Masquerade Party (Encounter Part 1)

We have reached the venue of the gathering event. I already wore my Red Venitian masquerade mask, the mask covers half of my face. The only thing that was visible was my hazel eyes and my red thin lips. At the age of 18, I look so mature, right?

"Mom, I think we're late." I said because there's no one outside.

"No honey, we aren't late it's just that we are the last one to come. Most of the people attending the gathering event were businessmen so they are here early."

"Oh," We stopped at the big brown doors. Mom showed the security personnel the black invitation card she got. They immediately open the big doors for us.

Suddenly all of the attention were on us, some of them started talking with each other while they're still looking at us...or only at me.

"Mom, why aren't they averting their eyes away from us? And some of the girls are looking bad at me. Do I look bad?" I curiously whispered to Mom who was just right beside me. Even though people have their masks on, I can still see the way they are looking at me. Some curiously gazed at me, some do the 'examine' thing on me, some of them I mean the girls are frowning and glaring at me while they are talking to each other and there are these people who gawk. Good thing that I'm also wearing a mask, so they can't see that I'm nervous right now because of the people who are looking and I'm so conscious about my look today.

"Sweetie, you know how many times I told you that you're so stunningly beautiful tonight. Sweetie, you're my daughter and I'm your mother be proud of our genes. Be proud. Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren't your problems. You stay kind, sweet, just stay who and what you are right now and free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, or the way they look at you, don't you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth and your beauty. Just keep on shining as you do. So right now, just be who you are, and come on let's go. We'll find your father." Mom said. Woah that's long.

We'd stepped into a corridor, lavishly decorated in a deep red carpet and a chandelier above, dispersing a golden glow to everything it touched. All eyes are on us while we're walking. How every eye seemed to angle towards us, some more obviously than others, felt just as bad as having those cameras picking out every imperfection. Worse, even. Mom walks confidently not bother by the looks they're giving us meanwhile there's me who is nervously walking beside my mother. Mom knows I'm nervous so she held my hand. She squeezes it to reassure that it's okay. With that, she calmed my nerves.

Further, we went until we reached a large ballroom, in which tables were set with enough room for people to maneuver around to go to the bar in the corner to get drinks. Many were milling around and chatting to those nearby, others preferred to sit and mutter to one another.

The gathering venue looks incredible! Amazing! I didn't expect it to look like this. So extravagant. Wow. Also, I expected that most people are in their late 50's or older but to my surprise, people here are just about my age! Some look like they're just slightly older than me. Early 20's I think?

"Isabelle sweetheart! Honey!" We turned our heads to where someone called us. Of course, it came from my dad.

We walked ourselves towards Dad. Dad's table is in front and there are still two available seats in it. Mom said that our seat is where Dad is, so the two vacant seats between Dad must be ours.

When we reached where my Dad is, he immediately wrapped his arms around Mom and kiss her on the lips right in front of me. I am no longer ashamed when I see them like this in public. I'm used to both of them. Sweet much.

My Dad finally noticed my existence when they're both done with their "PDA's" he hugged me too then looks at me from head-to-toe then there's this sparkle in dad's eyes. He's amazed. I thought. It's his first to see me dressed like this.

"Oh! My little girl looks like a grown-up woman right now. You're so beautiful as always just like your Mom." He said in an awestruck tone. Even though Dad always praises me, it's still different when I don't fix myself and dress like my usual or when I do just like the feminine image of me right now.

"Dad stop, I'm not a little girl anymore I'm already 18. Legal Age dad so I'm a woman now...also it's embarrassing when you're complimenting me in public. I can still feel their stares. Guess I'm so lucky that this gathering event is a Masquerade Party." I silently whispered to Dad though my mom can still hear it. I can feel the people staring.

"Sweetheart as I've told you earlier don't be shy and feel embarrassed about it. You're our daughter and you look so stunningly gorgeous and amazing. When they see your face I'm pretty sure that they will definitely say that you really are a beauty." Mom sincerely said.

