Screwed Over Relationship

"But why are the two of you meeting up secretly without me knowing it?"

Soojin asked as she looked at Mark with a mean and angry expression. "You did not let me know! I did not even see you two meet up, and now, you have something important to say to her? Are you trying to screw me over, Mina?"

This is definitely getting out of hand.

"Why are you acting like this, Soojin?" Mina asked as she tried to calm her friend down. "I already told you that I am not the least interested in your ex-boyfriend. So why are you not seeing the real inside of this situation?"

"It is because it is telling me that it has been over between Mark and us because you got in between the two of us!" Soojin yelled, this time successfully gathering everyone's attention in the cafe. "How can you do this to me, Mina? I have been your friend for so long already!"

"But, I already told you---"