The Night the Lustful Demon Attacked (2)**

When Mina could feel Jeho's bare teeth on her skin, she felt shivers in her spine. He bit her like no other, but her nerve endings were not siding with her.

Not one bit.

She felt a soft tingling sensation inside her. It was not something new as Mina became sure she experienced it last time. That sensation kept on building up, and it was as if her energy was drained. The more she wanted him to do more, the energy within her depleted.

As Jeho's lips continued to feast on Mina's neck, his hands went to her private part. It was surprisingly clean from any pubic hair, which made it easier for him to access it.

He started to caress her private part like no other, rubbing it using his thumb.

Jeho was a little disappointed when he could not clearly see how adorable Mina could have looked.

It always pleased him how he always managed to make her want him on the bed in his incubus form but whenever they meet or talk with each other, they always argue.

Well, he had the skills and outer appearance to make any woman want his touch. When he heard Mina moan, he inserted his index and middle finger inside her. He can feel her flinching for a bit, and he started stroking around her clit.

"Are you satisfied with my fingers, or do you want me to do more?" Jeho naughtily whispered in a husky voice to Mina's ear, teasing her. "Just tell me what you want me to do."

Mina could not even answer Jeho, not because she wanted him to know that she was enjoying it. It was her pride again that stopped her from being more honest. She did not want to admit that someone he used to reject and looked at with disgust can make her moan in pleasure like this.

Jeho could feel his horns growing due to the great energy he received from Mina. It will show up at any given moment. Jeho did not want to receive so much sexual energy from her but the more he tried to stop himself, the more he wanted to do it.

If he ended up receiving too much, then it would certainly be a problem.

His incubus form would show the whole time, the small horns on his head would show up, and his wings would be evident.

Jeho doesn't want that to happen, right?

And because Mina did not respond to her question, Jeho stopped whatever he was doing. Mina felt like she was scammed. She was just about to reach an orgasm but Jeho just stopped on time so she was not able to do any.

He pretended to get annoyed with Mina and threw her on the bed. As she landed with her face and upper body on the bed, she angrily turned herself to look at Jeho who positioned himself on top of her, kneeling on the bed, making sure her legs were in between his.

A smirk plastered on Jeho's face when he saw how upset Mina was. Her brows were furrowed and showed her disappointment through an obvious frown.

From utter disappointment, it transformed into amazement. Mina's eyes went round when she saw Jeho's true form. Regardless of it being a 'dream', she was surprised to see Jeho with her burning crimson-colored pupils.

What caught her attention, even more, was that he had two tiny horns on his head and a pair of wings were seen even in the dark.

His wings were dark, somewhat maroon, and only tainted with more black. Made entirely of coarse scales, the wings flapped threateningly. It looked like it had the power to strike a crowd of men into unconsciousness.

It was no threat for her, as

The bones were visible around the sides and similar to bat wings, only their veins stook out greatly in contrast. As the bones reached the top of the wing, a large ivory spike, curved like an elongated shark tooth, protruded from the top of the wing. It was a hideous sight, the sight one could only associate with images of the devil himself.

Mina could feel the shivers in her spine. It was definitely scary, but for some reason, she felt drawn to him. Was it because she only thought of it as a dream?

Was it not scary enough for her because the pleasure that Jeho was able to do was more important than how he looked?

Mina pointed the top of Jeho's head in hopes that he could feel his horns there and present.

"What are you?" Mina asked.

"I am Jeho in your subconscious mind. The man you desired the most,"

"What do you mean?"

"I am in your dream, this is just a dream," Jeho answered as he pinned Mina on her bed, with his right arm hand just beside her. "Whatever form I assume does not matter, right? You just end up liking whatever I am doing to you."

"What do you mean I am liking it?" Mina glared at Jeho, who was still smiling like an idiot for her. "How can you be so sure?"

"Well, your moans tell everything, Hong Mina," Jeho lowered his head and gazed right through her eyes. "You always tell the opposite of what you are feeling. I know that you were looking forward to me coming again in your dream."

"Lies!" Mina yelled as an answer, her defense mechanism up and on guard. "I did not wait for you to come inside my dream nor I did not like your touches and advances towards me!"

"Still in denial, aren't we?"

"No, I am not,"

"So, should I just stop here?" queried Jeho. His facial expression became serious. "Should I just stop here and go away? I will do it if you say so. I won't be appearing in your dreams if you want."

"But, I never said that---"

"Hong Mina, I already told you beforehand," Jeho's tone was deep and husky at the same time. "I want you to choose only one, and not two. Do you want me to continue? Or should I just stop?"