"Yes Isabelle. Your mom is right. Just trust our genes and your still my little girl, always." Dad said reassuringly.

"Ok fine. I trust you both and I love you Mom and Dad. You know that." Mom is on my right so she kissed my cheeks while Dad is on my left and kissed my forehead and they both hugged me. This is why I love my parents. Their hugs is so so so much comforting.

The MC started talking in the front. We're just watching him when someone approached our table. I don't know them. They are in their mid 50's and it's obvious that they are husband and wife because the man's arm was wrapped around her waist.

When they reached our table. I observed them. First the lady with the green masquerade mask seems like a caring type of person and she's gorgeous. Second the man in the black masquerade mask looks like a strong silent type of person, his tall and handsome and lastly even though they're in the mid 50's their built doesn't looks like it and both of them looks so powerful.

The lady asks Dad "David is this your daughter?"

"Yes Mrs. Houston she is my unica iha (my only daughter)." Dad answered.

"Wow. As expected she is indeed pretty." She cheerfully said. She's so beautiful I like her.

My parents and them greeted each other. The lady then turned to look at me.

"Hi Dear! Your name is Isabelle right?" She asked me.

"Yes ma'am that's me." I respectfully answered.

"I've been wanting to meet you! Your dad always tells us how kind and pretty you are."

"Uhh" i don't know what to said.

She continued to talk "Your beauty catches everyone's attention."

"Thank you Mrs. Houston" i just simply said. I guess that's their surnames because that's what my Dad called them earlier.

"Sweetheart this is Mr. and Mrs. Houston they are the one who invited us and they are Isaac's grandparents." My mother said.

"Ummm who's Isaac Mom?" I curiously asked. I don't even remember that the Houston is the host of the event and I don't even remember if mom stated the name Isaac when she's explaining to me when we were at the mall or maybe I didn't listen to her that much.

"Sweetie, I already told you earlier that Isaac is their grandson and this gathering even is for him." Mom elaborated.

"Oh." I shyly said. I knew it! I'm not paying attention to what my mom said earlier. I mentally faced-palmed myself. Even their last name I can't remember. I need to pay attention next time. This is so embarrassing.

"It's okay dear. Even you are wearing a mask, you still look good." She complimented me.

"Thank you Mrs. Houston. This is my first time attending a social gathering ma'am it's been 8 years since I attended this kind of occasion. I don't like wearing a gown also ma'am hehe." I once again said shyly.

"I know dear. We've been observing you but I didn't notice you don't like wearing gowns because you walk so elegantly and gracefully. Now that I'm talking to you you're so sweet and kind also honest. I like you now!" She smiled widely.

"I like you too ma'am."

"Oh, dear! Please don't call me ma'am nor Mrs. Houston. Call me Grandma Laurel I preferred you calling me that and *points at Mr. Houston* call him Grandpa Liam." She said happily.

"Oh. I didn't think that you would prefer me to call you like that you're so gorgeous ma'am and sir is handsome. You two are meant for each other." I heartily said.

This time Mr. Houston said. "Thank you Isabelle. Hahaha just call us Grandma and Grandpa we're just really glad to see you." yo! He chuckled!

"Uhmmm can I not call you grandma and grandpa? But I can call you Papa Liam and Mama Laurel it's suits you better and you both don't look like a grandparents." I awkwardly said to them.

"Oh my! It's better if you start calling us that! What a coincidence! Isaac also calls us Papa Liam and Mama Laurel. He also said that it doesn't suit us." Mama Laurel said.

"Alas! Where did Isaac go? You may meet him later Isabelle dear. You will definitely like each other. We also want a grandchild we aren't young anymore." Oh my did Mrs. Houston just?- -

As soon as I realize what she meant, I immediately blushed and when I say blush i will freakin' look like a red tomato!

When they saw that I look like a reddish tomato they laughed. Mom and Dad join them. Our table is now full of laughter. So the people started staring at us. I blushed harder.

Did they just said that they want me for their grandson? Woah speed!