Chapter 9

Will wanted Janette to have time to soak in the tub and relax, he knew how tired she must be, but her time was about up. He had noticed a different attitude with the guests this time. Everyone seemed to be truly pleased with his selection. He thought to himself, a find like her was going to be hard to replace. All of a sudden three of the guests approached him.

"We haven't set up any more events. Can I help you with something," Will asked?

The man spoke up first. "We are looking for some private time with her." He said bluntly.

The two women nodded their heads in agreement. Will's face changed. This situation had never come up before. After the orgy, they were supposed to have a final goodbye and she would be taken back home. He was wondering just what was so different about this one that they wanted her so badly. But it seemed to be contagious and it was spreading a little at a time. Will said, "Well I don't know, this is highly irregular, I will have to see if she is willing to comply. Of course, you all know there will be an additional cost for this procedure."

The man spoke up and said, "That doesn't matter at all, I want what I want."

Will could tell that he used to getting whatever he wanted. So now he was in the position of trying to get things arranged for him. It would be up to her of course. Although she hadn't asked any questions or tried to stop anything, it was as if she were born to this lifestyle. He knew that she wanted him, and it seemed like she was willing to try about anything at this point. Will asked, " Just what are your exact plans?"

This caught the guy off guard, and he stopped dead in his tracks to give it some thought. He knew he wanted her free to move, he wanted her touching him, not just a fuck doll. He wanted to look in her eyes as he made her explode, he wanted to see her face when he exploded into her. Yes, that was it, he wanted to watch her eyes as he came deep inside of her. And he wanted it to be without a condom, he wanted her to feel everything that he had.

As he said what he wanted the women's mouths dropped open in a surprised look. But they also wanted to see her face, they wanted to see her eyes light up with delight as she exploded. One wanted to be able to use toys, the other wanted to have her tied, wanting to control her orgasms. Before everything was set up along came Kimberley and Lola. Kimberley was following close behind Lola, her head down and her hands behind her back. She kept her eyes down on the floor, making sure never to look anyone in the eyes except her Mistress, and then it was only when Lola was talking directly to her. Kimberley was very happy being Lola's sub, she knew how much her Mistress loved her. It made them both very happy, filling the needs of Kimberley to serve someone that she loved so much. Kimberley had a desire to please the one she was with and at times it was almost overwhelming. Such a strong desire to make them happy it didn't matter how she was treated as long as she was able to bring pleasure to her Mistress and it was even better because she was loved by her and was protected as well. Her Mistress was loving as well as strong. she was willing to fight and protect her sub from any that would even think about hurting or mistreating her.

Lola said, "My pet was promised more time with her and she will have it." She announced with an indignant tone.

Will remembered just who she was and knew that she always got her way. "Your requests have been heard and I will have to see if she is willing to comply. But there is a matter of the costs and additional time and inconvenience that it will impact her. I believe that 150 thousand will be enough for her to get on board with this do you all agree."

The man nodded without a second thought he knew what he wanted and rite now that was Janette. the other two looked at each other and agreed that it wasn't that much. Lola looked at the excitement that was in Kimberley's face and couldn't turn her down. So she agreed as well.

Will said, "Okay, I will do my best to arrange everything." Then he turned and left them standing in the hall.

Janette awoke still sitting in the tub, the water was still warm and smelled wonderful as she rubbed her arms and face. Her skin was silky smooth, she loved the feel of it. She didn't know if it was the oils in the water or everything that she had just been through. She had never known such desire as what she had just been through. Her mind was still reeling from the sheer amount of bliss she had undergone. She felt her hair, it was completely covered, along with her whole body, in a thin film. She rinsed it off quickly, getting the scent of all those women off of her.

By the time she was done, the door opened, and Will entered, she couldn't help herself but to smile. She watched his every movement as he came across the room. When he got close, he smiled back at her and said, "It looks like you are enjoying yourself."

Janette replied, "Oh my yes. I love this bath." as she blushed a little.

Will said, "I have something to ask you."

Janette looked at him nervously, nodded, and said, "Go on."

"It looks like you have been enjoying your time here. And, well, some of the guests have asked for something different this time. They would like some alone time with you individually, well, as long as you are open to it. I would still be there for you, but they would like to make a few changes to the way it is being done." Will said nervously.

