Because I Trust You

*Sigh* It doesn't even matter if I jinx myself. All the bad things happen just because I think about it. The only way to counter this is to go to a shaolin temple and become a monk there so that all my evil thoughts will be gone

.....Actually never mind that. I would have to give up on my hentai and doujins if I want to become a monk, which I'll never do in my life unless my life depends on it

I mean they are one of the only few things I look forward to in life, why would I want to get rid of something like that? I would have to be bat shit crazy to make such a decision

"You were the one who posted in the forums?" I said looking at Kisaragi with a indifferent expression as if I didn't care anymore

"Yes I did. Or do I need to show you proof that I did it?" She shamelessly said, with absolutely no regret and with a bigger smile on her face then she had before, as if she wasn't guilty of the charge

"No. I don't think you have any reason to lie to me"

"I see..." She said while narrowing her eyes as if she noticed something peculiar and continued to say "You're reacting to it way calmer then I thought you would. I didn't expect that"

"Then do you want me to be all surprised and up in your face asking why you did it?"

"Well not exactly but I did expect you to react a little bit. I didn't think you would be all composed like this when a person you know uploaded a video that can potentially ruin your school life by marking you as a target" She said in a disappointed tone

"I don't what you mean by 'potentially ruining my school' but judging by your tone it seems like what you did could actually make stuff difficult for me"

"It really could have" She said while staring at me with a serious look on her face. "No it most probably will and you know that since I'm telling it to you directly. But my doubt is why you aren't reacting and getting angry at the person who caused this trouble. More exactly, what I'm asking is why you aren't angry at me who is the source of this problem"

"The answer to that is simple. It's because I trust you" I said tilting my head to look at Kisaragi and said with a grin

"Because you trust me?" Kisaragi said, squinting her eyes in doubt

"Yeah. I believed that you wouldn't go out of your way to harm my image and probably would've posted it with some good intentions. Well atleast not with any bad intentions in mind"

"Ara~Then does that mean you trust me with all your heart no matter what I do? Even though you know that I'm keeping many things away from you that could potentially be harmful to you" She asked as she leaned forward, as if she was probing me to tell the truth, eagerly waiting for me answer to which I simply said

"Well you could affect me in some way, knowing that for some reason you know things about me that I never disclosed to you before but I'd rather take the risk and talk to the girl who's the first to treat me like a normal person in a while, then shy away from you now just because of some dumb doubt and regret it for the rest of my life. Let's just say I'm putting my bet on you and whether or not I get anything out of it is up to fate"

Kisaragi widened her eyes and seemed to be taken aback when she heard what I said. She gave a peculiar look and blinked her eyes several times, before smiling as if she just met an old friend and whispered something

"I see...You still haven't changed since back then"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing"

"Then what's up with huge smile on your face?"

"Smile?" She said as she touched her lips and realised how radiant of a smile she was showing

"That's probably the first time I've seen you give such a warm smile. Did you think of anything nice?"

She giggled while she stared at me and said "I just thought that no matter how many years pass or whatever they go through in life, some things never change"

"Ohhh...." I said not knowing how to reply to her remark

She then regained her usual composure and and said with a cheeky smile "Since you've made me remember some good memories that haven't brought up in a while, I'm willing to tell you why I posted the video. So do you want to know why I did it?"

"If you're willing to tell me, unlike the other stuff you're keeping from me"

"Well it wasn't really a because of big reason but just because I wanted to post it myself. If you didn't know, there were also other students who were recording what you were doing and were going to post it on the forums. So even if I didn't post it, someone else would've done it. I didn't want someone to plagiarise your accomplishments since you belong to me and what you do is also my responsibility, so I took the initiative to post it first. Of course there are other videos of the same thing but mine's is more popular since I posted it first"

I still don't get where she got the idea that I belong to her, but I don't think I can argue with her on that since she's adamant on that. I guess I'll just leave it for now

"Accomplishments? How is making a highschool boy kneel before me and ask for forgiveness a accomplishment?"

"Well if you had done that anywhere else, it would've been considered as a dreadful act, but in this school those horrendous acts society looks down upon are trophies and achivements to build up ones fame and prestige. And I didn't want anyone to steal those achivements from you and so posted it myself"

"Righttttt...I'll just act like I know what you're talking"

"The other reason I posted it was to give you that name. I had think about it for while before coming up with it, so I hope it sticks"

"I pray it doesn't"

I don't want to spend the rest of my school life being called after a fairy tale character

"Oh yeah, coming back to the topic about what happened outside the school gates. You wanted to ask me about that?"

"Right! I almost forgot to ask the thing I've been wondering the whole morning about" She said in a excited tone

"Really? You've been wasting your time and wondering about that half assed proposal?"

"Of course not. Why would I care about that clown and his horrible act" She said in disdain

"The person I was wondering all morning about and wanted to talk to you with is her" Kisaragi said as she pointed at a person in the video. I looked at the person she was showing and exclaimed with a surprised look on my face
