Chapter 8-Embarrassing Underwear And Striptease

"Sorry I think I misheard you. I thought you told me to…"


"Yeah that"

Hmmm…!? No wait what!

"You want me to strip!?"

"Yeah. Must I say it again? Strip your clothes till you're in your underwear"

"That's a little too much for a test. Shouldn't it be more like an interview?"

"Didn't I say you would have do whatever I say. This is also included in that. If you want to join this club then strip"

When she said it was going to be tough, I thought she was going to ask some hard questions about Anime or manga to test my otaku knowledge. I never thought she would ask me to strip with a straight face. It's like I have to fight the final boss at the starting of the game

I don't really care about stripping since I believe in gender equality but if she sees the underwear I'm wearing today, I know she won't ever let me hear the end the end of it

Oh! I got an idea. I'll make it so that she stops the test on her own accord and at the same time see her embarrassed face. With a confident face and steady tone I said

"But I can't strip in front of a girl"

"Why not? Are you ashamed to show your body because some parts aren't adequate in size?" She said as she lowered her view

This girl!...She uses every single opportunity to diss me or tease me but its fine, since its going as per plan. Now it's time to pull out the secret weapon

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just that I'm a healthy young boy with a lot of urges and if I were to be naked in a room with a girl, I don't know if I could hold myself back. The situation seems a little dangerous and I'm worried for you, so let's stop this test and do so something else"

Got you now!

Look at you, pondering over what I said. No matter how tough you are, you're still a girl. And a girl would instinctively do whatever she can to get out of this situation. Now just admit your defeat and-

"You don't have to worry about that"


"If you try anything sketchy…"

She pulled something from her bag

"...I can just use this to bring you down"

She was holding a taser in her hand and it wasn't a toy. It looked like it could bring a lion down

I totally forgot that she had dangerous thing like that with her. I closed my legs the moment I saw it, remembering what happened to the last person who had a taste of it. And with one move she put a stop to all my schemes. A formidable opponent indeed. She asked while smiling at her victory

"You don't have any more problems right?"


I gave up. For the sake of joining this club and finding the truth I'll do whatever she says. Even if I have to show 'that' underwear to her. Of all the days I could have worn 'that' underwear, I chose today. This is going to be a dark moment in my life that I'm going to look back on and will always regret it happening

"First stand up take of your shirt" She said as if she was a customer at a strip club

"Got it"

I stood up and saw her eager face. She looked like she wanted to smile but was holding it in for it to look like a serious test. I started to quickly open the buttons of my shirt when she said


"What? I'm doing what you just said or are you embarrassed that I started doing it?"

So she was a shy girl in the end. Looks like I escaped that close situa-

"I want you take it off more slowly. Do it like you're in a strip club?"

Shy girl My Ass! She's just a damn pervert!

I removed the buttons slowly and took the shirt off as erotic as I could and threw the shirt on her sofa like pole dancers do. It's a good thing I saw a documentary on pole dancing before for educational purposes

She bent forward to get a closer look

"Stop staring at me like that! It's weird"

She looked all over my body without leaving a spot. It felt like she was defiling me with her eyes. She said

"I noticed it before but you have a really well built body. There's no way you could have achieved this body that looks like it's chiselled from stone from just normal exercises. Do you do some type of special muscle building or training?"


I did do something like that with 'him' in the past. Thinking about 'him' makes me remember all those harsh and scary experiences I went through when I was younger. No child should ever go through what I had experienced

But I escaped from his clutches when we moved here. I'm glad I won't be seeing him again. But I'm also grateful to him since he's one

of the main people who made me into the man I'm today. Maybe I'll call him later since he must feel lonely without me

"This is a sight for sore eyes" Said Kisaragi-san while starting at my abs

I don't know if I should feel happy or not about her praising me since she's clearly having fun looking at me in this state. She picked up the teacup on the table and said

"Now off with the pants"

I removed the hook, lowered the zip and slid my fingers through the sides of my pants ready to remove them. She took a sip of tea while looking at me do it with a blank face

I got pissed when I saw her not affected in the slightest with what was happening while I was the only one who was bothered about it. Fuck it all! If she wants to see me naked then I'll just show her!

Say hello to my little friend!!

I pulled the pants down in one smooth motion and revealed my underwear. I look up to see how she reacted and her cheeks were puffed up and her eyes were widened. We were directly looking at each other in the eyes and in that short moment...


...she spit all the tea that was in her mouth right on my damn face. I exclaimed

"What the fuck! Why did you do that!?"


She was rolling on the sofa laughing like a crazy person. She was violently thrashing around and knocked the tea cup down. Her face was blushed and tears were coming down from her eyes

While beating the poor sofa up she started speaking

"I can't! I can't! Your under wear, It's too good! Pink rainbow sparkles, pink rainbow sparkles! It's the best! Hahaha!"

So it was my underwear after all. I knew she was going to laugh when she saw my pink unicorn, sparkles and rainbows boxers. They may look girly but they have a story behind them

A few years ago I got them from my father when he came back from one of his trips. He told me that he also has one of them and wearing them was an experience he'll never forget. I thought he was joking and never wore it until one day I had no clean underwear to wear. Since the pink underwear was the only one left I decided to wear it

I put it on and had life changing experience. The pink underwear I wore felt way too good. My balls that were so cold before were now wrapped in a tender warmness. It felt as they were in a safe place that no one could enter. Every part of my groin was beautifully placed in that silky cloth and there were no unnecessary movements. The warmness, the delicate but perfect fit, it was like they tailor made that underwear just for my dick

When I walked out wearing that underwear I felt like I was reborn. All the sorrow and grief in this world just vanished and I could see happiness wherever I walked. I saw sights I never saw before and felt like I could do anything. I would also have lucky moments like finding a coin on the ground or seeing a girls skirt get blown up and seeing her white panties when I was wearing them

I came back home that day fully satisfied and saw my dad with his arms crossed, slanting on the wall near the door looking straight ahead. I was about to pass him and go in when he said

"Yuuto, I see you've worn the underwear I got you"

I was surprised he knew

"H-How did you know!?"