Janette stammered out, "What changes. "

Will saw how nervous she was getting and immediately went into a calming mode to ease her. He said, "It really is nothing to worry about, I will be there to keep you safe and to make sure if you want out, you have away. Basically, the man wants to have you unbound and with no blindfold and he wants to be able to cum inside you without a condom. For your information, all the guests have been thoroughly tested before they are allowed to participate in the games. The others would like to use toys, with one wanting to use the soft lash, and the last would like to watch you have fun with her pet."

She looked up at him with such a hurt look on her face. She was feeling such a want to do whatever he wanted just to please him, but this was asking so much out of her. Everything that has happened was wonderful to her and she felt protected in a way because no one had seen her face so once this is over her life would or could go back to normal. Then a thought hit her hard did she want that to go back to normal.

Will has seen the internal struggle that she was having so he said, "You do realize they are paying very well to spend this extra time with you." He watched her and that part didn't seem to interest her that much.

Janette thought to herself the part with the guy would not be all that bad she had been with guys before and some of them had not used a condom. She had to admit it was kind of thrill when she would feel that intense explosion inside her and the hot spray so deep inside. She then thought about the toys and she had used them on herself before and it would be tame after the few days and all the things that had been happening to her. Next was the one thing that she was worried about, the soft lash, she had to admit when some of them had caused minor pain, it intensified the pleasure that she was having. The last was the pet, she knew it had to be Kimberley, she had felt a connection and the love that was coming from her while she was tied.

Will turned and looked straight in her eyes and asked, "Just what will it take to get you to do this?" With her untied and not blindfolded he needed her willing to do this and do it without any hesitation in her.

She got an evil smile on her face, she realized that he needed her to do this and she knew she could ask for just about anything, and he would do it. So, she could get what she wants and has wanted. She said, "Ok I want the money but there is more before I do anyone else, I want you before I am willing to be with anyone else."

Will was not that surprised at what she wanted, he had felt her desire since they were in the limo, and this was really no big thing, he had wanted her too. Before he answered he waited to see if there were any more conditions that she wanted.

After a minute Will spoke up and said, "Is that all you want?"

Janette thought for a minute and at the time she was happy just getting her way after all this time. She was going to get him and do everything she wanted to. She had found that her desires had grown a lot and now she was ready for everything.

Will said, "Well I already told you, you were getting well paid and as for the other, as long as that is your condition, I have no choice and will give you everything that you want."

Janette nodded and said, "There will be no blindfold and no tying me down."

Will simply nodded his head and smiled. He hadn't planned on anything like that, in fact, he was letting her make all the decisions this time. He wanted to make sure that she was completely satisfied in order for her to fulfill the desires of the others. Will told Janette that he would need a little time to get everything ready and he would return to her when everything was setup. He then quickly left the room and went about making things ready.

Janette finished washing up from head to toe, she was feeling better than she ever had and she was really looking forward to the upcoming events. As she ran her hand down her body, her skin was smoother than she had ever noticed before. She thought that it must be the oils in the water that were making the difference, then she felt her hair, it was super soft and tangle-free. She thought to herself that she could get used to things like this.

As promised, Will returned in a few minutes, when she saw what he had in his hand, she started to get upset. "Before you object, the blindfold is just to get you to the room and nothing more."

Janette's face lightened and a smile returned. At first, she was feeling betrayed, but her concerns were washed away quickly. She was still weak and hadn't really realized it, but she took it slow. Will had a very soft robe and some very plush slippers for her feet. As she stood, he helped towel her off and then slipped the robe over her. She thought to herself that she was truly happy and the smile on her face showed it all. She even smiled as the blindfold was lowered over her eyes and put her back into darkness.

Will started to lead her but she only made it a few steps before she started to stumble. When she did, he swooped her up into his arms, carried her out of the room and down the hall. Her heart was racing from the sheer joy of him carrying her. She could tell he was carrying her with ease. To her it was like floating on air and with each step he took, she found herself pressing into him, wanting more and more. He was halfway down the hall when Will was approached by a couple of guests. As they started to speak, he cut them off letting them know now was not the time for this talk. They were told they needed to contact him later no matter what it was. He quickly turned around and opened the door, he carefully placed her on the bed and slid the blindfold off of her.

