Start of Something New

As soon as I stepped out I saw my brother coming from the opposite direction, also coming home from school.

"Dang Cassie, cool car! he exclaimed looking at the car with awe and admiration.

"You like it?" I didn't notice that Raiden had also gotten out of the car. "My dad gave it to me for Christmas last year. You want to go for a spin?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, I'm sure he's got tons of homework to do. This is my brother Jason, by the way." I interjected trying to discourage both of them.

"C'mon Cas, just a ride around the block please, pretty please?" He begged with his hands together and a puppy dog face. "I really don't have a lot of homework today." Both of them were looking hopefully at me.

"Fine!" I conceded, "But just a short spin around the block, okay Jase?"

"Yes!" Jason exclaimed triumphantly as he hopped on the passenger side of the car looking extremely happy as Raiden took the car's top down.

"You don't want to come with us?" asked Raiden.

"No thanks, I still have to get dinner ready." I refused.

"You sure? We're just going to be quick. I'll even help you make dinner." He offered smiling. The thought of him in the kitchen with me made me blush for some reason.

"Or we can just order pizza!" Jason popped in and I noticed that he had moved to the back of the car. If you let him, he will eat pizza everyday.

I can never refuse my brother so I hopped into the passenger seat again. Jason has taken an instant liking to Raiden because of his car. He was blabbering non-stop during the two block ride, telling him about his basketball team. When we got back to the house, Mark was sitting on the front porch. He stood up as the Porsche pulled into the front of the house. "Thanks again for indulging Jason." I said to Raiden as I got out of the car. "Say Thank you Jason." I nudged my brother as he got out. "I'm gonna go ahead", I told Jason and Keith as I turned around and went towards Mark.

"Hey." Mark said as I stood in front of him.

"Hi, umm, Raiden offered me a ride home and Jason wanted to take a ride around the block, he likes cars." I know I was babbling but I felt the need to explain for some reason. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty.

"Calm down," he said smiling. "I just came over to give this back to you since you might need it for today's homework." He handed me my history notes that he borrowed before he got sick.

"Uh, yeah, thanks", I took the notebook from him. "You could have just taken a picture, you didn't have to go all the way here. Aren't you sick still?"

Just then, Raiden and Jason walked up to where we were. Mark glanced at Raiden but did not acknowledge him. But his face lit up when he turned to Jason. "Hey Jase, 'sup? How was your game yesterday?"

As expected, Jason started talking animatedly giving Mark a full recap of his team's game yesterday. I had to cut him short or we'll be standing here all night. "I have to go prepare dinner kiddo, wrap it up."

"My offer still stands. I can help you prepare dinner." Raiden offered.

Mark looked at him with his brows furrowed but before he could say anything I said, "No, thanks for the offer, we're good." I moved to go inside pushing Jason along as well. "I'll see you guys on Monday!"

Both Raiden and mark made no move to leave. It's as if they were waiting for the other to leave first. Raiden turned to go first after a few minutes. "See you."

Mark turned too as if this was his cue too. "I'm gonna go too", he waved at me and then he turned to Jason. "See you Jase!"

Just as Mark reached the sidewalk, Jason called out to him, "Hey Mark, can you go with me to the mall to get new shoes tomorrow afternoon?"

"Sure kiddo! Just text me tomorrow what time you wanna go and I'll pick you up."

Raiden was by his car just looking on. "He tried out for the basketball team at the middle school and he got in." I don't know why I was explaining to Raiden. This afternoon is just toxic, I need a break. Why do I feel the need to explain everything to people all of a sudden?

"Congratulations!" he said to Jason.

"Thanks!" Jason replied but he was already halfway through the front door.

"I'll call you later", Raiden said to me before he got in the car. I did not reply and I did not wait for him to back up from the driveway either. I just went inside. I'm feeling a beginning of a headache so I think tonight will be pizza night. I called my mom to ask if she's on her way home and asked if she can pick up a box. "I'll tell you why later."

I guess I didn't have to say much because Jason had started telling my mom about 'my friend Raiden who has a really cool car'. "You should have seen it, Mom! it was more than awesome!" Jason gushed about Raidens car over and over. My mom looked at me questioningly with one eyebrow raised which meant 'what happened to staying away?' and that we need to talk. To add insult to injury, Jason suddenly asked "Is he your boyfriend Cassie? I thought Mark was your boyfriend?"

"None of the above, Jase. They're both just my friends."

"Whatever." Jason rolled his eyes and focused in trying to put the whole slice of pizza in his mouth.

