Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears:

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.

Till it bore an apple bright.

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veild the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

Niklaus's POV

Not written scene.

Today, in the cemetery with Evelyn.

Then my phone rang and Rebekah asked me where I was and I couldn't tell her I was with Evelyn so I told her I was at my mother's grave. She told me that I did well by going there and that I should go home to eat lunch as a family.

- Look, Evelyn I have to confess something to you. I still...I still love you. And now, that I know the real story, I can't blame you for breaking my heart that day. I...wonder, if you still love me.- I said, getting much closer to her and our bodies were inches away.

I leaned in and kissed her. It reminded me of old times when we kissed. At first she didn't kiss me back, but after a few seconds, she did. My hands were on her neck and hers were on my cheeks.

- Oh, Niklaus! Of course I still love you. I have seen you when you are alone, watching my photos. But is a difference between "love" and being "in love". And I'm no longer in love with you Nik. It always has and will always be Elijah. Only Elijah. I'm sorry.- she said, with her hands on my cheeks.- she said. My heart shuttered into pieces.

- Oh...okay...I see. I...should go.- I said, trying to hide the sadness and heartbreak after those words.

- You go, Nik. I will wait a little longer to face your family. But we will meet again. Soon.- she said, still holding my hands.

- Bye Nik!

- Goodbye Evelyn.- I said. Then she gave me a kiss in the cheek and left. Truth to be told I was shocked. I thought I forgot Evelyn but clearly, I didn't. And all that story she told seemed quite true.

Stefanie's POV

We had so much fun in the amusement park. Me and Elijah went to the Roller Coaster together and I was really scared in the beginnig, but then Elijah grabbed my hand, and I became perfectly fine. Then, we went to a Carousel, a Circular Ride, a Ferris Wheel, etc. Then we all got to a fancy Restaurant, where we all sat and ate dinner. Me and Elijah got spaghetti with pesto, which was very delicious. We ate, and talked, ate and talked, me and Elijah talking about our likes and dislikes, the amusement park, New Orleans, what will we do when we go back to Mystic Falls, etc. Sometimes Rebekah and Kol asked me about my parents. They told me stories when my uncle Stefan was still alive, and he and my father despised The Originals. They tried many times to kill them, but Kol and Rebekah didn't speak with hate. On the contrary, the talked about my family with admiration.

Now we're heading back home, together, as a family. Even I have stayed only two days with the Mikaelsons, I felt like they were my family. And they were. I had build a connection with every one of them. I felt comfortable and like I was at my second home with them.

My arm is around Elijahs' waist and he has his arm around mine. We were walking to the front door. When I got in, I remembered that I promised Klaus about that talk. So, I decided to change, and knock in his door, and talk to him. He seemed like...sad. I never have seen him like that before. I had only seen a sarcastic, funny, and enthusiast Klaus. But everyone has a soft side, right?

So I wore my white pajamas and knocked on his door.

Klaus oppened the door.

- Oh, Stefanie, hey!- he greeted, like he was in deep thought before I knocked.

- Hi Klaus! May I come in?- I said.

- Yes, yes of course. - he said, showing me his room. I got in.

His room was big, and very tidy. It had a bookshelf filled with books, two wardrobes, a big bed, a sofa, and a desk.

I sat on the sofa. Klaus sat right next to me.

- So...what's up with you? You were kind of...sad. Are you okay?- I asked him, with a worried face.

- I'm...I'm fine. Nothing to be worried about.- he said, not looking me in the eyes. When he didn't look me in the eye, I knew what that meant.

- You and me both know that that's a lie. I can't be fooled. Come on Klaus, tell me. You can tell me everything. - I said, trying to make him to look me in the eye and feel comfortable.

He finally did.

- It's, you don't want to know Stefanie!- he said, getting up.

- Oh, yeah, whatever it is, I do want to know.- I said immediately.

-Ugh! Okay well...Elijah told you that you are a doppelganger. He also told you he loved Evelyn, that looked just like you. But he left something out.

- And what is that something?- I asked.

- That is...that I was in love with Evelyn too. Me and Elijah both, loved her deeply back when we were humans. She was a kind, loving person and very beautiful. Two nights after our mother made us vampires, I asked her to run away with me.

