
After a few minutes I finished covering her wound

"That should do it. Is it uncomfortable anywhere?"

She moved her ankle around and said

"It's perfect"

"That's good. By the way why aren't there any cars coming down this road? I've only see one car go by till now"

"Oh yeah, you're a transfer student right. So you wouldn't know much about this town. No cars go in this road because it's the old one. Theirs a new road on the other side which has a shorter route so people take that route more often, especially in the night. This road is mostly used for cycling or morning jogs now"

I looked at the end of the road and noticed something

"But there are four cars coming now"

She also looked and said

"But there's nothing coming"

"Wait for it"

She looked closely into the distance and looked surprised

"There really are cars coming! How did you know?"

"Didn't I say I have pretty good eyes"

"And I'll say it again. That's not just pretty good. That's superhuman. It's like you have a camera in your eye"

"You're going to make me blush. I guess I'll have to quickly pick up your belongings before the cars come"

I got up before seeing her reaction to what I just said and started walking towards the books which were on the road. She suddenly became frantic and tried to stop me saying

"No! Stop! Don't go! Don't pick it up"

By the time she finished saying that, I had already picked up one of the manga and looked at the cover

She became restless and was panicking. She exclaimed

"It's not what you think! That's not my manga! I just found them on the road and picked it up! I have no relation to them whatsoever"

In which world can you just randomly find a bag full of manga, Can't you think of any better excuse?

"You can just leave it there since it's not mine!" Said Aksatsuki-san with a frantic expression on her face

"What are you saying? Didn't you buy them at the book shop just now?"

"No! That was because I was buying-…..…?"

She stopped panicking and looked at me with a suspicious look and asked

"How do you know I bought the manga at the bookstore?"

"Because I saw you buy it"

She was surprised

"What!? You saw me? T-Then you were stalking me in the bookstore?"

"No, I was there the whole time"

She looked even more shocked now and pushed herself back

"So you've been stalking me the whole day! You damn stalker!"

"You're completely fixated on me being a stalker aren't you. What I'm trying to tell is, we were both at the bookstore at the same time"


"I went to buy some books and saw you there. I was standing right next to you the whole time"


"So you really didn't notice me"

She must have wanted to keep her otaku hobbies a secret from me like the closet otaku she is. But it's useless since I already know she's a otaku

But she called me stalker again. It kind of hurts being called that twice by the same girl. Makes me want to give her a taste of her own medicine. So I said with a cocky tone

"But I misjudged you. I didn't think you would be interested in that type of stuff"

She was confused

"What do you mean? What type of stuff?"

"Do you really want me to say it? I can just forget seeing the whole thing. I think that's better for you"

"Just say it"

"Since you asked for it I'll tell you. Back in the book store, I saw you checking out a really perverted manga"

Her face became flustered. I then arrogantly smiled and said

"So like those type of books huh?"

"No! That's-Uhhm-Ahh...."

She was really panicking and didn't know how to respond. Seems like she's not good under pressure


Seems like she thought of an excuse to get out of this situatio. She said

"The book's cover! I was just curious about the cover's art work! "

That excuse would have worked if I had only seen her looking at the cover but she doesn't I saw her reading the book with full concentration. She thinks I only saw her holding the book

With this I can slowly drag the joke a little longer. It's already pretty fun looking at her all flustered like that

"But I even saw you going through the pages of the manga"

She was shocked that I knew that and said

"That's because...Umm....Oh Yeah! I thought it was a manga I was searching for! But when I checked it was actually a different manga. It was just a honest mistake!"

She was a horrible liar

The excuses she was giving were one thing but the thing that clearly gave it away was her reactions. Her eyes were wandering around and she was constantly fidgeting with her hands. She couldn't sit in one place and there was nervousness in her voice

She could even make the truth a lie by acting that way. But that doesn't mean I'm leaving her off. I'll conclude this with the same thing she said when she first met me. I'll show her how it felt back then

"Then why were you laughing and looking like you were having fun reading it"

"You also saw that! That's was…."

She ran out of excuses and was sitting there not knowing what to say. I'll finish this one clean drive

"You were so interested in it, that you didn't even notice me standing next to you"

"No I-…"

"You didn't even notice that you were at the front of the bill counter line until I told you"

She looked surprised

"That was you!?"

"See, you didn't even know a classmate was standing behind you"

"No, It's because you're a new student and-"

"You don't need to say anything"

She looked like a weak animal cornered by a pack of wolves. The only thing she could do is hope that it gets over soon. Now it's time to fulfil her wish

"From the way you read an ecchi manga so happily while still in a public place, I found out who you really are"

She looked at me and said

"Who I truly am?"


I then pointed my finger at her as if I had just solved a murder mystery and she was the culprit behind it and told

"You're a pervert, ain't ya"