She quickly looked around, this was the essence of luxury from the elegant bed to the luxurious spread on it. She could tell this was a room that was never used for anything. It was different from the room she had been in before. Everything in this room matched, the floor, the walls, and the ceiling.

Her concentration was broken when he got close and kissed her on the lips then all she could think of was being in his arms. As they kissed, she slid her hands down his body and under his shirt. She found herself almost drooling from the rippling mussels that formed his chest. The excitement of the moment got to her and she ripped his shirt open. She loved the look of it with all the rippling muscles, just the right amount of hair, she would have something to play with but not so much it was furry.

This time it was all on her, he would do whatever she asked him to do but she had to take the lead and set the pace. Will was ready and willing to service her, he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. He needed her to get exactly what she wanted from this. It wasn't like he was just going to lay back like a lump, he just wanted her to give direction or say what she wanted.

Janette saw that he was waiting for her to get things started and by this time she was more than ready to have some control back in her life. For the first time, she really looked deeply into his eyes. She was hoping to see the love she had in her own reflected back, but it was not there. She could see his eyes were filled with lust and a deep longing she had felt before. She found herself more drawn to him. She wanted to see the love she felt in hers. She moved in close and he moved to her, they shared a passionate kiss. She slid her hands down his body, he lifted his hands to find her breasts. At the first touch, she felt a fire start to grow so deep inside her. Her hunger was growing ever more intense. The feel of his strong hands slid ever so easily under her robe, the roughness of his hands gliding across her breasts finding just what they were looking for as he started playing with her nipples. She found being so excited already, her nipples were harder than normal, and this seemed to excite Will. As he was feeling them, Will shifted, allowing the large bulge in his pants to show better. She really wanted to let it out right away, but she knew that was what he wanted. She thought it better to let the excitement build in him for a while. So, as she kissed his lips, Janette's hands slid up and down his body, always stopping just above his pants.

Every time she slid her hands down, Wills body rose up tempting her to move lower. She felt Will squeeze her nipples harder every time she would get close. Janette thought to herself, his desire was really building. As she watched him, the bulge grew, it was trying hard to get free. She smiled, watching him squirm. She knew he truly wanted her more than ever now.

Janette laid him back on the bed to get a better position on him. She carefully positioned herself over his face. This time as she started to reposition, Will assisted her as she started unbuckling his pants. He grabbed her hips and buried his face deep into her wet pussy. Janette felt his hot wet tongue slide deep into her. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and just enjoyed the sensation of his tongue plundering her so deep inside. She couldn't help but start to ride his tongue allowing it to explore her everywhere. She looked down and saw the huge mound in his pants. Her own hunger couldn't be held back any longer. She carefully unbuckled his belt, unfastened and unzipped his pants. Will's cock sprang to attention as soon as it was released.

Will let out a moan as his cock was freed, he started licking circles around Janette's clit. She couldn't help but start grinding on his face, moaning. She started pulling his pants down, feeling him lift so she could remove them. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into him as he started sucking on her clit, flicking it with his tongue. Janette grabbed his hard cock, felt how hard, hot, and alive it was in her hand. The head was covered with precum as it pulsed in her hand, a big drop came out and started dripping down. Janette didn't want it getting away, she quickly started licking then slid just the tip into her mouth. She began to lick and flick the tip just as he was doing to her clit. They both were riding the high of the waves of pleasure that were building inside them. Both were licking and sucking just trying to please the other, keeping in rhythm with each other. Janette was in no hurry to see this complete, she saw Will's passion was intensifying, she slowed and changed her grip. She wanted him inside her when he exploded and not before.

Will felt himself getting close, he was glad she changed but, he took full advantage of this time to intensify what he was doing. He pulled her harder into him and started sucking harder on her clit. The sudden hard suck and the intense feeling caught her off guard and was too much for her. She couldn't hold back the tremendous orgasm that sprang forth. Every fiber of her being was at that moment tied up in the feeling. She had never in her life let out a scream in pleasure and didn't know it was possible to feel this way as the wave washed over her. She could do nothing, she was trapped in the feeling and all she could do was ride it out. As the wave finally started to diminish, Will gave her another hard suck and he slid two fingers deep into her.

