Facing the Twin gods

Rebus jumped back, away from the demonic looking goddess. She was fully covered in dried blood.

"Look how you have degraded. I think this world really brought out your inner demons," he said with a wide smirk.

Jillian's expression shifted for a second. "You don't have the right to judge me, demon. You are nothing but a lowly being that lives by eating our leftovers."

Her figure disappeared and reappeared right by his side.

Rebus swiftly took out his guns. Jillian was known to be the god of chaos and destruction. 'If I have to defeat her, I only have to enrage her more. The more she is angry, the more predictable her moves will be,'

A blood stained hand reached for him.

Rebus swiftly dodged to the sides, leaning against one of the broken door.

"Wow, you stink. Wonder what your beloved Feroy will think if he sees you like this." he took this chance to slash at her arms.

Her wound instantly healed up.