The Founders' Party

Stefanie's POV

The hour was 4:30. I was scrolling on my phone. Then, an unknown number called me.

- Hey, Stefanie, it's me Klaus.

- Oh, hello Klaus.

- So...I know that I'm a little late, but I called to ask you if I can be your date at the Founders' Party. I'm invited there too.

- Oh, Klaus... I would love to be your date but...someone already asked me...and I said yes.

- Oh, okay, that's totally fine! Um...okay, so...see you there!

-I'm sorry Klaus! See you!

He hung up the phone, and by his voice earlier...seemed a little heartbroken, and dissapointed.

I was shocked. Elijah and Klaus, both wanted me to be their date to the Founders' Party?! I actally felt bad for Klaus but...

The dress fitted me perfectly. I did my hair a Dutch Braid, and then I put some make-up on. It was almost 8 o'clock and the doorbell rang.

- Hey Elijah! Come to get my daughter to the Founders' Party?

- Hello, Damon! Yes, I am her date tonight. - he said, with a smile in his face.

My parents were invited to The Founders' Party too, but they'll arrive there a little bit late because they've got some work to do first. At least, that's what my mother told me.

I got all ready, and slowly, got downstairs. There, I saw my father, Elijah and my mother talking about the Party. When I was descending the stairs, all the eyes came to me. Elijah was looking at me from the head to toe with a big, happy smile in his lips. Then, they rose to their feet and walked towards me. My father hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

- Wow, look at my little girl, all grown up!- he said, smiling at me.

I didn't know what to say so I laughed, and a little tear dropped from my eye.

- Oh, don't worry, they're happy tears!- I said looking at my parents.

- Oh, sweetie!- my mother said, hugging me.

I hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek. Then Elijah came towards me, smiling and said

- Wow! You look...

- Don't say like a crybaby!- I said, wiping away the tears, and laughing.

- No... I was going to say that you look marvelous!- he said, smiling and then gave me a hug.

I felt so safe and comfortable in his arms, and his compliment... Then he gave me a flower bracelet for the ball and said:

- And this is for you,- and wrapped it around my arm and smiled.

- It's beautiful- I said, smiling.- Thank you!

He smiled, and offered me his arm. I put my arm around his' and we walked towards the door.

- Now, if you excuse us, we've got a party to attend- Elijah said, smiling at both of my parents.

- Yeah, sure, have fun!- my mom said, looking at the two of us.

- Goodbye!- my father said.

We walked towards Elijah's car and he opened the door for me. I got in, smiling at him.

He drove the car. All the way to the Maxwell mansion, we didn't say a word. We just stayed silent, and Elijah grabbed my hand. We both smiled.

We arrived at the party. Thea and her parents welcomed us to their mansion. We grabbed a glass of champagne and explore the historic things of founding families there.

- Oh, Stefanie! You look lovely!- Meredith said.- Elijah, oh, you're Stefanie's date, right?

- Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.

Mrs. Maxwell smiled and looked at both of us.

- Ok so..welcome at the Founders' Party!

We both smiled and got in the mansion.

- Your so beautiful!- Elijah said, with a smile. Then he looked around, like looking for someone.

- Thank you!- I said.- It is a birthday gift from my aunt, Caroline. She wore it in a special event, and now I am wearing it too.

Then, unexpectatly, someone, touched both of our shoulders and said:

- Hello you two! You're Stefanie's date brother?- Klaus said, and his smile faded when he saw that the shoulder he touched was his brother.

- Oh, yes Niklaus, I'm Stefanie's date.- Elijah said, kind of proud about about it.

- Oh...wonderful...amazing!- Klaus said.

- Oh and Stefanie, you look very beautiful tonight!- Klaus said and walked away.

- Um.. Elijah...I need to tell you something.- I said, looking him in the eye.

But then, the music began and everyone got someone to dance with.

- May I dance with you?- Elijah offered me his hand and smiled at me.

- Of couse you may!- I said, took his hand and we began to dance.

His hand around my waist felt so...amazing.

- So, what was that thing you wanted to tell me?

- know what...forget it.- I said.

- If you say so...

Came the time to switch the partners. I felt a gentle hand around my waist. Hello again, love.

- Hey Klaus!- I said, surprised.

- What's with this dress?- he said looking at me.

- What do you mean?

- You don't know the story behind it, do you?

- Um...I know that my aunt Caroline gave it to me as a birthday gift and said that she wore it in a special event and that I should wear it too.- I said thinking in my head.

- And that special event, was the Mikaelson ball.- he said.- and I gave it to her, along with a letter where I asked her to save me a dance.

- What?!

- Yes, love you heard it right.

- I immediately detached from him and went to grab another drink.

- Hey, Stefanie, look...- Elijah said.

- You knew it, didn't you? About the dress?- I said angry.- you knew it the whole time, and you didn't say a word to me about it!

- Yes but...when I saw you...all happy and smiling...I couldn't take that smile off!

- Oh, Elijah!!- I said with an angrily tone.

Elijah's POV

I knew that it was Caroline's dress, and that Niklaus gave it to her, but I couldn't see that smile fade! I couldn't tell her: Well, I'm sorry Stefanie, but Klaus gave this dress to you can't wear it!

No, of course I couldn't tell her that. But I should've said something! And now, I should do something!

Stefanie's POV

I went outside the mansion and started thinking. So... Klaus gave this dress to my aunt Caroline... and she wore to the Mikaelson ball...and Klaus hinted that he dated Caroline!

Oh, God! Yes, he may have dated her, but it was a long time ago! And I can't blame Elijah for Klaus's past! I mean, if I were at his place, I wouldn't know what to do either!

Then, someone touched my shoulder.

- Stefanie, I'm so sorry, for not telling you about that dress!- he said, with a sad face.

- Oh, it's okay Elijah! You didn't know what to say to me, I understand.- I said, putting my hand at his cheek.

- So...I am...forgiven?

- Yes, you are.- I said laughing,- but Elijah, I need to tell you something too.

- Yes, darling?- he said looking at me in the eye.

- Today, on the afternoon, Klaus phoned me. He asked me if I wanted to be his date at this party. I told him that someone has asked me already, and I said yes to that person...meaning you.

- Oh...really?- Elijah, was surprised. Did he ask you with who you wanted to go?

- No, no he didn't.

- Ah, that's why he was so surprised when he saw us together today.

- Yeah, I guess. - I said.

- Well. Thank you for telling me!- he said, smiling.

- don't have to thank me...I tell everything to you!

Then he smiled and kissed me gently on the lips. It all happened so fast, and his lips, touching mine...He kissed me slowly, suddenly and passionately. My hands went to his neck and his skin felt so.. flawless, I kissed him back. His lips felt so warm against mine...

We both smiled and stared at each-other.