Chapter 118 - Mannequin on the move

"Don't worry about that bro, I'll take care of them, just tell the food when you want to move," said Brando.

"Okay bro thank you, it's good that they have their own place to live, so that they don't get in trouble," said Alvin, feeling ashamed.

"Don't think that way okay, yes I know they also want to have their own, so I have no problem with that," Brando said happily.

"Thank you so much Brando, you fell from the sky in our lives!" Happy said of Alvin's mother.

"No problem," Brando said with a smile.

After they ate, they took Alvin's family to the mansion and the two went to their office.

Meanwhile ..,

Misty went to the mall.

And he looked at the mannequins on display there.

As he watched it, suddenly someone called his name.

"Melania?" It says.

Kisty looked away and was shocked when she saw Iris.


"What are you doing here? Why are you alone? "

Iris asked in surprise.