
Minshik p.o.v

Yes i love him so much more than a friend. After my parents died in the car crash a years ago. I have no one except him. He will be there for me.

Today is the day for our trip and i dont know.....i kinda feel uneasy about it. Right now i at the driver seat driving while Jihoo is sleeping at the passanger seat next to me. I know Jihoo is mad because i force him. Last night he never stop nagging that if Inspector Kang give us cases while we still in the trip and bla bla bla.

So now im driving to where the tourist guide tell us, the tourists to gather up. I look at Jihoo who is still sleeping . He look very much handsome. I sigh...i dont know why, why i dont want to tell him about my feeling toward him. Is it because im scared to lose him or something else.

Time skip

Now we're arrived at the place where the tourist guide tell us to.

I park my car at the empty parking and i saw no ones there...

"Fuck,did i wrongly saw the date? Im not right. Ohhh my goddddd jihoo gonna beat me if im wrong." I start to panic. I tried to relax myself and open my phone to check if im wrong or not and its not. Fuhhhh but where the fuck did they. Im about to mad untill i see the clock. Ouhhh we're too early hahahha. We still have one hour and thirthy minutes.I almost lost my heart ya know. So i decide to take nap for a minute. I close my eyes and sleep.

After 2 hours

I awake from my sleep and yawn. I wonder what time is it. I look at my wristwatch and realise bicth we're late! I start to panic again.

Then i look at Jihoo who still sleeping and decide to wake him up.

"Jihoo,wake up bitchhhh!" I said while shaking him.

"What the fuck hyunggg." He groan.

"We're late,dickhead!"

"Relax hyung, if they gone, we still can go back to our police station." Jihoo said.

"No way, bitch." I said.

Without wasting any time, we're quickly go out from my car and take off mine and Jihoo's luggage from the trunk.

Time skip again (this bitch is too lazy to explain more)

I have a small talk with the tour guide and honestly she is pretty. She so kind hearted and soft i think hmmm i dont know. I got to know that her is Joo Hana. Huh it so rare for me to say someone pretty. We get inside the bus and search for a seat. There have only like 6 person who is like a family and us. Its kinda awkward tho.

I sit at the empty seat near window and about to ask Jihoo to seat next to me when suddenly a pretty women sit next to me. Urghhhh i feel so annoyed. I really want to kick her ass out of the seat. Seat beside her is like im in hell i tell you. This bitch is so fucking whore. She tried to flirt with me and even touch my thigh.


Excuse me bitch, i know im handsome, pretty and no one will beat my handsomeness but im straight ok... im straight as circle so she obviously not my type.Why huh why! Why i have to face many pervert in my life. Am i pervert in my past life. Fuck!

I look at Jihoo and somehow he look annoyed. I think its because of the fact that i force him to join this tour But why the fuck i feel so uneasy right now. I dont know why.

I look at the mirror,ignore that bitch and start to flashback all the bad memories i have.


"Please, no more.... it hurts." I said in a begging tone.

He look at me while smiling like a devil and said....

"Bitch like you should not go easily."

Then he slap me on my face and continue what he just stop. He beat me none stop and it so damn hurt. I got bullied by him from the moment i knew he is in the same year as me. As you guys can guess its Jihoo. At first he just threaten me but when he find out that i will be his roommate,he so mad. Whenever he mad about something he will beat me like im his punching bag. After he satisfied he will banging my head to the floor and went out to i dont know where.

I cried while hugging my knees. I dont know why,why it must be me. Why i have to get through all of this. I hate myself, im useless and im bitch. I should not be born. My parents even died because of me...

My parent died just a few months ago. At that time i called my parent to ask them to bring me my things since i got to stay in the dorm and try live by myself. Im actually happy when i know that i got to stay in a dorm but all my happines gone when i know who my roommate is. I got a roommate who i wish i never meet him. Ok back to the story.

The fact that i will meet my parents make me smile. They are my happiness and my happy pill.

Whenever i feel sad i will call my parents just to hear their voice. I love them and im so grateful that god choose them to be my parents.

After 5 hours

I take a look at my wristwatch and sigh. Its been 5 hours of me waiting for them yet they didnt shown up. "Why they didnt arrived yet." I said and sigh again.

Suddenly i got a call from an unknown number. I reached my phone and answer the call.

"Hello." I said

"Hello, is this Cha Minshik?" The woman ask.

"Yes i am but who is this?" I ask back.

"Im Han Eunji, im a nurse from Jenda medical Centre." She said

"Ok so why did you call me?"

"Before I tell you about something, may i know what is your relationship with Mister Cha Minki and mrs Kim Raeun" The nurse ask

"Im their son. So tell me why are you calling. Did something happen to my parents." I ask and my heart started to beat so fast.

"Ouhh, actually im here to tell you that both of your parents are admitted to the hospital due to the accident that they get involved in."

Im too shocked and my knees felt weak. I fell on the floor and started to cry. I cried as loud as i can.

Without wasting anytime i quickly leave my dorm and straight away went to the hospital.

I went to the receptionist to ask them about my parent and they ask me to go to the icu ward at the seventh floors. I quickly ask the doctor about my parents and he look at me with a pity eyes. He shooked his head and went out from the room which is mean that my parents, my one and only parents cannot be save.

I put my hand onto my mouth and started to cry. I went to the room where both of my parent been placed. I take a look at them with my teary eyes. I went to my mother sight and tell her something.

"Eomma why eomma....why you must leave me all alone. You know i need you. You know i love you. Who am i without you eomma. Please wake up. Dont leave me like this. Jaebal eomma haaaaaaa."

"Appa wake up please..please i need you, i need you both. You guys cannot leave me like this. Im not ready yet. Please appa eomma please dont do this to me. I love you guys so much. Dont make me like this. Im not ready to let you guys go so please, please wake up dont prank me like this please. Eomma appa jaebal....please wake up." I beg while crying.

"Andwae eomma appa.. i love you guys dont leave me. I still want to spend my time with you. Its all my fault, if im not asking you guys to bring my things this shit is not gonna happend.. its all my fault so please wake up."

The doctor came in and stroked my back and said.

"Mr Cha Minshik, im Doctor Yeon, im the one whos in charge to save both of your parent. Im sorry for my failure." He said and bow

"Nah *sob* its okay * sob* its has been written so what can we do *sob* we *sob* cant change it *sob*."

"About the payment and anything else i will settled it for you. I feel so guilty right now so as an apologies i would like to help you settle everything ."

"Thank you, Doctor Yeon."

End of chapter 4