, breathing softly her scent.

I could feel her move. "Hmmm. Don't. Just stay here. I need you." I object when I felt that she wanted to let go off my grip.

I heard her faintly laugh. "You can't have your needed sleep when I'm still on top of you, let go and sleep." She answered back as she softly caress my jaw.

I snorted in response, closing my eyes. "Naaah. I'm fuckin'okay with it. Just stay, I want you near. Please baby, let me hug you." I beg as I cage her tightly, making her more closer to me now.

I heard her chuckled again, caressing my hair gently. "Okay, but lay on the sofa first so you won't have an achy neck later baby."

I did what she said. Laying on the sofa together with her. Settling as both in comfort. Her on top of my body, her warmth that envelope my being.

Ah, this is life, kissing her temple softly. "There, now lemme sleep for a while, baby. I want my energy back. Turn the tv and lights off, Alexa." I commanded and it all shut down.

I yawned and felt her burried her face in the hallow on my neck. "Goodnight baby. By the way, you rock my shirt. It look so damn sexy in you." I whispered hugging her more tightly this time, securing that she won't go anywhere but stay in my arms.

I heard her say these words "I miss you too, Big Baby."

I chuckled a bit, she gave me a peck on my lips, caressing my face after, she then bidded goodnight and we both dossed off to sleep. I can' t help but hid a smile as I felt so contented having her in my arms.

It seemed that I already found home, my home.



     When he's already in a deep slumber, with heavy breath I open my eyes and stare at his peaceful state, giving him small kisses and soft caress. Having him in my arms resolves my pissed towards him.

Seeing how bothered and tired he look awhile ago, just melted my rage on him. Oo, Ako na marupok, may pa magdusa pa akong punyetang nalalaman kanina pero nong nasa tabi ko na siya.

Wala eh, napatunayan kong ang rupok ko pala.

I can hear sincerity naman when he said sorry kanina. Even his hugs was so damn tight and his hot kisses meant that he really missed me. Ang laking tao pero kung maglambing daig pa ang sanggol.

I admit I missed him too. I miss his presence.

I don't know, maybe a part of me was being drag inside of him that I felt so complete when he's near.

I kissed him, lightly. I don't want to wake him up but I really want to give him a kiss but suddenly I can hear him moan, responding to my assault. Tongue delving way of kissing. Sharing the soft and long kiss.

" I miss you, baby." he whispered dreamily as he broke our feiry kiss.

That gave me a goosebumps, my heart thump fast. It just that it was so overwhelming hearing it from him.

"And I missed you too." I answered back, he was carresing my face and giving me his lopsided smile after I said those words.

I gave him a peck. "Sleep again baby. I just want to kiss you, I'm sorry if I interrupted your sleep." He just groan, I gently tap his chest and soflty touch his hair back and forth.

I felt his arms around my belly tighten, drawning me much closer to him, burying his face on my neck after, feeling his calm and slow breathing on my nape.

I yawned, Im also sleepy.

After how many days of spending a sleepless night, now he's here and that all I needed. This is what I want to recall, to feel his warmth and security that he brings. His toned arms around my body, his lips against mine. This is what I needed. Just him next to me and I felt safe.

"Sleep tight Baby, dream of me." I softly muttered and surrender myself in darkness.


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