
Mina's lips were moist and Jeho could taste the strawberry flavor of her lip tint. He tried to fight the urge to kiss her more and he just kept her lips pursed like an amateur in kissing. He did not even close his eyes and just stared at her.

Even though Hong Mina always tried to look tough, sarcastic, had a cold, strong, and independent woman image, Jeho always knew the innocence she had. She is innocent and kind, and he always used that to his advantage, Though it will come to a point where she would be the one who's going to make a challenge.

Jeho noticed Mina parting her lips slightly away from him as she jerked her head away from him. The look on Mina's face seemed funny as she studied his expressionless face. He was definitely as annoying as ever. He sat up, and he pursed his lips as if there was something that he had been trying to stop laughing at, a particular situation Mina could not even comprehend.