
"It's really a pain since the bodyguards are always so flashy. They always attract so much unwanted attention" Said Rena in a bugged out tone

I don't think she has the right to complain about them being flashy when she's coming in a half a million dollar car. I mean most of the people on the streets were staring at us as the car passed by. We're like celebrities right now

"But why was one of your body guards showing his gun showing his gun in public" I asked the question that was on my mind for a while

"What! Really?!" Said Rena in surprised

"Yeah, I was a little shocked when I saw it"

"Damn that John Wick! I already told him not to clean his gun in public and he's doing it again. Just how many times should I warn him for him to understand!?" Said Rene with a irritated expression on her face

JOHN WICK!? Does she name everyone that works under her? What's next? James Bond or something...

"Sebastian! Tell that gun freak that if I see him do it one more time, he's not going to get his holiday bonus this year!"

"As you wish Rena-sama" Replied Sebastian without asking any questions back

So he was cleaning his gun. That simple misunderstanding could've cost his life

. . . . . . . . . Hmm!

I noticed something familiar hanging from the zip of her bag and said

"So you're already using the keychain I gave you"

She looked surprised I had noticed the small thing

"Y-Yeah, I put it on my bag when I reached my home. As I thought KuroNeko merchandise makes everything better. My bag looks so much cuter right!?" Said Rena who seemed happy about the gift

"But weren't you going to keep it in your collection. Why did you bring it along with you?"

[Rena blushed when Yuuto asked that question and said in an inaudible voice…]

"T-There's no way I can keep something that you gave me at home"

"What? I couldn't hear what you said"

[Embarrassed about what she said, Rena exclaimed…]

"N-Nothing! Forget what I said!"

Hmm? I wonder what she said

"W-What about you? Is your face okay from the beating I gave you?" Said Rena with a concerned look on her face

So she's worried about me. I replied saying

"You're making it sound like we had a fight and you one-sidedly defeated me. It's nothing really, so don't worry about it"

Honestly it didn't really hurt that much because of all the stuff I've been through but if she had hit someone else, she surely would've made some serious damage. She really knows how to throw a good punch

"Oh, I see" She sighed in relief

She noticed the the plastic bag I brought and asked

"What's that?"

"Those are just some chocolates"

Her face lit up instantly when I mentioned chocolates and examined


She quicky took the bag and peeked inside

"These are Belgium chocolates! My favorites! And the new flavor too! I've been craving them for a while but to think you had them with you! Can I have some? Please! Please! Please!" Pleaded Rena with a excited look on her face

She looked like she really, really wanted them. If I gave her a few more seconds she would probably be drooling

But as much as I want to give her some I couldn't, since I can't give the box with some chocolates missing to Kisaragi-san after all. I said

"Sorry I can't give you these since I have to give them to someone in school. I'll try to get you some later"

She looked at me as if I had said something weird and said

"Huh? Aren't you supposed to be a loner in school?"

That line hurts no matter how many times I hear it

"Who are you giving them to?" She asked with a doubting look

I'm going to give them to Kisaragi-san but I didn't want to bring her name into this

Although I didn't see anything while sitting between them in class, I definitely felt some sort of animosity between them. It didn't feel like hate or anger but there was definitely something between those two. I didn't want to complicate it so I told

"I'm just giving them to a teacher that helped me"

She looked at me with suspicious eyes and said

"Oh, I see"

Seems like she doesn't fully believe me

[Unwilling to give up on the chocolates she loves, Rena who was sitting exactly opposite from Yuuto got up from her seat and leaned forward towards him using the table as a support. Her face was right in front of his and had a devious look on it. Yuuto was surprised by her sudden actions and tried to back up but couldn't. She then asked in a cute and alluring voice…]

"Can't you spare a few?~ They won't even notice that some of the chocolates are missing~"