- Wait, what?! But Elijah as....

- We both did. We both asked her individually to run away. She said no to the both of us. - he interrupted.- Elijah left out the part when there was a love triangle. She met secretly both of us. When she told us that she had feeling for the both of us...I got jealous. Elijah did too. But Evelyn couldn't decide between the both of us.

- Oh, Jesus! - I said. It was unbelieveable. Elijah didn't tell me that there was a love triangle.

- Today, when I was visiting my mother's grave, Evelyn showed up. She told me the real story. The one that me and Elijah didn't know about. - he said, making eye contact with me.- After we became vampires, my aunt, Dahlia, a very strong witch, paid her a visit. She did some magic to her, and made her believe that she didn't love me and Elijah. She told Evelyn to stay as far away as possible from us. So when we asked her to run away, she said no and some heart breaking words because Dahlia made her to do so. And Dahlia took Evelyn with her for four centuries to make sure that her magic had the right influence on her. But she also used her to get work done. When Dahlia died, her magic wore off. Then she stalked us, to know everything about our lives. Then today she showed up. But I'm sad and heartbroken because I confessed my feelings for her once again, but...she said that she was no longer in love with me and that it will always be Elijah the one she was in love.

- Oh...Klaus...I...I'm so sorry. You don't deserve such harsh words...- I said, feeling sorry for him. He sat again in the sofa next to me, this time closer, but he didn't notice because he was too busy with his story and his thoughts.

- All those centuries...I hold on to hope...I hoped that one day she would come to me and say "I love you Nik" once again. - he said, looking me in the eyes. They were dark green but sometimes they looked brown. I admired his eyes. Now, they were filled with tears, ready to burst out, but one thing told me that he was trying not to cry. I didn't blame him. He was always the one that was funny, had a big, sarcastic smile on his lips and made compliments. He never showed his sadness, or heartbreak. He covered it with his smile, or with his anger. And he did it so well. He must be used to it now.

- You know, Klaus,- I said,- almost all the time you fake a smile, just so they won't judge you. To get it as a sign of weakness.- he smirked.- But crying, or showing your sadness, doesn't make you weak,Klaus. It only shows that you're a caring person. And that means that there's still a human part of you. And a good thing. So you don't have to hide your sadness or the fact that you're heartbroken,with a smile or anger. Sometimes, you have to show your soft side. And believe me, people don't get it as a sign of weakness.

He looked at me in the eyes.

- Stefanie...those words really inspired me. And you're right. I should show my soft side more often. And to be honest, since Hope was born, I showed them more often than I did before. It was her influenece. And now, it's yours.- he said, holding my hands.- Thank you, for being such a good friend. For hearing me out and confronting me.

- You're welcome. Hey, and you better take your mind off that bitch, okay? She doesn't deserve even to mention her name! - I said.

- Yeah, you're right again. She doesn't deserve any of my thoughts about her!- he said, still holding my hands. We stayed quiet for a little. Then I broke the silence.

- Okay, so I should go sleep. It's so late and we should go tomorrow back in Mystic Falls...

- Yeah, yeah, so, Goodnight Stefanie!- he said getting up.

- Goodnight Klaus! Oh, and if you need me, come in the room I'm staying. - I said.

- Yeah, okay. Thank you Stefanie! Goodnight!

- Bye!- I said and got to my room. In the beginning of the stairs was my room, a few inches away was Elijah's and then was Klaus's.

As I oppened the door off my room, I saw Elijah waiting for me in the bed.

- Hey!- I said.

- Hi! - he said. So, a long chit-chat with Klaus huh? - he said but he didn't look angry.

- He was just talking to me about his day. You probably heard it. - I said and when I saw the look in his face I added,- why, are you jealous?

- Me no? I'm got so close with my brother and...

- Elijah, we're just friends! He was just a sad and heartbroken friend, that needed a friend to hear him out and confront him. That's all.- I interrupted.

- I know baby. That's who you are, you always help people out, especially with emotional issues. And I admire you about that.- he said, and kissed me in the cheek. I hugged him.

- I admire that you're so understanding.- I said while hugging him.