Akatsuki Estate

I did not expect her to say that

"WHAT! There's no way that's your house! That's definitely a park!"

She was definitely lying since there's no way that could be a house. I don't even see anything resembling a house inside. It just looks like a dark park with some trees

"If you don't want to show me your house you can just say that. You don't need to lie to me"

She looked really irritated about my comment and kicked me in the leg


"How rude! You're actually accusing me of lying! Why don't you just check the name plate over there!"

"Name plate?"

I turned and looked at the white stone pillar holding the gate. A small black slab was on the centre of it. I went closer to see what it was. There were words on the slab and on it was written

"Akatsuki Estate"

After reading it I first calmly looked at the so called park and then looked at Akatsuki-san who was smiling proudly. I then looked at the slab again and shouted


The shock made me take a few steps back


"That's what I've been saying this whole time. If you want more proof then watch this"

She went up to the pillar and pressed something on it. Suddenly a big digital screen that I couldn't see before showed up on the pillar. On it was written in good words 'Akatsuki Manor'

"Wh-What's that?"

"It's the keyhole to open the gate"


She then pulled out a silver key with a weird pattern from of her pocket and pushed it inside a small slit by the screen and turned it. The screen changed and now it read 'Welcome back Rena-sama'

! ! !

*Gate opening noise*

When I heard the sound I turned and saw the gates starting to open automatically

Simultaneously the pathway that was really dark, started lighting up as the lamp posts near it turned on one by one. After that the lamp posts around whole estate lit up slowly and the fairy lights that were on the trees lit up beautifully. Even the lanterns on the boundaries started to light up. In a few seconds the whole land was lit up brightly

Now I could also see the trimmed bushes and flowers which I'd never seen before were under the trees. There were also a few benches here and there and some garden ornaments scattered randomly. The farthest I thing I could see inside was a huge fancy fountain with pretty blue lights coming from it. And here I thought the one at school was pretty cool

I couldn't see the actual house due to the trees but I did see a bunch of yellow lights emerging from the ground in the distance. I guess that's her house. Just how big is it? She then said as if she was showing off

"How's that? Pretty cool right?"

I got a little excited and said

"Pretty cool?....THAT WAS AWESOME!"

I've been in a lot of extravagant houses owned by millionaires before and no matter how many times I see them I just think they're super cool. I guess the little boy in me who gets excited over stuff like this is still alive and kicking. But all the huge houses I've been invited to before are owned by warlords or mafia bosses so this is the first time I've seen a friend own a house like this. She smiled triumphantly

"Good-Good! Praise me more!"

"I'm not praising you, I'm praising your house. Don't get the wrong idea" I said with a straight face

"Huh! But the house is mine!"

"Well it's not the same thing. Anyway, I knew you were rich when I saw casually showing 50000 yen but I didn't expect it to be on this level"

"Of course I'm rich! I am the sole heir of the Akatsuki group after all"

Akatsuki group? Where have I heard that name before…..

"After seeing my greatness, do you see me in a new light now?"

She looked like she wanted me to praise her

"Not really, in my eyes you're still the same girl who throws vegetables at others in frustration"

She was a little surprised and blushed a bit. While fiddling with her fingers she said

"O-Oh, I see. Most boys would've treated me differently after knowing I'm rich"

"Wasn't it you who told me, I'm different from the other boys"

"Ye-Yeah, I told that, didn't I"

She went back to her haughty self and said

"A-As expected of the man I chose to be my friend! You don't disappoint!"

"So, do you need me to carry your bags inside or can you handle it yourself"

"It's okay you can leave them here. The maids can carry them in later"

NANI !!!


"Yeah, I have a few of them to take care of the house" Said Akatsuki-san as if it was obvious


Those girls who wear those frilly black and white dresses and call you 'Master', she actually has those!? I thought that I could only see them in anime or maid cafes but to think they actually exist in real life

My head is hurting from all the surprises I've had today

No more! I've had enough! My brain can't handle all this information. I casually said as if it was obvious

"Maids huh, I guess I'll leave it to them"

I handed over the bag to Akatsuki-san and said

"It's already really late. I wonder what time it is"

*Bag falling down sound*

I took my phone out and was about to check the time check, when I heard Akatsuki-san drop the bag I gave her. When I looked to see what had happened, I saw her looking at my phone as if it was the first time she had seen one. She then pointed at it and said…

"You actually have it..."

…as if it was big deal having a Smartphone

I got a little irritated when she said that and replied saying

"I know that you're rich but that doesn't mean everyone else is poor. Even I have enough money to afford a phone-"

"I'm not talking about your phone!"

She pointed at my phone again

"I'm talking about that"


She raised her voice and said

"Your keychain! What else!"

My keychain?