
I stopped dead on the spot when I heard that. She also stopped and looked at me with a sullen face. The cheerful mood was gone and now we were just staring at each other silently

That was a major curveball. I had almost forgotten the whole incident until she brought it up. I never expected her to talk about it now

Well it's actually strange that she didn't bring it up all this time. She even knew about his cuts. What exactly is she thinking of me now?. I said

"So you knew about his cuts"

"I only found out this morning. While you were asking him questions, I saw him holding onto his wrists as if his life depended on it. Even when he was doing a dogeza in front of you, he was holding his wrists tightly. I just guessed it from those two actions"

So she noticed those small details and found it out even when no one else did. She's well aware of her surroundings. For some reason I also think that Kisaragi-san also noticed

Well can't do anything about it now. I'll just have to ask the question that everyone I've met in my life have said 'Yes' to. Whether she tells yes or no is her decision. After seeing what I did today getting a 'no' will be quite hard. I'll just have to hope that it doesn't destroy our current relationship. So I asked

 "I'm pretty sure everyone in class is scared of me after what I did today. That's a given. But what about you?...Do also think I'm a scary guy?"

She didn't even think about it and immediately told

 "Of course you're a scary guy"

Whoa! I didn't think she would be this direct

"I even saw some classmates shivering when they saw what you did this morning"

They're scared of me that much?

"Every single part of you screams dangerous"

Ow-Ow! Her comments are piercing my heart

"You have those mean looking eyes that look like they're out for blood. Your blonde hair just makes your eyes look meaner. You dress up like yakuza and wear those metal accessories like a gangster. You even have an intimidating voice"

She's being more brutal than anyone before

"You publicly shamed a boy until he was on his knees, almost made a teacher pass out from pressure, humiliated a girl using a sensitive issue, threatened to kill another classmate and made an enemy of the whole class"

Phew...Finally, that's over. Anymore and-

"And that's only this morning" 

There's more!?