
Thanks to all you readers and everyone who has a character in the story, especially to Polina , Elliott, Strozzapreti , Lily, Bain, and mom , for your ideas, enthusiasm, encouragement, listening, and advice.

Thanks Talion , for all those mornings (at least, it was morning for me) when you gave me your time to talk about LtRF.

AJ, besides your ideas, time, enthusiasm, and friendship, you were one of, if not the most motivating of my readers, yeah, I've said this a hundred times. But actually, thank you.

Pendre MacHerald and Nora, because besides your enthusiasm, friendship, time, and all the other things I thanked the others for, you two asked great questions I had never thought about the answers to and helped me expand the story. Thanks for everything :)

But of course, the biggest thanks goes to Alvin for all those hours you spent helping plan the story, the suggestions, friendship, cheering, support, and all-important and never-failing editing of each chapter before publishing.

Oh, and taking over the LtRF server after I left and posting all those announcements and passing messages between me and Discord friends.

You probably did a million other things I forgot to thank you for.

I never gave you anything in return. . .please just know you're appreciated.

Oh yeah, and thanks dad, for criticizing my unicorns.