Chapter 2: Tiffany Margaux Jones

Tiffany Margaux Jones is your average blonde girl. She's a bitch. Her dad owns a shopping center in New York and has a branch of it at London, UK.


It was a beautiful morning when all of a sudden, a loud noise was heard throughout the Jones household. The horrendous sound was coming from Tiffany's room.

"Tiff, wake up!" a loud voice sang. It was a male's voice.

"Ugh, five more minutes..." Tiffany mumbled whilst snuggling more into her expensive sheets.

"Tiff, seriously. You're going to be late." the same person said. This time, however, they were serious.

This made Tiffany become fully awake. She seemed rather pissed. Tiffany quickly sat up and took off her sleep mask only to see her brother.

"Tyler, how many times do I have to tell you that I need my beauty sleep?! Thanks to you, I'll have frown lines!" Tiffany screamed and ended with an angry sigh.

Tyler chuckled, "Tiff, you're going to be late! Plus, breakfast is ready. Oh, and mom told me to tell you to come home early." He gave her a small smile before he walked out of her room.

"Why?" Tiffany shouted.

"Dad's coming home!" Tyler shouted back.

Their dad wasn't always home, because he was always away for business trips. If he were back at home, he usually stays in his office all the time.


After a lot of time getting ready, Tiffany finally went downstairs to eat some breakfast. She only had three bites, though. Tyler was right. She was late. After that, she and Tyler went in Tyler's car that was parked outside.

Tyler is just a year older than her. He's gay, but only Tiffany knew that. They got each other's backs; they were each other's partner in crime. Tiffany knew that if their parents knew about Tyler's sexuality, they'd kick him out. Tiffany didn't want that to happen, because she loved her brother.

"Ty?" Tiffany asked as she scrolled through Twitter on her phone.

"Yeah?" Tyler replied as he made quick turns to get to Tiffany's school.

"Aren't you supposed to be in college or something?" Tiffany questioned as she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, college doesn't start 'til next week. Are you going to miss me?" Tyler joked.

"Ew, no way." Tiffany said as she shook her head and turned back to her phone. Of course, that was a lie. She'd miss him a lot.

"Ouch, Tiff." Tyler said with a frown.

"I'm just messing with you!" Tiffany laughed. "Of course I'll miss you! Who's going to buy me a pumpkin spiced latte?" she added.

"You're an absolute bitch. You'll miss me, because no one's going to buy you a pumpkin spiced latte? Wow, I can't even." Tyler chuckled and shook his head at his sister.

"Take a chill pill, Ty. Besides, I also buy you your favorite drink! And I buy you your favorite clothes. Don't forget the time when we went to the movies and it was MY treat?" Tiffany recalled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. We're here!" Tyler said happily.

"Bye Ty! See you when I get home. Are you going to pick me up?" Tiffany asked as she grabbed her bag.

"Duh." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Unless you have someone to drive you home." he said.

Tiffany inwardly groaned at his last comment, "Okay, okay. See you later, then." She got out of the car, closed the door, and went in school.


As she was walking through the halls, everyone made sure that they'd get out of her way. If not, they're dead. When she was walking, it was like when Moses parted the sea.

"Tiffany, wait up!" a deep voice said.

Tiffany ignored it and stopped in front of her locker to get some stuff and to see her reflection, because apparently she has a big mirror in there.

"Tiff!" a blonde haired guy ran up to her. He stood next to her, out of breath. Tiffany turned around to see who it was. As soon as she found out who it was, she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, it's you. I thought it was Jeremy. But I guess I was wrong. What do you want, scumbag?" Tiffany asked, slightly annoyed.

"Geez. Don't you think it's a little too early to say such words?" the boy said.

"Nothing's ever too early or too late for me when it comes to telling the truth." Tiffany said with a fake smile.

"Never mind. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" the boy asked hopefully.

"Callum, you've been asking me that since junior year. Aren't you tired of asking me? Because I'm tired of rejecting and I'm tired of you asking me again and again." Tiffany rolled her eyes as she said that.

Callum Edward Lewis. He's one of the school's heartthrobs. He started liking Tiffany ever since they met in freshman year. Tiffany was his first love. Callum is a jerk. He's asshole. But when it comes to Tiffany, he'll be the nicest and the sweetest guy in the universe. Everyone kind of knew that he had a thing for Tiffany and they all found it cute. They were shipped by many. I mean, they're both popular and rich so why wouldn't they get shipped to each other?

"C'mon! Everyone thinks we should date! So, why not make it real?" Callum said as he held both of Tiffany's hands.

Tiffany sighed and mumbled, "Fine."

"What was that?!" Callum said clearly shocked.

"I said 'fine'. If this date goes well, then you're luck. If not, I don't want to see you ever again. Deal?" Tiffany said as she put her hand hand in front of her so that he could shake it in agreement.

"Deal. But I promise you that you'll get to see me very often." he smirked.

"And why would you think that?" Tiffany asked and crossed her arms.

"Because I'll be your boyfriend. I know that I'll be. Bye sweetheart!" Callum grinned as he walked away.

"What a fucking weirdo." Tiffany mumbled.