Movie Watching

Jeho was silent as she let Mina walk in front of him so that she could choose where they would like to take a seat. Mina decided to be at the topmost part of the theatres since she did not like seeing a big screen in front of her face.

And since 200 pounds of beauty was an old movie, there were not that many people there. So Mina chose a certain seat in the middle of the theatre where they could take a seat. The movie had not started yet, and they have more time to sit there and talk.

It has been a while since Mina had been to a cinema and it was her first time with Kim Jeho. Now that she thought of it, both of them had done many things in bed, but they have not hung out like this.

They were quiet, and Mina did not know what to say.

"Mina, don't you think you are too quiet with me, but you get along with Lucas just fine?" Jeho spoke, and Mina turned her head to the right and stared at him. "Perhaps, do you like him more than you like me?"