Jaehyun's Feelings

Mina was unsure if Jaehyun had something else to do because he walked a few steps ahead of her and was not talking to her.

But he paused when he reached the lobby and grabbed Mina's wrist, guiding her towards the emergency exit stairs where no one else would see them. 

He broke the silence and said, "Would you like to date me?"

"What?" Mina was confused. She had no idea what Jaehyun was thinking.

"Would you like to date me?" Jaehyun repeated.

"I thought you said that a rookie actress like me should not date?" Mina asked. "So why are you suddenly asking me if we should date?"

"Because I am interested in you."

The answer was simple and direct. But Mina waffled on it. There was no reason for her to accept him at all.

"Interested in me?" Mina appeared baffled by what her colleague said. "That interest will die down once we start dating, so it is better not to start it at all."