Big Honkers

Oh fuck. I think I'm going to puke. I've seen plenty of dismembered human bodies missing a head or a hand and sometimes even their entire lower bodies and mountains of rotting corpses which I've mostly caused and not once have I gagged. But this shit in front of me is just vile

Which fucktard even did this? This is way beyond the level of a practical joke where everyone laughs in the end


From what I saw earlier, it was likely those two who were in front of the door who set up this contraption but the weird thing is that I felt as if everyone else knew that this was going to take place


And sure enough when I turned to see if anyone was watching, some student were holding their phones as if they were expecting something to happen and were going to take a video of it. Of course when I looked at them they all turned away and acted casually


First it was a bunch of letters in my locker and then it was the intense staring while I was walking around the school and now this

What's happening in this school and what are they trying to do to me?


Are they trying to bully me or something? Why would anyone want to do that when I barely know anyone here? But the real question I really want the answer is why the whole school would seemingly want to do it?

*Sigh* I'm confused. I don't think I can come up with any idea right no-


Huh! What's that!?

As I got startled by that loud shriek calling me by my name, I looked around and saw that no one was calling me. But when I felt a really warm and soft sensation under my arms and smelt the smell of a familiar shampoo, I looked down and found Rena under my arms

I was holding her with one hand around me as if I was protecting her from danger while she laid both her hands on my chest as I was holding her tightly and she had no free space to move her arms around

She was looking up at me with a pink tint on her cheeks and wide eyes that resembled that of a dog begging it's owner to take it out for a walk

She seemed like she wanted me to let her go but after all her efforts of pushing me away failed, she helplessly just stood there calling out my name which I didn't notice since I was in daze

But more importantly the soft and bouncy sensation of her boobs I felt yesterday when I jumped on her was back and better then ever

I even became lost in thought because of the heavenly feeling of her boobs getting pressed against my chest and tightened my hold on her which made her tell me with an uncomfortable look on her face

"Yuuto...Too tight..."

The second I heard her say that as if she was out of breath, I let her go and took a step back and said "Woah! Sorry about that I didn't notice!"

Rena took a few seconds to take a few breathes and said narrowing her eyes

"What do you mean you didn't notice?! I called out to you more then ten times! You didnt even respond once and your grip around me was only getting tighter. I even had to shout your name since you were kinda hurting me"

"I'm really sorry about that! I should have noticed sooner. It's because I started thinking about something else and got lost in thought. I'm really sorry!"

Well what I'm saying is true because I almost got sucked into another dimension because of those huge meat buns. If Rena hadn't shouted my name I would've been stuck in there with no way to get out myself

"W-Why are you staring at me like that for? Your eyes are telling me that you have no good intentions at all" Said Rena as she covered her chest with her hands and slightly turned away from me, sensing what I was doing

"No, I was just thinking that you have some pretty big honker-"

I immediately shut my mouth realising what I was just about to say

"Pretty big what?" Said Rena with concerning look

"Pretty big eyes! I just thought that you had some really pretty blue eyes that just look mesmerizing!" I frantically said trying to make up for what I said earlier

Rena blushed at what I said and even though she was angry at me she couldn't help but give a small grin and say

"B-Baka! Don't say stuff like that now!...". And then mumbled something I couldn't hear properly "...Or else I can't stay mad at you"

Phew...Seems like I escaped from that mishap

But godamn! I really can't underestimate those tiddies!

They managed to take me to another other dimension and brainwash me even as I was telling how dangerous they were. And the worst part is I had no idea it was happening. It was like they installed a seductive virus in my brain that attracted me to them no matter how hard I tried to resist at just a single glance

Their dual power of seduction truly amaze me. Someday they may even over power me 'The Undying King' who has never even heard of the word defeat in all his years of watching anime titties

Truly they are formidable opponents that I need to watch out for. And I'll be doing a lot more watching for the sake of building a resistance against them...

*Sigh* Who am I kidding? Who in the world will believe that dumb reason? The truth is I'm just a horny boy going through puberty and just want to look at big honkers in front of me. Let's just leave it at that

Rena then closed her eyes and folded her hands as if she was thinking about what she should do about me and then opened one eye and glanced at me and said with small frown on her face

"W-Well I guess I can forgive you since you saved me from that bucket. Although I don't want to accept it, if you weren't there I would've been completely drenched in that nasty looking water. And since I'm grateful, I'll even add in a thank to show my appreciation"

Couldn't she have just thanked me directly instead of saying it in a elaborate manner? Just how much of a tsundere is this girl?

"But weren't you like two classrooms away from? When did you get behind?" Said Rena as she looked across the corridor

"Oh that-...No, actually I caught up to you before itself. You just didn't notice"

"Oh...I see. Well that's weird. Since I couldn't see you or anyone behind me, I totally thought a sudden gush of wind pulled me from behind and was totally freaking out. I even felt it on my neck"

Well a sudden gush of wind will happen when a person suddenly moves 80 km/h. Even the students who saw me move like that are still puzzled over what happened

I guess super human speed and kinetic vision that allows me to see moving objects at a much slower rate which normal humans will never be able to achieve is one of the small advantages out of all the huge disadvantages of this body of mine

But I don't usually like to and want to use it as it only increases my 'blood lust' which can be potentially harmful to the people around me and would only mean I would have do more 'sacrifices' in shorter periods of time to suppress it

Now that she was out of danger, Rena averted her attention back to the bucket on the ground and exclaimed with a irritated look on her face

"Which one of those idiots made that this stupid contraption?! Imagine what would've happened if this Bucket had dropped on me. Leave me aside, anyone's whole day would've been ruined if this fell on them. They would've had to change to the their gym clothes and smell like garbage water for the whole day! Just let me catch the ones who did this and I'll-"

Rena tried to charge into the class as if she was looking for a fight and even pulled up her sleeves as if she was going to throw down with someone but was stopped by me before she could even enter when I held her by the back of her collar, yanking her back and not allowing her to go. Rena turned towards me in confusion and anger as if she was a feral animal and said

"What are you doing? Let me go! I need to teach those bitches a lesson!"

It was kinda cute hearing her say those since she looked like a small animal trying to act ferocious. Although she was as fierce as a tiger, she looked like a baby tiger at the most

"Come on. You don't need to go that far. It was just a small prank that they pulled. It's not really a big matter you have to fight over" I said while showing a gentle smile, trying to calm down the palm top tiger who wanted to go on a hunt

"But they-"

"It's okay. We'll just be a little magminous and forgive them this time"

"But I-"

"Moreover you had some work in the school office right? I think you should finish that first rather then deal with these guys"

"Well I guess so but-"

"Then get going. I'll even take your bag for you. Now Shoo-Shoo"

Rena hesitantly gave her bag as she still seemed like she wanted to get even with those kids and only left after I had nudged her to leave

I watched her leave until she turned around the corridor, but the second I had confirmed she had left I turned my attention back to the class

The gentle smile I was faking so that I could calm down Rena and make her leave disappeared and only a deep frown existed on my face as I intensely glared at the mess in front of me

Now...What should I do with those little Mother Fuckers who pulled of this little stunt?