
"PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!" Begged Yamada so that Yuuto would release him

[The commotion in the crowd got louder]

"Hey, what's happening? He's only holding his hand right?"

"Why is he screaming like that? It can't hurt that much"

"Isn't he overreacting a bit?"

[Yamada looked at the crowd with a face filled with irritation and pain as they were mocking him even though they don't know what he was going through right now. Even though he was going through a painful experience they looked at him as if he was acting in some play which which made Yamada want to lash out on them but couldn't since his hand was currently being crushed]


[Not being able to stand the pain anymore, Yamada dropped to his knees and groaned in pain. The crowd was stunned at this sight]

"Woah! What happening? Why is he on his knees?"

"Is it really hurting that much?"

"No, it can't be. He's just holding his hand. There's no way a normal person can make another person feel that much pain by just holding their hands. That's just unbelievable"

[Unable to handle the intense pain he was feeling, tears flowed down Yamada's and he broke down and started crying]

"P-Please..*Sob* s-stop it...*Sob*I-It hurts...I-I won't *Sob* Do it again!...P-Please let me go…"

[Yuuto gave a look of repulsion at this sight]

Seriously? He's crying? He acted like all high and mighty before and now he's crying. How lame…

*Sigh* Yesterday it was Takahashi and today it's him, are all the boys in this school all talk and no show

[Yuuto didn't want to deal with such a pathetic man any longer as he felt it was a waste of his time and he let go of him]

"Ahh!…Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts…"

[Yamada quicky pulled away from him and crawled back, the second he let go and groaned in pain. He was on the ground holding his hands as if he had fractured it with a pained expression on his face

The people watching were still confused with what was happening. They looked like they wanted to go forward and see what happened to his hand but were hesitant since Yuuto was standing there]

[As a final warning, Yuuto looked down on him and said]

"This better be the last time this happens. If I catch you looking at her one more time than…"

[Yuuto gave a sinister grin]

"…you'll know what will happen"

[Hearing Yuuto's intimidating statement and looking at his devilish face, Yamada and even the students who were in front of him also got scared and took a step back in fear]

Now that should keep him away from her. So what should I-

"Yuuto, stop wasting your time with him! Let's go!" Said Rena enthusiastically

The only person who was completely unaffected with what had happened was Rena. While everyone else was giving me a cold look, Rena was unfazed and looked even more lively then before

I guess she's happy, that the nuisance that was bothering her was finally gone

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go"

We started walking towards the entrance side by side and the students who were blocking our way to the entrance of the hill quickly moved away and made a path as we passed by

Hmm?I feel like I'm forgetting something.....Oh yeah!

"Ah! Yuuto, where are you going now?" Exclaimed Rena as I turned back and walked towards Yamada who was still on the ground holding his hand in pain

He saw me coming back and frantically tried to back away, thinking that I was going to do something to him again but I simply went over to him and said

"You asked me what I am to her right? Well listen carefully you dumb prick, I'm her friend. And I'll stop anyone like you who trys to bother her ever again. So don't even think about doing shit like this again"

[The crowd watching were shocked when Yuuto mentioned that he was Rena's friend and started to make more of a commotion than before. Even Yamada who was on the ground looked surprised]

W-Wait, why are they acting like this? Is it really that surprising that she's my friend? I mean-...Woah!

Before I could think more about it, Rena came from behind and grabbed me by the back of the collar. She tugged me towards her and said

"Come on, let's go! I don't want to be late" With a serious expression on her face

I guess she really doesn't want to be late to class

"Sure, I'm comin- *Tug* " Rena ignored what I was saying and pulled me by the collar and didn't seem like she was going to let go until we reached the school and continued to drag me up the hill while I just followed her