Patience is Virtue

"Mina, Mina, are you okay?" He asked her, and as soon as he did, he noticed that her body was trembling as hard as a rock.

And that was when he realized that something was off. He had to enter her dream and check it. Jeho closed his eyes and focused on his energy. In just a matter of seconds, he was able to enter a specific place.

It was dark. Everything was strange, as if Jeho could feel the dark energy that surrounded the whole place. But then, he saw a small light that came from a slightly opened door. It was an opening he knew that he had to go there and find out.

Jeho knew that he was in Mina's subconscious mind. He was aware that someone else had invaded his property. 

And yes, it was not Lucas.

A powerful incubus did it to Mina.

And this is where the particular place that he had to be very careful. His and Lucas's power as an incubus was relatively weaker because they had to share one body.