Go for it!

The rest of the week went by smoothly. Raiden asked me out again the following week and I don't know if I was just pissed at Mark or if I accepted because I actually like spending time with him. I also found out that I kind of liked hanging out with Michelle. It felt nice to have someone to talk to about girly moments and boy troubles. She had helped me make a decision. Well, sort of. She told me to go for Raiden since if I don't every other girl in school will, and with regards to Mark, if he wanted something more he will definitely tell me. When she found out that Raiden asked me out again, he invited me to go shopping Wednesday afternoon and I was excited because it's the first time I'm shopping with a girl since I moved here (my mom does not count though we are like friends). We went to the thrift shops by the movie theater and browsed them for a cute dress. I found this coral vintage mini dress with an empire waist and a V neck. I thought it looked simple yet dressy and when I tried it on, I felt like it was made for me, Michelle agreed too. As a bonus, we found a matching tassel necklace with an aquamarine stone. "you should get some contacts" she told me.

"I don't know... I haven't worn contacts in a while and I don't have money for it." I confessed.

We browsed through the trinkets in every store and found some really cute stuff we wanted to buy. Too bad we're both broke haha! When we've had enough, we had coffee and decided to just go home after.

The next day went by in a blur and before I knew it, it was Friday. I felt antsy the whole day. I did not see Raiden in school but he texted me that he will pick me up at 7. I found myself looking forward to his evening and morning texts now. Mark has stopped texting and he did not reply to messages I have sent so I decided to just let him be. I still see him around school with different girls all the time but he rarely acknowledges me. As for Taylor, I still catch her glaring at me like an ax murderer but just like what Michelle says, it's none of her business who her ex dates, they're broken up.

Michelle came home with me after school to help me get ready. I didn't realize how much I missed doing this with Therese! It's not just the same just doing video calls. The dress was perfect but I could not find shoes to match! I wish I paid attention to my wardrobe back in New York. I mean the thrift stores there are heaven compared to here, lined up with discount designer dresses, most of which, still have tags on. But when I was with Jeremy, it was a comfy relationship. I didn't need to dress up to impress him since we really don't go anywhere but the arcade and dinner with him equates either a diner or a fast food joint. He was ok with my t-shirt and jeans and It didn't occur to me that I might need those cute dresses someday. The very few dresses I have were too formal since I wear them for special occasions and school dances and stuff. Then I remembered that mom said she got me some flats a couple of weeks ago. I hurriedly went to her room and looked for it. It was still in a bag on the side of her dresser. I was praying she didn't get me black ones. Alas, they were blue. I went to her shoe rack and I found these silver strappy sandals with fake rhinestones. Perfect! I don't think she's mind if I borrowed them. As if on cue, I heard the front door close just as I was coming out of her room. "Mom? Is that you?"

"Yes honey!"

"I'm borrowing your sandals!" I yelled over the staircase.

"No problem." she replied.

I went back into my room to finish getting ready. It was already past 6 and I only have less than an hour left. I was glad Michelle knows how to put on makeup. I told her I just wanted eyeliner, mascara and lip tint. I rummaged through my drawer because I bought smudge proof mascara and eyeliner since I have a habit of forgetting I have make up on and rubbing my eye. Before we got started, my mom went into my room and handed me a small paper bag.

"What is it?" I asked as I opened the bag. They were a new pair of contacts!

"I know you still have the same prescription since you have not changed your glasses."

"Oh thank you mom! How did you know I wanted them?"

"I might have texted her," Michelle confessed.

I put on the contacts and they were perfect. I was just about to put my hair up in a ponytail when Michelle put a hand on my arm, "No! leave it down." She took some cute hairpins from her bag, parted my hair in the middle and placed two matching hairpins on each side by the ear. Then she did my make up, if you can call it that.

"You look amazing! I bet you're gonna knock him dead," exclaimed Michelle.

"Umm, I don't think I want to do that. I want to go on a date with him tonight." We both laughed. "OMG! I'm so nervous Mitch! I hope my palms don't sweat. Don't you think I'm overdressed?"

"You're fine! What are you talking about? Taylor is dressed like that everyday."

"I guess you're right." I said as I sprayed some cologne.

As if on cue, the bell rang. "I got it!" My mom yelled and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"I feel like throwing up." I admitted.

Mitch took my hand in hers "You're gonna be fine. Take three deep breaths!"

I closed my eyes and did as she instructed. I felt somewhat better. I can hear my mom greeting Raiden and inviting him in. I hurriedly took my purse from my bed and did a final turn in front of the mirror. I liked what I saw, "thanks Mitch, you are a lifesaver."

"Anytime. Now, go! You don't want to keep him waiting do you?" as she pushed me out of the room.

I took a deep breath and whispered to her, "Wish me luck!"

"Oh wow!" Raiden exclaimed and I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. "You look beautiful. I mean you've always been beautiful but...damn, you know what I mean."

"Thank you." I said as I lowered my head. Now I feel quite embarassed.

"You both look georgeous," my mom interjected.

Raiden didn't seem to be listening as he looks on intently at me. "Shall we?" He asked offering his hand to me.

I nodded. "Bye mom," I kissed her before taking Raiden's hand.

"Nice meeting you Mrs Jensen, I promise to bring her back in one piece." He said, still not taking his eyes off of me then leading me to his car. As usual, he opened the car door for me "All in?" He asked before closing the door. I had to think for a second about what he meant but I realized if I'm settled inside the car. I nodded.I think I'm beginning to fall for this Mr. Perfect. Mark slid briefly into my thoughts for some reason and I wondered what he's doing tonight. I brushed the thought away quickly and decided not to think of him. He's not gonna spoil my night, I told myself as I relax in the bucket seats.