Chapter 14-New Surprises

"Your admission is confirmed and it's already late, so let's stop here"


We both took our bags and left the club room we'll be spending the rest of our school life in. She then took a key out of her pocket and locked the door. We then walked towards the end of the pathway and stopped when Kisaragi-san said

"What's that?"

She pointed towards a paper on the ground. I picked it up to see what it was

"It's a club registration form"

"What's it doing over there?"

I thought for a bit and found out

"Hina-san must have brought it for me and dropped it when she was running away"

"So that's why she came to the club in the first place"

"While we're on the topic. What do you want to do about Hina-san? You wanted to approach her by clearing the misunderstanding right, so are going to talk to her tomorrow?"

"No you do it"

"Didn't you want to say your thanks and get to know her that way?"

" After that talk with you I feel like I'm deceiving her if I do it that way. I want to become her friend by being straight forward instead of using indirect methods"

"If you say so, I'll support you along the way"

"Thanks. Then I'll be going this way since I have some work to finish"

"Sure. Then I'll see you tomorrow at school"

She smiled as if she was hiding a surprise and said

"I think you'll see me a little earlier then that"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out soon"

She waved her hand and walked towards the opposite direction

Kisaragi Yuzuha, a mysterious and strange women. I never expected to meet a girl like her in my life but life is full of surprises

I turned and started walking

Somehow I feel that life is going to throw a bunch of surprises at me in the future

But who cares, I'll deal with them one by one so that I can turn those surprises into wonderful memories