After dinner I filled mom in on what was happening but I reassured her that there's nothing going on and that I did not even agree to go out with him yet.

"It's your decision, honey. I am not going to interfere but if you do need someone to talk to, you know I'm always here. This is something that you have to decide yourself. Thank you for confiding in me though." She gave me a hug.

"Thanks mom, you're the best!"

After my conversation with my mom, I went to my room and called Therese. I gave her a recap of the day's events and asked, "Do you think I should go out with Raiden?"

"Send me his profile." She replied. I went to look for his social media profile hoping that it's not private. I feel like a stalker. Therese have seen Mark and thinks he's a cutie because I sent her some of the selfies I took with him. I haven't sent her a picture of Raiden because I don't have one and it did not occur to me to look at his online profiles.

Luckily, there were pictures in one of his social media page and I took a screenshot and sent it to Therese. "OMG, Cas! Go for it! Ooh lala, he's yummy! Sorry Mark, there's a new hottie in town! Hahaha!"

"Crazy!" I laughed with her. "I don't know, I feel like going out with him is a betrayal of Mark."

"You two are not going out anyways, right?" Therese reasoned out. He has not made a move on you, girl. If he was interested in you as a girlfriend, he would have asked you out ages ago since you are practically glued together. He's even making me jealous because you have no time for me anymore." She pouted and made a sad face in the camera.

"Sorry, I guess I was just happy that I'm not all alone out here anymore." I apologized.

"Just kidding Cas, you know I just want you to be happy. So if you're really into this guy, then go for it. You're single, he's single, what's holding you guys up? I'm sure Mark will understand that you need some romance in your life. Tell him he can be my boo when I go visit you instead, haha!"

"You are too much Therese Phan!" I exclaimed. We talked about her and her dating life and it seems that my crazy friend is making a lot of boys in New York miserable. "Why should I commit to just one guy? I'm not married yet?" She reasoned. All I can do is shake my head at her. But when the subject of Jeremy came up and how he had stopped calling and answering my calls and texts, she became quiet. "Umm Cas, I don't want to be the one to tell you this and I was hoping he'd tell you or you'd see something on your feed or his timeline."

"Just spill it." I demanded.

"He's with Monica now. I thought it was just a passing thing but I heard that they're going steady."

"Eh, that's fine. We're not together anymore anyway but I just feel sad that he didn't have the decency to tell me himself. We were together for almost two years and I thought it meant something to him too."

"Sorry?" Therese said again.

"What are you sorry for? Thanks for telling me. You should be sorry for him though. I mean, Monica? Really? She's been with half the school's population." Monica Wheeler has a reputation at Lincoln High for being a real slut. She goes through guys just like how you go through K-cups. "Just tell him I said hello", I said with a resigned sigh.

Just then, my phone rang and cut my video call with Therese short. I got so startled that I picked it up without seeing who it was first. I looked at the name and saw that it was Raiden. Shoot, why did I answer? Should I hang up and pretend that the call was dropped? I took a deep breath and decided to just talk to him. How bad can it be right? "Hello?"

"Hey! Have you had dinner yet?" Raiden asked.

"Yeah, we ordered pizza as I told you. How about you? What did you have for dinner?" I had to PM Therese that our call was dropped because Raiden called and I'm talking to him right now. I told her I'm calling her tomorrow.

"We had some pasta. I guess the theme for tonight is Italian Friday haha!"

"I guess." What do I talk about with him? My mind turns into a blank slate whenever I'm with Raiden. I get so nervous around him. "Thanks for giving Jason a ride on your car earlier. Sorry to have troubled you for that, my brother can be a bit pesky at times."

"It's fine, I was the one who offered remember? I kinda like that short time I spent with your brother since I don't have any siblings myself. I enjoy hanging out with other people's younger siblings. It gets lonely being an only child." he confessed.

"You can have him every other day if you like." I joked.

"I'll take you up on your offer, haha! I heard he's going shoe shopping with Alexander tomorrow. How about you? You busy?"

"Umm, I was just gonna catch up on my reading."

"You want to watch a movie too? They have this dinner and movie thing in Rocklin. You want to check it out?"

I can't think of a good excuse not to go and so I just agreed.

"I'll pick you up around 2? We can go around the mall there for a bit and go for the 5pm movie?"

"Sounds good!"

"Then it's a date! I'll see you tomorrow Cassie. Good night and sweet dreams."

"Night." I said before I hung up.