Chosen For A Reason

"I have been fooling around with women, preying on them and getting sexual energy from them, and that was when I became a lust demon."

Mina furrowed her brows. "Became? Does that mean you have not always been one?"

"Yes, that is right," Lucas bobbed his head up and down. "I used to be an angel before becoming a demon."

"An angel?" Mina stared back at him with a blank expression. "That does not make sense. I have never heard of an angel becoming a demon before."

Lucas shrugged his shoulders. "I am sure that there are probably many of us who have become demons before. But we all have different stories and different reasons for turning into this."

Mina leaned forward in her chair as she became curious about Lucas's story. "I am not saying that I want to turn into one, but how did you change from an angel to a demon?" She asked.