Janette couldn't help herself but let out another scream as the next wave washed over her. Every muscle contracted and the flood gates were opened. The sensation was beyond anything she had experienced before. She couldn't do anything now but attempt to hold onto something to help keep her mind from floating away. As she held on, she squeezed his cock hard and he moved his hips up so she could stroke it better. This brought Janette back, the feel of his hard-pulsing cock in her hand made her want more and it was time she got it.

As the orgasm subsided, she lifted off his face. She looked at his face to see it was completely covered with her juices and turned, carefully let his hard cock enter her wet tight pussy, it was a stretch but felt so good going in. It was large but not so large it hurt, it pressed against her in all the best ways, it filled her completely, the little pain that is caused by the size of it made the pleasure of riding it all the better. Janette found her head spinning from all the things she was feeling, and it made her want more and more.

As Will pushed harder and harder to meet the ferocity of Janette's rhythm, Janette had no control of herself and let go of a huge orgasm within three strokes. Will looked at her and he smiled, she was almost glowing with joy, her skin glistened, the heat of their passion moved them both. Janette's body was tingling all over at once. Every bit of her was alive and tingling and with every movement, she could tell that Will was growing ever closer to exploding deep inside her. This was everything she ever wanted since the first time she had seen him. The orgasm overtook her as she rode him, she felt everything contract and, the incredible sensation of his cock sliding so deep in her, as she came just made her want more and more.

Will feeling her have such a heavy orgasm made him want to please her even more, he was close to exploding himself, but he wanted them to cum at the same time to put her over the top. He started thrusting upward harder and harder to the point he was lifting her off the bed. Janette was not going to hold anything back, she wanted whatever Will could give her. As Will found himself at the point he couldn't hold back any longer, he grabbed Janette's ass. He pulled her onto himself harder, making him go even deeper sending her into a tremendous orgasm as he exploded so deep inside her.

The orgasm overtook anything that Janette could do but just feel it and float with the waves of pleasure that she was trapped in. Wave after wave hit her as she floated not knowing anything or caring about anything else at this point nothing else mattered. Wave after wave met her as she rode him and feeling him explode the pulsing twitching so deep in her wouldn't let her slow or stop her body was crying for more and as he slowed as his orgasm finished, he only slowed but didn't stop he kept driving into her and that kept her orgasm going. At first, Jenette was ready just to be held as he started to soften but then he re-hardened and started driving her harder than ever he flipped Janette onto her back and started driving her harder he wanted her to know just how good he really was. all Janette could do was moan and at the height of each orgasm, she couldn't help to let out a little scream of delight.

Will let her have two orgasms on her back before he put her in the doggie position, he wanted to use her like no one ever had he wanted her to remember this for the rest of her life and to judge every other man in her life by this fuck she was getting now. As he was taking her from behind, he slapped her ass leaving a slight red mark. Janette had always been afraid to be wild scared of what others might call her or say she only would let men do her in the missionary position not that she let very many even get that far most wouldn't even get to date her she had her work and her simple life. But now a new world was alive in her filling her.

Will felt the orgasm growing in him again and he knew where he wanted his load to go. He reached over and grabbed the lube that was on the stand next to the bed. Seeing this Janette tensed she had heard that anal sex was very painful a little pain was fine, but she didn't know about this. As she tensed Will said, "Don't worry I will be gentle, I will not hurt you, I promise."

Janette looked at him and she was unsure, but she trusted him and decided to let him have his way with her. When he had coated his cock, he very carefully started putting it in her ass he made sure to do it very slowly and tenderly putting it in just a little then stopping to let her get used to the size of it. He had lured her inside and out as well and it was incredible once it was inside at first, he was moving very slowly letting her get used to it but slowly he increased the speed and how hard he was pushing it into her. Just before he exploded again, he had grabbed her hips so he was slamming her as hard as he could and as he finally exploded, he felt her spraying her cum all over his leg.

When they had cum together at the same time Janette was shaking all over and the sensation of trembling inside wouldn't stop even after the orgasm had finished, she knew that she had cum as much as she could now and all she wanted was to cuddle. They both rolled to their sides, spooning and Will left his cock in her till it totally deflated. They laid together in a loving embrace, not saying a word, both content the other was there with them. It was not long before they both drifted off to sleep.