
My mind just started to drift off because, OMG! I cannot listen to this speech anymore. I started thinking about my old school back in New York, my old hometown, my friends, the people I knew, cared about and left there. I drifted far away from the crowded history classroom of Miss Cartwright; away from Kennedy High in California to Lincoln High School in New York.

"I wish you didn't have to leave. Why can't you just stay here? I mean, you have been my best friend for practically forever and you're leaving me to move to the other side of the country," wailed my bestest best friend Therese. We have been friends since we were three years old. We have been inseparable since her family moved next door from Nevada. It even feels like we're sisters at times. She is an only child. Her dad is a doctor and her mom is an interior designer. Compared to us, they fare pretty well financially. My mom stays at home to take care of me and my sister and my dad works for an advertising agency. Therese drives a red Miata and that's how we get around since I still can't afford to buy my own car.

We have been through a lot together; from the first tooth that fell out; fighting over our barbies; fighting other kids in the playground or in school; learning to ride our bikes; getting our periods, our grade school and middle school graduation; through zits and unwanted pounds; our first boyfriends...

"So, we're gonna end it just like that? Why do you have to go? What about me?" That was my first serious boyfriend Jeremy (I mean, I dated a few other guys but I did not really consider them as boyfriends). Jeremy was my one true love. It took all my strength not to break down as I told him that we were moving. He looked like a small child who just lost his mother in an overcrowded shopping mall. All I could do was reach out and hug him as tight as I could. I wish there's something I can do about it because the pain in my chest is making me feel like I'm going to explode.

"I don't know Jay, I honestly don't know. You know I have no choice in this and you know that I want to wake up tomorrow to find out that this is just a bad dream. I wish I can snap my fingers and make everything okay but we have to be realistic here. We know this is happening and there is nothing we can do for now. There is a very slim chance of us seeing each other again soon since I'm moving to the other side of the country. I really think this is what's best for us. Let's go our separate ways and try to go on with our lives the way we are supposed to. Maybe when we turn eighteen in a few years one of us can move so we can live near the other but I don't really want us to get our hopes up. A lot of things can happen in that span of time that we're apart and I think we wouldn't want to make things worse if we do find someone else during that time. If we really are meant to be together, I'm sure we will find each other again in the future." I explained to him but in truth, it was myself that I'm trying to convince that breaking up is the right thing to do.

This was the last thing I was permitted to remember as Mark nudged me back to reality. "Hey, sorry to drag you back here from dreamland but Miss Primitive has called your name twice already," he whispered. I looked at Miss Cartwright and she was looking directly at me. She does not look happy.

"Here!" I said rather loudly which caused some of the other kids to giggle.

"Glad you decided to join us Miss Jensen." She remarked as she proceeded to the next student. I felt myself blush and tried to sink lower in my seat. I can feel the other students' eyes on me as they continue to snicker. I was embarrassed but I was glad that Miss Cartwright did not bite my head off for being absent-minded. Though there were other students dozing off as well, the others paid them no mind. Maybe they just took notice of me because I was new.

While we were eating lunch, Mark could not stop his curiosity, "What were you thinking earlier in class? You looked like you were sleeping with your eyes open."

"Nothing important. Just stuff." I replied flatly, wishing he wouldn't press on. Though I have no such luck because he asked again, "You miss New York, don't you?

I nodded and I was glad he dropped the subject at that. He may have sensed that it was a touchy subject and I was not in the mood to talk about it right now. We finished our meal in awkward silence. I think I'm gonna like Mark because he gets me.