Wild At Heart

Stefanie's POV

- Hello you two lovebirds!- Kol said, with a bowl of ice cream mixed with blood in his hand.

Me and Elijah got downstairs, a little bit shy. Then, we sat near each-other in one of the sofas.

I looked at Kol and then at everybody else, with a little shyness in my face.

- Here it is. - Rebekah gave us the ice cream. Elijah's was with a little blood in it, like Kol's but mine, Freya's, Davina's, Hope's and Niklaus'(junior) wasn't. Thank God.

We began to eat the ice cream. Our eyes often went to each- other.

- You don't mind the...- Elijah said, looking his ice cream and I presumed he meant that for the blood in it.

- Oh, no, I am used to it now. It's okay.- I said, with my hand above his'.

- Okay...

It looked like The Mikaelsons had this ice cream thing a daily routine. And I'm starting to like their routines and traditions.

- So, I hope we didn't interrupt anything.- Marcel said, smirking and looking at the both of us.

- Oh no, nothing important,- Elijah said. I shooked my head, agreeing with him.

- If you two say so...- he said, looking at the rest of his family and us.

- So... this is your routine, right?- I said.- You do this every day?

- Yep, every day. We have many routines and traditions as a family.- Freya said.

- Beautiful, I like your routines!- I said, smiling at the Mikaelsons.

- I like that you like them.- Rebekah said, laughing.


After we ate the ice cream, Rebekah and Freya told us that in The Bourbon Street was a jazz party.

So, me and Elijah went there. I wore a beautiful white dress, Elijah wore black jeans and a leather jacket. I was surprised because I have never seen Elijah in something other than a suit.

We decided to go there by foot. For me it was much more fun. We were talking, walking there, holding hands and hearing the more loud sound of jazz with every step we took.

- Now, welcome to The Bourbon Street darling!- Elijah said, smiling.

Now, I understood how much I liked jazz. It gave me happy moments and heartbeats. I couldn't help but grabbed Elijah's hand and began to dance with him, as everybody else.

- Wow, look at you, you actually like dancing!- I said, smiling at him.

- Oh, yes, you made me like it!- Elijah said, giving me an under arm turn.

We have been to other dances before, mostly at school.

He looked so...beautiful, hot and the way the he looked at me...nobody else ever looked me like that. I figured that I looked at him the same. And that means we both loved each-other, even though we didn't confess it. Yet.

- Um...Stefanie...- Elijah said, dancing with me and smiling at the same time.

-I...I...- he said.

- I think I know what you're going to say, so, go on, say it.

- I, I love you. - he said, looking me in the eyes and smiling.

- Oh...Elijah! I love you too!- I said, and kissed him.

Every single time, my feelings were like the first time I ever kissed him. His lips against mine felt warm, and soft, and delicate. He kissed me slowly, but passionate, warm, but cold because he was a vampire. I pulled out, and our foreheads were near each-other.

He lifted me up and smiled, I saw happiness in his eyes.

We were smiling, and looking each-other in the eye. And that was my first confession.


While we were dancing, some vampires jumped near us. They began to "eat" some humans, and then they gave them their blood, and then compelled them.

- What the hell is this, Elijah?!- I said, scared.

- I'm sorry Stefanie, they're Marcel's guys. I'm going to tell them to go away now.- Elijah said, annoyed.

Then, he went to one of the vampires, and told him something. He apperantly, was the leader and then he ordered all the other vampires to stop feeding and to get out of here.

After they went away, Elijah came towards me with a worried and annoyed expression in his face.

- I'm so sorry you had to see this darling!- he said. Then he began to touch me in the wrists and in the neck.- Did they hurt you? They didn't, did they? Oh, God!- he said.

- Don't worry Elijah, they didn't touch me. Calm down.- I said, even though he seemed really worried and annoyed.

- Okay, darling I'm so sorry!- He said, holding my hands.

- It's okay Elijah. Now let's not ruin this night.

