Unexpected rescue mission

Ambai woke up from her dream.... the same dream has been plaguing her for almost ten days now... she rolled over and glanced at the closed door. And she had been staying inside the room, quarantined for almost ten days now.

"How are you feeling today..." Alad whispered softly.

"Can I just say your choice in movies sucks," she mumbled with a dull look.

"Oh, come on, I chose the best ones for you," he pouted.... suddenly he glanced around him vigilantly. "Wait, a bit.." he slowly opened the door and crept in.

Ambai sat up. "Are you even allowed inside?"

"Nope, but I can afford to break the rules now and then," he plopped down on the side of the bed. "Come on, cheer up. In a few days you will see your beloved,"

"Yeah right, where is Viden?"

Alad's face scrunched up. "They have disembarked to gather supplies,"

"We are at the supply stop already?!! Kirin port, was it? How is it going?" she anxiously glanced at him.