Closet Otaku

She looked at her bag which had the manga she bought and said

"But to think you would actually see me reading that manga, this is embarrassing. I even put on a disguise and everything"

"Don't worry about it. I know you probably read it for the story and art. Even if you read it for the sex scenes I wouldn't really mind.."

I smiled thinking about my delusions

"...Rather I would prefer that. A high school girl who reads dirty manga as a hobby, it really gets you going-…Ow!"

She lightly punched be in the chest

"I said that not it!"

She looked a bit grumpy and asked

"Why were you even specifically watching me, when there were so many others in the store? Did you notice that I was your classmate in the store itself?"

"No-No. I didn't even know you were a girl until I caught you. One of the reasons you caught my eye was because of the suspicious clothes you were wearing. What's the deal with these clothes any-….!"

I stopped taking and turned my head away

"Hmm? Why are you looking away?"

Since her jacket was unzipped it was showing her night wear underneath. But because of the movements she made while throwing the vegetables, the blue slip she was wearing became loose and was showing some of her cleavage 

Although I wanted to admire the beautiful twin mountains, I didn't want to be disrespectful. So like the gentleman I am, I told her

"Your puppies are peeping out"


She looked down and noticed 


I should've chose better words. She quickly zipped up the jacket 

Watching the zip go over a mountain and come down to a valley was truly a sight for sore eyes. And to think I squeezed those meat buns earlier. I will never forget what I felt on my hands back then for the rest of my life. I looked back at her and asked

"Why the hell are you wearing lingerie outside? Are you actually an exhibitionist?"

"Of course not! Nobody was supposed to see me in these clothes! I just wore these because I was wearing them at my house and didn't want to change my clothes again just for buying books. I never expected all of this to happen. So don't get any wrong idea"

"Sure, then what about the disguise?"

She paused and thought for a second and timidly replied saying

"That's because I didn't want anyone in school to see me buy manga"

"So you're a closet otaku. I know some people don't like to reveal their hobbies and I'm okay with that. But you went as far as to wearing a disguise to buy manga and tried to abandon the manga you bought when I saw it. Are you really that ashamed to be an otaku?"

She took a step towards me and exclaimed

"Of course I'm not! I love being an otaku!…"

A look of irritation came on her face

"…It's just that I can't let those bitches in school know that I like anime and manga. If they find out they'll never let me hear the end of it"

Seems like she has a really bad relationship with the girls in school

"And you're okay with me knowing?"

"Well you did say you would accept any hobby of mine"

"That I did"

"And you also seem to have read some manga before since you knew about that previous one. I just assumed you like manga like me…"

She looked like she wanted to ask something but was hesitating to tell me. She then got the resolve as she gripped her fists tightly, looked up at me and asked

"…So do you like manga?"

She looked at me with anticipation in her eyes. With a straight face I said

"No, I don't like it"