
"CUT!" Kim Jeho yelled, which made Jiwon and Mina stop whatever they were doing. Well, they were lip-locking but were not able to do more since Jeho interrupted.

Jeho stood up and clapped. He walked towards the front and separated them by pulling them apart, "You guys don't really need to kiss and do more since this is only a school project, don't you think?"

"What?" Mina got annoyed by what Jeho said and put her hands on her waist, "Are you underestimating us because we are just theatre students?"

As Jeho did not respond, she felt insulted as she looked at Jeho, but she could not even stare at his eyes because he had such long bangs and big eyeglasses.

His nose bridge seemed tall, and he had such nice skin, but his outdated ahjusshi fashion style made him look nerdy.

Staring at Jeho grudgingly, not to mention his unkempt beard, Mina could not believe herself he was about to say he looked handsome. "Jeho sunbae?"

"I am not looking down at you guys," Jeho calmly replied as he took a deep breath. He looked at Jiwon, who seemed to be annoyed that his kiss got cut off. "I don't think you should be putting in so much effort on this,"

"Why?" This time, Mina crossed her arms and shifted her weight on her right foot. "We want to receive a grade of A+, why would you stop us from doing what we have agreed on?" Mina raised her voice, "You even said to go with the flow but you are the one who disrupted our flow."

Mina turned to Jiwon as she felt wrong and insulted by the director whom he introduced, "This sunbae of yours is weird. Are you really sure that he is good at his craft?"

Jiwon became even more restless when Mina and Jeho-sunbae looked at him expectantly.

Who is he going to take his side on?

His long-time college sunbae, who happened to belong to a weird species and is quite serious when it comes to directing? Or his crush, whom he relatively knew because they took the same class?

"Sunbae," Jiwon hesitantly called out both of his sunbae, and they started glaring at each other.

Mina is very much passionate when it comes to acting. Meanwhile, Jeho seemed too passionate about directing scenes that he doesn't care about what his actors or scriptwriter thinks.

"What do you think should we do?" Mina asked Jiwon, her eyes almost bulging out from being angry and demanding an immediate answer. "Should we just forget what we have agreed on and let Jeho-sunbae go his way?"

Jiwon felt like he was stuck in between two angry tigers ready to eat him. In another second, he felt like he was the burger patty between two buns at the same time. He dreaded that one answer would eventually lead him to severe his ties with the other.

Of course, Jiwon wanted to do the making-out scene with his ultimate campus crush, Hong Mina. But losing Jeho sunbae would be the end of his university life.

The reason?

He chose not to disclose it as he wanted to secure his privacy.

"Mina sunbae," Jiwon called out Mina's name softly, "I think it would be better to continue without the kissing scene as what Jeho sunbae suggested."

"Kang Jiwon," As Mina could not keep her reaction straight, she rubbed her temples using his left hand and spoke, "Not you too?"

"Sunbae, Mina sunbae" Jiwon said in a deep voice as he drew his lower lip between his teeth, "I am sorry. I apologize to you. I think today is not a great time to film, as you know I am quite tipsy. I should have taken you into consideration. But I failed,"

Mina let out a deep breath the moment she realized where the conversation was going.

Nevertheless, Jiwon continued, "I apologize for the sudden change of mind."

Mina did not know what to react or think. She thought it was just going smoothly.

Yes, Mina had to wait and endure many things just to make the ideal and perfect project and get an A++ as a grade. She got annoyed at the fact that she is not able to show whatever she prepared for the camera.

Starting from her gestures and her tone of voice, she studied and prepared so much that she could not imagine all of it going to the drain. Mina became silent. She did not speak at all when she understood the reason why Jiwon gave for them to stop.

"Are you disappointed in me," Jiwon mustered the courage to ask Mina. "Mina sunbae?"

Mina could not help but sneer at Jiwon. She would be lying if she were to reply, 'No, Jiwon. I am not disappointed in you.'

She was not only disappointed, but she was angry and felt confused. How could they go against the idea that both of them agreed?

It was such a nice plan that ended up wasted.

As Mina had no choice but to agree, she ended up taking a deep breath and shook her hands in reply, "I am not disappointed in you. It was just that I prepared so much for the role and for this project."

"Yes, I apologize once again," Mina replied as he watched Jiwon pack her things up, getting ready to go out, "Where are you going?"

Jiwon waved his handphone and said, "I have been summoned to do by my friend, I am afraid I might have to leave you with Jeho-sunbae, Mina-sunbae!" He then grabbed the key in his pocket ad gave it to Mina, "I might have to go now. Bye!"

Silence filled the room when Jeho and Mina were the only people left in the room.

"Do you want to continue where we left off?" Jeho took a step forward close to Mina and smirked, "Will you be ready for that, Hong Mina?"