- I promise you, you will never see these thing again!- he said, a little bit calmed down.


After we danced and danced and kissed each-other, drank bourbon, but we weren't drunk, we were walking in the way home. It was late, I mean like 10 o'clock.

I drank a glass of bourbon, and Elijah too. We didn't want to get drunk and Elijah was very careful with that.

When we arrived home, Elijah came with me straight to my room. Everybody was asleep, the house was quiet.

He smiled and I layed on bed. He layed right next to me and we began to kiss each-other.

We both took our clothes off, and that was my first time doing that. He was kissing every inch of my body. I couldn't think of anything else. He was so hot!

As he was kissing me, I felt the warmth of his kisses, and their softness. He kissed me very carefully, and slowly, like any second I was going to break.

- You're so beautiful darling!- he said looking at me, and then kissed me again.


It was morning. Yesterday was the best night of my life. I spend it with the person I love. I couldn't want more.

Elijah was sleeping right next to me. I couldn't help, but look at him. His face was beautiful, and delicate. He was so peacefuly sleeping and as much as I wanted to touch him, I couldn't 'cause I didn't want to wake him.

- You're staring.- he said, oppening his eyes, and smiling.

- Oh, sorry, I didn't want to wake you.

- You didn't. I was awake.- he said, smiling and then he put his hands on my cheeks.

- Last night was...- I said.

- Last night was the best night of our lives, right?- he said, with his hands on my cheeks.

- Yeah, I'm glad that I'm here, in New Orleans, with you right now, Elijah.- I said with my hands on his cheeks too.

- I'm happy to be here with you too, darling.- he said, and then he kissed me.

We spend the morning kissing in bed, and teasing each-other.

- Rise and shine...oh o.I see I'm interrupting something here...I would've knocked...- Klaus said, covering his eyes.

We were covering our bodies with blankets.

- Oh, brother, you should've knocked!- Elijah said, annoyed.

- Sorry, sorry love.- he said.- Anyway, I came here to tell you to come downstairs. To eat breakfast. - he said smiling.

- Oh, okay, we'll come brother. Now you can get out of here.- Elijah said.

- I'm getting out now...- he said, getting out of the room.

- Oh, God...that was...embarrasing, again!- I said, covering my face with the blanket.

He was hugging me from behind and I wanted to stay in the bed more, but we should go downstairs to eat breakfast with the others.

- Ok, now, I'm going to my room, wear something else and we see each-other downstairs, okay?- he said, and then kissed me on the lips.

- Okay, Elijah.- I said.

He went out of the room and I wore jeans and a T-Shirt. Then I went downstairs, finding all the Mikaelson family getting ready to eat breakfast.

- Good morning!- I said, looking at all of them. I noticed that Elijah wasn't there, yet.

- Good morning dear Stefanie!- Rebekah said.

- Good morning everyone!- Elijah said, walking and then everybody sat in the chair, beging to eat.

- How was your night at The Bourbon Street? Did you enjoy the jazz there?- Klaus said, looking at me and then at his brother.

- Oh yeah, we had a lot of fun. I realized that I love jazz!- I said, smiling.

- Well, yeah, Bourbon Street is the spirit of the city.- he said.

- Even though, Marcel, you should tell your nightwalkers to not feed around whenever they want! When we were dancing, they began to lurk around and feed at the humans! They could feed on Stefanie! I told Alex to tell his other vampires to go away, and fortunately, they did!- Elijah said.

- Oh really? I apologise Stefanie, for seeing that bad view...and I will tell them to not feed whenever they want. I will give them half an hour, 8:00- 8:30 at night to feed. But they don't feed on locals, they feed only on turists and then the give them their blood and compel them to forget.- Marcel said, a little worried and with a guilty face.

- It's okay, Marcel. If I'm gonna be with Elijah, I should learn not to be scared of a vampire.- I said, smiling at him. He smiled me back.