A deal

"You said occasional visits. But why is this guy here all the time!" rebus whisper shouted as he was glancing at certain god who had descended upon earth.

Ambai held back her lover. "Calm down, he must be here to let us know about the progress in his search. Nothing much,"

Rebus growled loudly at him.

Feroy just smiled and waved.

"Still don't like him." he mumbled, sitting next to her lover.

Ambai sighed and finally glanced at Axel, who was being possessed by Feroy. "Do you have anything important inform?"

"yes I do. My last visit to heaven's realm turned fruitful. We found out that devilish being who stole all those evil spirits has followed after you to this world,"

Rebus stopped growling in shock. "You are saying..."

"He might be closer than you would expect." Feroy picked up the cup of tea Nyx handed him. "Thank you,"