Press Conference

"I was not ignoring you on purpose," Mina answered. "It was just me being nervous, okay?"

"I did not know that you get nervous as well," Mina remarked, trying her best not to square one ankle over her knee. "You always seemed so confident and dashing that it does not show at all."

Jaehyun tried his best to suppress his smile and cleared his throat, "Well, of course, not everyone is born with confidence. I was born with good looks and talent, but I built my confidence along with it."

"I think it is the same for everyone,"

"As I was saying," He tried to get back to the topic as he tapped his index finger on the table. "I have this one tactic to ease being nervous during big events like this,"

"What is it?" Mina curiously asked.

She was hopeful to learn something about Jaehyun as her senior. He had been one of the top actors in the country who came from the bottom and built his name in the industry with his looks and talent.