He smirked and said

"It's because you had the same expression on your face as the day I wore it for the first time. So how was the experience?"

He looked at me for a straight answer and I smiled and said

"It was heavenly dad"

He smiled back and said with resolute eyes

"I agree. I'm thinking of keeping mine as a family heirloom but you'll have to pass yours on to your son. If you don't have a son, give them to your grandkids. The legacy must go on. Promise me Yuuto. Promise me you'll pass the torch on to the future generations"

I went in front of him, looked him in the eyes and with a dead serious face I said

"Dad I promise on my little sister Kaede that I'll pass these underwear on"

"I see....Then I'm happy my son"

He was going back into the house but I called him and told

"Dad I may not say this often but….Thank You"

He looked back at me and said

"Anything for you my son"

We had a beautiful father-son bonding moment going on which didn't happen a lot before but it was all ruined when my sister Kaede who was watching the whole thing said

"What the hell are you two doing? It's disgusting"

...with a disgusted look on her face. She couldn't understand the promises between us men

Ever since that day I called them 'God Underwear' and put them in a special case I bought to preserve them. I would only wear them on special occasions to save the luck stored in them

Since I needed all the luck I could get for the first day of school I wore them today. But to think they would humiliated by her. She just doesn't understand the worth of them

"Hahaha!…Pink sparkles, pink rainbow, pink unicorn! I-I can't stop laughing! Hahaha!"

Just how long is she going berate my precious underwear? What if the underwear heard what she said and feels bad about itself. It might lose all its power; I could never let that happen. After a minute which seemed like an hour of embarrassment for me, she started to calm down a bit but was still struggling to control her laughter and said

"S-Sorry I spat on your face but it's your fault for showing me that underwear while I was drinking tea. Hahahaha….J-Just go and wash your face in the sink over in that corner. Hahaha…I-I'll try to control my laughter by then. Hahaha!"

I went to the sink and washed the tea that was dripping down my face. Good think my shirt was off or else it would've been stained. Her laughter started to subside as I washed my face. By the time I finished and came back to the sofa, she had regained full composure and was sitting as elegant as before with a straight face. She said

"Sorry about spitting on your face and that display you saw there. Now let's resume the tests"

She acted like nothing happened. She looked at my underwear and said

"I have to ask. Why are you wearing those wearing those girly underwear or all of the ones you own like this? You even made fun of that girl in the morning for her underwear but aren't you're doing the same?"

"For your information, this is the only underwear with this design and don't underestimate this underwear's power"

I thought she would look weirded out when I said that but was surprisingly having a normal aloof expression

"I see. They seem to have a story behind them. I won't pry any further"

So she understands my struggle. I didn't expect that. She smiled and said

"After what happened now, I definitely want you to join this club. You've already made me laugh two times in one day which no one has done before. I feel that life won't be boring anymore with you on my side"

"So I don't have to do anymore tests?"

"No you do. My feelings are a entirely different case from the rules. The rules can't be broken"

She easily change the rules if she wants. I mean the rules are what she thinks of. In reality she just wants to see me suffer more

"Now for the next test. Strike poses in front of me while in your underwear"

I honestly don't care anymore. The only thing I was worried about was my underwear but now that's gone I could do anything. I could even go fully naked for all I care


She was surprised I followed her order without saying anything back and said

"Awfully obedient aren't we?"

I got up and started striking some body builder poses while she stared at me with a bored face. I guess she can't enjoy it since I'm doing it without any embarrassment. Finally I'm winning against her

I continued doing it for another thirty seconds and then she noticed something on monitor in the corner and smiled. She told

"I'll be taking photos now"


"Relax I'm not going to send them to anyone…"

Not like you have any friends to send them too

"…or post them on a weird website"

You better not. I don't want a bunch of people wanking their meat off, seeing my body

"Put both your hand behind your head and push your abs towards me"

Seems a little vulgar but who cares, nothing can stop me now. I did what she said and she started taking photos

"Yeah just like that. Now tighten your muscles"

"Like this?"

"Yeah now lift your arms up. Perfect!"

It sounded like a photo shoot and I was getting into it. It might not be a bad experience after all

"Don't move. Just keep that posture. Yeah just like that and....Please come in!"

For some reason she shouted that last line towards the door and was looking at it. I didn't understand what she was trying to do until I heard the sound of the door opening

I quicky turned around towards the door with my hands still on my head and saw a head peeping in

It was too late. I couldn't do anything to stop it. Whoever was on the other side of the door was going to see a boy giving a private strip show to a girl in school. Not only am I going to be called a delinquent but after this everyone is going to label me as a pervert. It's worse if a teacher comes in. Bye-Bye peaceful school life, it's time for us to go in our separate ways

Now who is the lucky person who's gonna see me in my underwe-...Oh no...Not her

The next second I found who it was, only one thought went through my mind

'Why is god so cruel to me?'

And the head of the person who was the last person I wanted to witness this scene popped in and said with her her cute voice

"Excuse me. My name is Ishikawa Hina from your class. I came here because Yamamoto-kun forgot-...…..Y-Yamamoto-kun?"