Vampire's weakness

'My little Eru, your loving husband will come for you.'

Ambai scoffed. "What a load of bullshit." she crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the toilet tub. 'Did he think that he can fool me once again? That bastard!!'

She bit her lips anxiously. As of now, she can't possibly leave this room. So he just roamed around reading any books she could find..

Upon further inspection, this room seemed to be that annoying guy's room. His personal items filled this place.

He even had work related documents there. "Nothing here is of use," she read though random book laying down on the bed.

Decadent life did not suit her at all. She glance out the window with a sigh. "Its darkkk..... when will my light come..... I want to leave.., why can't I just jump...." she sang randomly.

"That is the worst song I've ever heard," an annoying voice whispered from the doorway

Ambai, boringly glanced at him. "Ahhh you are here to annoy me again."