Meeting Up With the Past

They found a great cafe to hang out with. They decided to order one two iced chocolate for today's short trip.

But Mina was surprised to see another familiar-looking man who was sitting by the table. 

It was one of her ex-boyfriends, Lee Dongmin. They met their gazes and exchanged an awkward nod.

"Would you like to take a seat here?"

Mina did not expect to see her ex-boyfriend in this city. Well, she had never been in contact with any of his ex-boyfriends, so there was no way for her to know if he already relocated here to this wonderful place.

But the city was already big, so she never expected to meet an acquaintance here—much more of an ex-boyfriend.

Chaewon glanced at Mina, then to the man calling them over to take a seat. She whispered, "Do you know him, sis?"

With a loud exhale, she replied. "Yes, you can say that he is an acquaintance."