Chapter 5: Jessica Louise Pennington

Jessica Pennington is the head cheerleader. Jessica's mom is Karlie who's a model, and her dad is David who owns a car company called Schmaguar.

Jessica has 1 step-brother named Ashton. They don't have the same mother, for Ashton was born long before their dad met Jessica's mom. In short, Ashton was the only child in David's first relationship. Ashton is a year older than Jessica's eldest brother, Michael.

After Ashton's mother died, David eventually met Karlie and got married after a year of being together. Karlie never had a problem with Ashton as she treated him like he was her own son. David and Karlie then decided to have kids of their own. They had 6 kids. 5 boys and 1 girl.

Jessica's older brothers (eldest to youngest):

1st - Michael Louis Pennington is 24 years old.

2nd - Mike Gaston Pennington is 22 years old.

3rd - Matthew Edward Pennington is 21 years old.

4th - Mark Alexander Pennington is 20 years old.

5th - Mitch Thomas Pennington is 19 years old.

All 5 of them, including Ashton, work for their dad in the car business.

Jessica and her 5 older brothers are half-Australian. Jessica's hobby is shopping and has a massive shoe collection. She also has her OWN butterfly garden located at the resort of Rachelle's family.


Jessica was currently sitting on a chair whilst tweeting and snapchatting everything that's currently happening.

Today is the grand opening of the Schmaguar Florida Branch. This is a joyous occasion for Jessica's family, but for Jessica it's just another event wherein she had to dress really formal.

She tweeted:

@JessPenn: Here at the new Schmaguar Florida branch! So happy to be here! #SchmaguarFlorida #SchmaguarGoesToFlorida (65k RTs. 23k likes.)

@JessPenn: If you wanna meet me come to the Schmaguar Florida branch grand opening! Love you guys! (92k RTs. 78k likes.)

She didn't really want to meet her so called "fans", because she's tired. But she had to. After all, her reputation was relying on it.


After the most dreadful 2 hours of staying at the grand opening; listening to her dad answer questions thrown at him, and another 2 hours meeting her followers/fans IRL, she was knackered.

To her, that was the longest day of her life.


The next day, Jessica and her family were going back to LA. They went in their private jet and got comfortable for a long flight. "Jess?" Ashton called.

"Yeah?" Jessica looked up from her phone to look at her older brother. Despite Ashton being her half brother, they were really close.

"Nothing. I'm bored. Whatcha doin'?" Ashton said doing his best impression of Isabela from Phineas and Ferb.

"Oh my days. Ash, please don't do that ever again. And I'm editing our pictures and I'm on Snapchat and Twitter. Why?" Jessica said.

"Hey! Let's do a Q & A!" Ashton squealed with happiness.

"Uh...why?" Jessica asked.

"Well, it'd be fun! You have "fans" anyway." Ashton shrugged.

"Well, yeah I do. But we don't have a YouTube channel." Jessica said.

"Then let's make one! You have lots of followers on Twitter and Instagram. Plus, you have your boyfriend too! And don't forget those people on Snapchat! They'll all subscribe!" Ashton shrieked.

"You have a point...Okay fine. I'll do it. Just you and me? Or are we gonna include the 5 blokes over there arguing over FIFA?" Jessica pointed at her brothers.

"Nope. And don't you mean 4 blokes? Mitch is pretty calm reading Vogue magazine." Ashton said. Mitch is straight. Turns out that was the only magazine available. He had no choice but to read it.

"Oh. Yeah. Let's just include Mitch then." Jessica concluded.


The YouTube account was finally made! So far, a lot of Jessica's followers subscribed to her channel already.

Jessica tweeted:

@JessPenn: Making my first YT vid with @MitchPenn and @AshyyPenn ! It's a Q&A vid so send in your questions!

As soon as she tweeted that, loads of tweets came piling in.


"Hello everyone!" Jessica greeted. "This is my first video and I'll be joined by my brothers Mitch and Ashton!"

"Hey!" Mitch waved and smiled at the camera.

"Hello!" Ashton smiled.

"So I told you guys to send us some questions and you guys sent a lot. Let's start!" Jessica laughed.


"Mitch, this one's for you. PennJess_fan says Hi Mitch! What's your favorite season?" Jessica read.

"Well, my favorite season is winter, because I love hot chocolate." Mitch simply replied.

"Fair enough. Okay, Ash this one's for you." Jessica said. "Are you ready?"

"I'm quite nervous, but I'm ready af." Ashton said as he rubbed his hands together; a habit he does when he's nervous.

"Okay. Calm down!" Jessica giggled. "ILove_ASShyyPenn asks-"

"Haha! I love how she added another 's' on Ashton's name! Now, it's ASShyyPenn! She emphasized the word 'ASS'. I'm sorry, please continue." Mitch laughed and covered his mouth afterwards.

"ILove_ASShyyPenn asks who your favorite singer is." Jessica continued.

"Okay. First of all, I respect the Twitter name. Second, my favorite singer is Michael Jackson! Such a legend." Ashton replied.


"Okay everyone! That's it for today's video. If you like this video, give it a like." Jessica said and did a thumbs up hand gesture.

"And if you want to see Jess, Ash, and I for more videos, click the subscribe button!" Mitch said happily.

"And of course we'll see you in Jessica's next video. Goodbye!" Ashton said.


The Pennington family finally arrived home from Florida. Jessica went straight to her room.

"Mark!" Jessica called.

In a few seconds, Mark came running in Jessica's room. "What happened?!" Mark asks in panic mode.

"Nothing. I was just going to ask you favor." Jessica smiled sweetly.

"What is it?" Mark eyed her curiously.

"Well Ash, Mitch, and I, filmed a Q & A video earlier. Can you please edit it?" Jessica asked and batted her fake eyelashes.

"Sure. I'm bored anyway." And with that, Mark got to work.

After an hour so of editing, Mark finally finished it and uploaded it on Jessica's channel.

"Thanks so much, Mark!" Jessica squealed.

"No problem!" Mark replied as he went to his room to rest.

Jessica tweeted about her video:

@JessPenn: First YT vid! You may now watch it! (100k RTs. 24k likes.)


Jessica woke up to the sound of her alarm clock.

"Time for hellhole." Jessica groaned. She clearly wasn't excited for school.