Dating an Incubus (1)

"Huh?" Mina pretended to be surprised. "I did not. We should always fasten our seatbelts in case there are a lot of unforeseeable things that would happen in the future."

"Did you really think I did not know it?" He smirked as his eyes turned crimson again, flashing his characteristics as an incubus. "I told you that I have been here in the early 1900's. I know about cars and I have just been observing how Jeho handled this earlier. You seemed to be underestimating me too much."

"Okay, okay,"  Mina responded. "It was a mistake of mine. I was trying to hard to become more considerate and helpful towards a powerful incubus like you."

"Maybe we should postpone hanging out in Seoul and let us just satisfy ourselves here in the car, what do you say?" Lucas asked as he tried to meet Mina's gaze. "I would make that moment an unforgettable one for you."