
*Sigh* Why did it have to come to this? I just wanted eat some croquettes, while walking to school but these guys had to show up and now I have to 'deal' with them

I knew something like this was going to happen one day but I never expected it to be this early. Damn my luck!

I never wanted to mix my normal life and my 'work' life but I guess that's finally happening today

But how did they find me?

Maybe someone from the organization ratted me out. No, that's highly unlikely since only a few people know about me and they are all high officials in each country's government and people I trust. I even brutally executed the last person who tried to go against me right in front of their eyes to show what I 'do' to traitors. The bloody sight and the loud screams of anguish they heard that day should've taught them to never go against me or should I make another example to refresh their memory?

Well it doesn't matter since after dealing with this, I'll find out who exposed me and will make him spill who sent them after me. After that it's a simple matter of wiping out everyone involved

If I'm exposed then my whole family will be in danger and I can't allow that. I'll have to keep Kaede and dad in a safe place until this whole thing is over. I already prepared a bunker for this type of situation so I can use that or I can ask the government to handle them. Either way they'll be safe until this whole thing blows over

Although it will only take a week to wipe them all out, it will still be hard on Kaede since she just started school and was excited over it

Sorry Kaede, I'll hunt down every person that's going to cause you to skip school for a week. I'll finish this even if I have to slaughter hundreds of people who know my identity


I grinned when the thought of someone actually killing me went through my head

What a foolish and utterly useless idea. Since they know about me, they should also know what I can do to them. And yet they only bring 3 cars. What ignorance they have

This ignorance is the reason they are going to die today

Once I finished mocking, I quickly assessed the situation

There were 3 cars with possibly 5-11 people inside judging from the seating arrangement. From the way they dressed, they are most probably trained professionals. Since the car in the middle is different I should assume the person or people inside have a higher order in command, so it can basically be their boss

The gun that guy was holding is a glock-15 AS automatic pistol with a magazine capacity of 17 bullets and a firing rate of 0.3 seconds. It's one of the few legalized weapons in Japan but only the police or other authorized organizations can use them. That means they are powerful enough to get legalized goods. Well it just means more 'fun' in killing them for me

Now what shall I do?