Pope's Assassination

Who would have thought that the real Pope of the city and his followers, were all killed by a drug smuggling organization and the real Pope was replaced by a disguised fake one, who was actually the leader of the organization. Those imposters turned Vatican City into their base of drug smuggling operations all over South Europe and used all the city's transport facilities and police to make sure the drug transport and manufacturing of it goes efficiently without any problems

Times were really hectic in the Vatican back than with riots and robberies happening all over the place as there was no proper administration to take care of all that. The drug group even threatened all the officials of the city and had complete control over them while the citizens had no idea about what was taking place. Many countries got suspicious of the cities activities but none of them could take action as it was a religious place and if any problems were made there, it could cause massive religious revolts all over the world

The organisation was pretty smart and would always clean up their tracks, leaving no evidence behind which gave the other neighbouring countries no opportunities to raid the city in the name of a crime taking place so everyone was at a hopeless state at that time

At one point the United Nations didn't even care about the law and just wanted to eliminate the organisation at all costs as the drugs were now being sent internationally

The UN couldn't send in any military groups as there were many restrictions there and potential of being found out would have been higher if there were more people included in the operation, so they had no other choice but to send me in to deal with the whole situation. If only one man went, no one would suspect a thing and everything will end smoothly

Even though I told them that I won't take any missions during my break, they pleaded so much that I finally gave in. After that I went to the Vatican and quickly wiped out their whole organization and killed their leader who was acting as the Pope in a single night when all the members were gathered at the Cathedral for a meeting. Since they were all gathered at a single place it went more smoothly and no one suspected a thing

The other countries forces came in after the whole massacre and cleaned up all the bodies and completely replaced all the organisation members positions with actual government officials and priests. They got a new Pope and a new administration and made it as if nothing was changed and just like that all the terror that was taking place got over in a single night

But there were many Vatican officials who didn't know about the operation and thought I was the bad guy there and ordered the police to go after me so I had to leave immideiataly

Funny thing was even though the drug organisation leader wasn't the real Pope but an infamous cold-hearted warlord, he held the gold Rosario he had on his chest and started to pray to God when I was a few moments away from killing him

He must been terrified after he had witnessed me brutally massacring all his other organization members right in front of his eyes and wanted god to save him from me. He even started to call me 'The spawn of the devil' in Italian even though he was the actual devil there, who had taken hundreds of innocent lives for money

Even one of most dangerous criminals in Europe, turned into a wuss when he was faced with death

Since he wanted to be with god so much, I staked his hands and feet onto the cross that was in the Cathedral and used the same Rosario he was holding onto, to slit his neck and sent him to straight to god

I brought back the same Rosario I used to kill him to my home for remembrance sake and it's still there somewhere in my room. I didn't even wash it after bringing it back, so there should still be some dry blood stains on it. Well in my eyes it just makes it more rememberable…

I also later found out that the Rosario I brought back was actually one of the religious relics the Pope would always have at all times and the Vatican was in a state of panic when they found out a National treasure was missing. It's a pain in the ass too return it back and like I said I've grown a liking to the thing so I decided to keep it

Good memories...I wonder when I'll get a chance to go back to the Vatican again